Last week I ate a hell of a lot of fattening foods!! Ice creams, foods with lotsa cheeseeee, oily foods n lots more! Gosh! No wonder I’ve gained another 1 kg now!! Sobss.. =(
Whenever I go to somewhere nice (or maybe not so nice.. hehe) , I always take pictures of what I eat, especially if the food looks presentable and nice. Hehe..
And today, I looked in my pictures folder, and I was shocked to see there’s a lot of food pics!! Tak prasan langsung makan banyak mcm ni for the past week!! Ishh..
So here's what I had for the whole last week:
On Saturday:
For lunch I ate something from Paddington..I forgot the name la..something with hash brown, sausages,baked tomato,etc..

And for dinner, Nasi Goreng Special from Naili's.
I had my minum petang at Eden's Cafe.. I chose an Iced Latte and a Mud Pie..
And I must say, this one is extremely pleasing to the sense of taste! hehe.. It's so delectable! It tastes like snickers combined with chocolate ice cream!! Yummeh!

And for dinner, I had mee kungfu and a banana split as my desert..hehee
For my brunch I had White Coffee drink and a Nasi Lemak at Bangi Kopitiam.

Dinner: Aldy Char Kuey Teow.. Dia punya char kuey teow memang bapak sedap dowh! Boleh makan 3 round! hehee ;p

Brunch: OldTown Ipoh Hor Fun Noodle

Dinner: Avocado Club Egg Rolls, Caramel Sundae Ice-cream and Iced Cappuccino from CPK. and this avocado egg rolls pun sedapp!! Cheese dia memang sangat rase gemok!

Brunch: Oldtown Chicken Ham with Cheese Polo Bun

Dinner: Paksu blanje mkn at Madam Kwan's.. And I ate Nasi Bojari and Sago Gula Melaka.. And he gave me 2 slices of choc cake from Coffee Bean. (one for me, and one for my roomie). Haih..dia ni memang nak bagi aku gemok la..huhu..
But anyway, thanks a zillion, paksu! For the dinner and the starbucks tumbler and the cakes and the perfume!! hehee =)

Brunch: OldTown Javanese Mee.
Dinner: Dome Spicy Chicken Olio.
Brunch: Tosai at mamak

Dinner: Manhattan Fish Market's Seafood Platter for two..and a Sweet Alabama milkshake.. Sgt sedap!!

Anyway, I bought a book called How The Rich Get Thin..from Park Avenue doctor Jana Klauer. Has anyone read this book? Best tak? hmm..
PS: To you, when can I get my shoes?? heheheh ;p
PSS: Along!! Jom Yoga please!! Haku serious da gemok dowwwwwh!
OMG Wanie! Ur selera mkn ala2 i juge.. Hehehe! Btw, i ate Manhattan Fish Market's Seafood Platter for ONE, Salmon King bla bla bla and ape ntah (share ber'3 okeh!) on Friday for dinner too!! Tapi i gi yg kat Alamanda la.. Hehehe! Shedap kan kan!
ReplyDeleteBtw, i got the "stuffs" already. Thank you so much! Eventho i dah abis belek lg.. baru bukak wrapper & usha sket2 je brg inside tp i'm excited already! Hahaha.. Thx ya! =)
Anita ;)
bestnye makannss..
ReplyDelete;) xpe pasni diet la..
ReplyDeleteaku mkn tak berpedoman once/twice a week. ko hari-hariii.. ko dah knapeee?? haha. ni mesti kes forum olympic ;p
mmhhh but CPK's avocado club egg rolls tu sedap sgt kannn! i love one of the dips.
jom yoga! asik jom dari aritu tapi takgi gi ;p
tu dia makan..hahaha tapi semua nampak cam sedap saja...
ReplyDeletenie every week camnie ke or only on certain weeks...
but wanie nampak slim boleh la melantak without guilt sbb badan tak naik dipam2..
lucky youuuuu ;)
wanie...siyes...mmg looks tempting but menggemukkn!!hey!i like char kuey tiow..mmg sedap ekk..nanti dtg kl ble pi cari!!!thanks 4 the info..
ReplyDeletekak anita: yeke? i gi yg kat parade punye..hehee..
ReplyDeleteanyway, enjoy ur stuff k! ;)
mrs hafiz: hahaha.. dah 4 thn try diet..tak diet2 gak..dah beli HL shakes tu pon..tak abis lg smpai skrg.heh
*saya kuat makannnn!* huhu ;p
along: ntah la..haku pon taktau ini kes ape mkn byk sgt tak hingat doniaaaa...huhuhuhh..
nak period dah kot..tah mcm ari2 je aku mkn byk camni..haha ;p
ok..wikend ni kte pi pavi k..kite berdaftar bersama2...huhuhu..
kak shay: tu la..mmg sume sedap pun..tu sbb laa nafsu takleh tahan..huhuh..
selimm?? selim tang manaaa tuh?? huhuhu..pipi ku naik seperti kena pam laa!! huhu..
katak_78: hehe..char kuey teow mmg sedap pon kan!! hehee ;)
cik wani, i ni peminat char kuey teow. boleh tak nak tau itu aldy char kuey teow mana dia punya tempat, if u dont mind telling? apa punya bahasalah ini saya cakap..hehehe...thanks.
ReplyDeletebeshyer mkn sodap2.pokai poket bf ko ni,hehhe.smua mkn bender mahal.saye mkn gerai jer.nak mkn mahal kene menabung dulu.ehehhe,tgk awak mkn pun jadi la.keep on writing!
ReplyDeleteseyes dear.. those foods sooooo tempting lor.. haaaiisshh!! pewutku lapooooo..~~
ReplyDeleteaiman: aldy char kuey teow tu gerai tepi jalan je.. kat taman melati..kat area2 shophouses tu..depan D' Mamak Corner..satu rm3.50.. sekian time kasih..hehe
ReplyDeleteOMG. I just lurvvvvvvvv the food kat blog nih... Menjamu mata.
ReplyDeleteEmm..Nampak sedap.
ReplyDeleteFor the best char kuey teow in the world, mai la Penang! :p
omigod wani... gile jadi lapar tgk..
ReplyDeletei miss malaysian food!!!
wani dear,all the foods make we all lapa.hahaha.tempting gile!huhu.btw,wani takde ke nk jual 2nd hand long scarves?jual laa.jual la.huhuhu
ReplyDeletewani,all the food makes me lapa la :( hihihi.wani,takde ke u nk jual ur long scarves?sush laa mau carik kt market :(
ReplyDeletealyaa: oh hye alyaa! what a cool pic u got there! hehe.. anyway, hows uk? mesti best kan? ;)
ReplyDeletemisya & ayesha: urm...yea..i got one or two longscarves yg i beli tapi tak pakai2 lagi..sbb taktau nk pakai dgn baju ape..hehe..tgk laa nnt, i'll hv an entry for my baju2 n scarves yg i nak let go k..
ok tata.. ;)
u ate all that n only gained 1 kg?? wow.. lucky u.. T_T
ReplyDeleteomg. the food on your blog is making me hungry!
ReplyDeleteeh btw, u seem familiar. u study kat mana?
B: im studying in iium.. and u katne? same ke?
ReplyDeleteoh no. i dekat lkw. tp muka u mcm pnh nampak je. ;)
ReplyDeletesuke blog u blog ur sis jugak.....keep on writing dear!!
ReplyDeletewani, where's PASTIS? I teringin nak mkn scones. (and I'm pregnant) HEEEELP!! - Miss E
ReplyDeletemiss E: Pastis kat the Gardens, level G, in front of Isetan. sekian. hehe
ReplyDeleteGood for people to know.