Last weekend, after the AUDC days were over, Girl invited me and Naz to join the Hess Family day at Port Dickson with Girl’s family. Was held at Guoman Hotel Port Dickson. For 3 days and 2 nights… so, ape lagi..kitorang join je la.. hehe.. =)
Day One
The journey to PD took about 4 hours! Because Girl’s big sis wanted to join the treasure hunt contest. Or not, we could arrive PD in less than 2 hours.. hehe..
So.. for the treasure hunters, we had to decorate our car.. and to dress up a lil’ bit for there was a competition for that too.
Flag off was at Titiwangsa @ 3.00pm. Our team named ‘The Wave’ by the way. Dunno why we chose that name. Maybe because of the thing that Naz's colored and drew looked like waves kot. Hehe.
It turns out that we were the only one that has decorated our car! =)
The treasure hunt was really exciting! And funny too..tergelak2 nak selesaikan benda tu.. Especially the ‘go-ahead-nod’ part! Girl laa.. suka sgt buat lawak.. Hehee..
We were really trying to understand what the quote was all about.. We got the answer only until the last half an hour…
If I’m not mistaken, the quote says:
“It sounds like a go ahead nod when you take an O out of the brand’s name,
It is next to the color of hulk,
And is best to serve with Aladdin’s lover,
With add something less to make it healthy.”
Or something. Can’t really remember it.
Puas kitorang dok memikir kan… Rupa2 nye it was Yeo’s Jasmine Green Tea.

At first we thought it was the Super Power coffee or something..
Sbb kan iklan dia ada mcm Jin hijau tu.. hehe.. Tp pikir2 balik tak lojic, tak kan nak suruh beli mahal2 pulak, sampai 16ringgit sbb yg mase Mamee tu murah je, bape sen je. Lgpun,yg jasmine and green tea tu kitorang mcm dah agak.. hehe.
So puas kitorang cari Jasmine green tea.. Brand je yang mcm tak dpt agak lg.. pastu nasib baik ternampak air Yeo’s tu.. The moment Naz nampak je air kotak Yeo’s tu, kitorang menjerit excited kuat giler! hehehe..
Ye la, after 3 hours of thinking what the heck it was, of course we’re excited! Semua org dlm kedai terkejut pandang pelik..haha.. malu k! ;p
But never mind, the answer was right. hehe..
Sampai2 jer… fuh.. badan saket!! 4 hours in car! hehe.. But nvm, we had fun! Best sgt! Dah la kakak girl tu klaka. Huhu =)
Ouh I was so excited, katil dia best! Besarr!! Huhu.. dunno what size they are. It’s smaller than a Queen-sized bed, but bigger than a Super-single sized bed,tho. Boleh tdo 2 org dgn sgt selesa.. hmm.. Maybe it’s a princess-sized bed, I think. Heh.
We're arrived at our room mase dah nak dekat maghrib, then terus mandi, solat, etc cuz around 8pm we had a BBQ dinner at Aquamarine & Open space. I prefer to eat in the Aquamarine, ada air-cond. plus it’s a non-smoking area. But they wanted to eat outside.. So, terpaksa berhijrah la.. heh. I don’t mind pun…
Although it was a buffet dinner, I didn’t really eat heavy meals that much. Just one piece of meat. And 3 rounds of shark’s fin soup (I really love shark’s fin soup, btw) It was scrumptious! And some deserts…
Then later Girl and Naz ajak main foosball.. I suck at this game. So I played only one round because Girl made fun of me. Huhu. Plus tgn saya saket and I’m sick of losing. hehee.. So I played a car racing game instead.. Token dia 1 jek. So ok la. huhu.
Then later, it was time for our bed! Ahh.. What a long day we had!
Day Two
9.00 am: Breakfast at Aquamarine.
I ate a lot, man! Was really damn starving and food was really good! hehe

Burpppp.. My stomach felt BIGGG.. heh =P
Haih.. mcm mane laa mau kurus ini macam..huhu.
Then, around 10.30am, we gathered at the lawn area for the opening ceremony and a Fun Tele-match and then followed by a prize giving session..

I’m not sure which team won.
After all prizes have been given away, we went to the face painting and henna booth. We had our hand painting session. I got one for myself! hehee =)
I wanted a high heel shoes pic or maybe a crown or a star. But unfortunately we can’t choose the pictures cuz they had their list already. =( So I chose a rose to be painted on my wrist instead.
I’ve always wanted to have a tattoo at my wrist if I were to have a tattoo. I personally think it’s sexy. Hehee ;p
Later, we had our lunchie at Aquamarine. I didn’t eat much. My stomach was still full at that time. So I took coffee and some kids meal like sausages, nuggets, etc only.
And then of course, we had our photo momentos. Hehe.

..and this is Naz’s so-called artistic photos; a glass in a glass. Hehee ;p
and this..
Then we all balik bilik and rehat, solat, ,mandi, baring, tdo, take pictures sum more..huhu and sempat main try2 baju for the dinner. Hehe.. I was told that we have to wear something red for the dinner and they also gave us a little something to be worn for that night.

So then, Naz and I tried to 'invent' a new style. Haha. I mean, obviously there will be plenty of people to wear the songket like some sort of kain or sarong or pareo. Or something. You know like the usual ones..
I wanted to look a bit different.heh.. ;p
So, after we tried to lilit the songket here and there for an hour, then only we got the idea. Huhu. My outfit was quite simple,tho.
We couldn’t think of anything else because the kain was not enough.
Anyway, it was the combination of Naz’s and my ideas to make it look like that.huhu.
Big thanks to u Naz, for being my ‘designer’. Hehee.
Later, around 5pm, Girl ajak mandi with little Harries and his ibu . I didn’t have swimming attire. Plus, it was freakishly hot.
And I wasn’t really in the mood to be tanned because I already have a golden brown skin tone. Haha.
..but I brought essential stuffs for them to use or borrow. huhu.
You know like sunblock lotions for face and body, tinted moisturizer, tanning lotion(to get the bronzing and shiny effect! saje menggedik! haha =P), the after-sun cream.. some magazines and novel, ipod, sunglasses, lipbalm/lipgloss, body and face spray, and some wet tissues..

So me and Naz just walked around the pool area and took some pichas.hehe.
That's what we do! =)

After girl had finished swimming, we got back to our room and started to get ready for the gala dinner.
While getting dressed, I dunno why I was freaking nervous. Maybe because for the first time ever I was gonna wear something that is not exactly real clothes and not really myself. Plus, I haven’t really got the chance to try it for a lot of times.
I mean, for the first time ever, I’m gonna wear a songket without any seam and my outfit for that night all depends on my safety pins.
So there I was, thinking what if suddenly when I walk, the pins all broke and gone?
What if my headscarf suddenly undone by itself?(cuz I wasn’t wearing any pins!)
What if I fell when I walk in my 4 inch heels and they’re not that comfortable cuz I haven’t bite them. What if this, what if that, etc..
And Girl was serious about giving my name to the kakak in charged for me to be nominated for the Best Dressed.
And I seriously do not want that to happen as I have a serious freakishly stage fright!
So there I was, getting ready in the room while being so penakut and nervous and menggelabah.haha. Pastu Girl saje tambah kan lagi my nervousness.
She said she will put my name in the HESS Got Talent competition. She wanted me to sing pulak! I was damn freaked out sebab Girl ni bukan nye boleh caya sgt kadang2.. Hee.
And I am not the kind of a person who can be spontaneous any time, any where. Ever.
For a moment there, I thought I was getting ready for my wedding because I was feeling a lil' edgy and freaky. Haha. =P
Dah la kitorang siap lambat! hadei..
Luckily kakak Girl arrived early so they have reserved seats for us. And our table was at the front corner of the stage. Depan speaker. Pekak telinga haku..
There were quite a number of people who compliments my whole attire for that night.hehee. ;)
All thanks to my buddy, Naz, Girl’s mom’s scarf and also Girl, for invited me to this family day thingy.
Thanks gurls. =)
Everybody was wearing red!! It was like a Chinese New Year and we’re having the ‘makan besar’ thing. Hehe.
but I did not makan besar at all. I was too nervous to have two things in my stomach; butterflies and heavy foods! Hehee. Tengah makan pun Girl lagi kena2 kan saya… iskk..
Dia suruhnye haku nyanyi jap lagi. mana laa aku tak menggelabah!
While having dinner, there were pictures playback for the past 2 days programmed and then, there were also emcee games with participants.
It was really fun and exciting! I like one of the games, that requires the wifey to stick her hubby’s body and face with cello tape on whichever part they like as many as possible and then to take all the stickers off using only their mouth within 5 minutes.
It was so cute to see them kissing and biting their hubbies’s faces and heads and other body parts. The team that has many stickers left loses.
And then there were also the answer presentation of the Treasure Hunt contest and of course prize giving to winners. We didn’t win for the treasure hunting part. But we won the decorating car part! hehe.
Durh, it was obvious that we're the winner cuz none of them who has decorated their cars. huhu. And the prize was a RM 100 Isetan vouchers!

Later, it was time for HESS Got Talent… few people were singing. I think there were about 4 participants kot..
And then…there comes my part! I was nominated for the Best Dressed for the night. There were 6 nominees altogether. We had to act like were models. and there’s a lil’ bit of interviews and after that, we had to catwalk a bit.
Huh, as expected, I was sooo menggelabah! I almost fainted okay!
Luckily I did not. Phew.

Anyway, here's my video:
hehehe.. =P
The winner was based on crowd cheering when our names be called upon. The crowd cheered boisterously for each and every model. Klaka pun ade jugak. And it was quite a tough decision to make for the judges to judge for the cheers of the fans.heheh. Sbb semua pun mcm lebih kurang je jeritan diorang..huhu..
Ok, obviously I did not win. I am not even one of HESS staffs.
So of course no body would recognize me to cheer out loud for me. Ha-ha. (it is as if I were the Hess staff member, I'd win..huhu) =P Heh..
But never mind, after all I am not dressed to win for that 100bucks Isetan vouchers. (Although if I get it would be great. I mean, I could buy new shoes for free!) Hehe ;p
Anyway, the Miss Hess for 2008 was this girl

After prizes had been given to all the best dressed male, female, boy and girl, there was a singing contest. There were 3 groups and each group had to pretend and act like they were a rock band.
All songs that were played were more like a classic rock song.. or perhaps a rock kapak song. Huhu.

And then prize giving session and lucky draw.
After that, free and easy karaoke but we didn’t wait until the whole event was over.
Kitorang penat nak balik and tdo terus.. huhu.
Tapi sempat amik gambar lagi b4 balik..hehee =)
Day 3
It was our last day!
Bangun pagi2, and we had our last breakfast at Aquamarine

Lepas mkn kitorang gi naik Banana Boat! Takot!! Seb baik air x dalam..huhu.. dah laa haku x reti berenang..
But it was fun!!! Mase terbalik tu terkejut giler! hehee

Pastu balik bilik..mandi,siap2 and start packing our stuff cuz it was time for us to go home! sobs. =(

This was the best Family Day I've ever gone to! Seriously, MAB pun x sebest nih.. hehee..
Ok, thats all for today! Tata..
u should have won la...not that fatty girl! huhuh..
ReplyDeletebut seriously, r they blind? ure outfit was the most creative n stylo babe!
she should but that 'fatty' girl happens 2 b my kazen n she is stylish u have anything against fat ppl? she maybe fat but she can diet..ugly ppl cant do bad 4 u huh?