Shopping has always been said to be a therapeutic agent. And it has long been referred to as "retail therapy". Many women said it can offer a healthy release for tension and stress. They view shopping as a truly enjoyable and uplifting experience..
Is that really true?
Not for me, I guess.
Well..not at least when there were sales and promotions everywhere in the world!! huhu..
When so many shops announced that they are having a preview sale or members' day or mega sales or something, I wouldn't be so excited about it.. Because unfortunately it can cause stress and anxiety for me! =(
I just couldn't stand the crowd and the enormous number of human beings! and not to mention the smell! hehe ;p
I mean, when there were so many people gathering together, and the act of catching and snatching and grabbing stuffs would happen, so then of course we would eventually sweat a lot! Rightt? hehe..
So that's why I don't really fancy shopping during sales period. I mean, I won't enjoy as much as I would during off peak season larh...hehe.. ;p
But what to do? To get great discounts and bargain stuff, the price that we have to pay is to berebut with other people la kan? hehe..
Anyways, I went to KLCC with my darling sister on Friday, to have our buka puasa and shopping! hehe.. ;)
Is that really true?
Not for me, I guess.
Well..not at least when there were sales and promotions everywhere in the world!! huhu..
When so many shops announced that they are having a preview sale or members' day or mega sales or something, I wouldn't be so excited about it.. Because unfortunately it can cause stress and anxiety for me! =(
I just couldn't stand the crowd and the enormous number of human beings! and not to mention the smell! hehe ;p
I mean, when there were so many people gathering together, and the act of catching and snatching and grabbing stuffs would happen, so then of course we would eventually sweat a lot! Rightt? hehe..
So that's why I don't really fancy shopping during sales period. I mean, I won't enjoy as much as I would during off peak season larh...hehe.. ;p
But what to do? To get great discounts and bargain stuff, the price that we have to pay is to berebut with other people la kan? hehe..
Anyways, I went to KLCC with my darling sister on Friday, to have our buka puasa and shopping! hehe.. ;)
It was the Parkson Elite Day and Isetan Members' Day. So many good stuff they were offering.. So I guess that's why there were so many humans! hehe.
I almost pass out when we were at the Isetan Ladies Department.. Gosh! Women are crazy, I tell u! hehee..
I managed to grab a few tops and some hair care products and some other stuff..
and then..because there were sooo many people in KLCC, so we moved to Pavilion pulak. haha.. ;p
And we had this for our buka puasa:

And look what we chose for our drinks!

It's true what they said.. Orang tamak, selalu rugi! haha ;p
This is a little summary of my catch of the day.. heh.
- L'Occitane Radiant Shine Hair Mask
- L'Occitane Aromachologie Shampoo & Conditioner
- The Body Shop Guarana Berry Hair Volumizing Mousse
- Mphosis Leather Woven Wedge Thongs in Black (as my flip-flops!)
- Naf Naf Chain Necklace
- Naf Naf Yellow Mustard Shirt
- Forever 21 Satin Tunic Top in Navy
- Forever 21 Black Satin Shirt
- Topshop Lace Bolero
- Topshop Satin Ruffle Corset
- Topshop Slinky Pintuck Corset
- Stila Lipgloss
- Stila Backstage Beauty Eye Shadow Palette - The Red Carpet Look (it comes with a Kajal eyeliner!)
And I got a complimentary eye make-up by purchasing the Backstage Beauty Eye Shadow Palette. There are two types for this range; one is The Front Row Look and another is The Red Carpet Look.. I bought the latter one.. =)

Oh, and also..I received another Starbucks tumblers from Paksu..and some cute little teddy bears.. Thank you! =)
Being a Parkson Elite member, I was entitled to receive a knicker from Valisere!! It's worth Rm99! Gila laa.. one brief cost almost a hundred bux! ishh.. But who cares.. I got it for free! And it's pure silk! hehe ;p
Thank You Parkson!
huuu...i'm glad i bought that topshop lacey bolero! bila dah pakai betul2 nampak hokey jer.. i think i'm gonna send it to ZA Altera kot..nak suh letak lining. leceh la nak pakai2 baju kat dlm. when u're pregnant, baju lapis2 can be really annoying!
ReplyDeletep/s: jumahat ni ada Bonus Link members' day plak weh. sampai kul 11pm!
i wish i could muat that topshop ruffle corset!!! lawa laaaa.... isk.
ReplyDeletebesauuu nyaa mata!
wani we call that corset or tube ar?i confuse..
ReplyDeletehye.. i'm one of ur silent reader.. n i had much fun to know all about beauty, clothes n etc... y not u reveal all bout ur beauty stuff.. i means from ur skincare till da mekap.. cam best jer.. i heard u also 1 of da clarins user?? isn't it?? last week i ada join clarins workshop n manage to get some stuff.. tp skincare die blum pnah gune..ok ke skincare die?? they also offer me 50% off for the facial treatment? best x facial die?? FYI, i got much22 black+white head on my nose.. nway, thanks if u would like to share:D
ReplyDeleteSeronoknya shopping!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteanonymous: meh saya tolong jwbkan..
ReplyDeletethe topshop ones are corset sbb dia ada cam wire at the body n the bust to mold n shape the body. the slinky one is more like a tube top to me... sbb dia nyer wire is just at the bust.
hey hey
ReplyDeletei was also at parkson pavillion that day.. friday night. not sure which day u went, was having a feeling u'll be coming to stila counter buy something! haha...
Uppss!!!Banyaknyela budak ni rembat!!!!When r u going to let go some of ur unwanted stuffs haaa??Especially tie rack!!Nanti kalo ada menda nak let go..tell me!!!
ReplyDeletep/s:Aritu pink mama ada offer kat i beli Sophie Kinsella's book from her!!!suka!!!suka!!Kalo dah habeh..nanti I minttttaaaak tlg u belikan!tenkiu sis!
:) sis, grabbed dark colored topss?
ReplyDeletebut hey, they're nice..
me pun x ske shopping time sesak2.. kalau nak shopping time sale, kene bgn seawal the 1st to get there.. hehe
dik, xbaik membaik membazir.. "relative" syaitan taw.. next tyme finish ur meal k.. :-)
ReplyDeletealong: bahekk laa...
ReplyDeletenanti on the 25th and 26th sila jadi tak berpedoman semula ye! hehehe ;p
anonymous1: err.. is that a compliment or a disparagement?
if it's a compliment..well then..thank u! stila made it for me! hehe ;p
and if it's a disparagement, erm..well..I was born with a pair of quite a big erm..cant really do anything about that..huhuh.
anonymous2: my sis dah jwbkan da..hehe
rosliza: oh..really? thanks. ;)
erm.. yeah, i think i'll blog about that later2 yeah since ramai gak tny2 abt my skincare regime nih..hehe.. altho i have to admit, i dont have a perfect skin pon..every now n then i got nasty pimples berterabur atas muka..haha.. ;p
anyways, since u got a voucher, u shud go n try it! facial dia mmg best.. verry relaxing.. i like it!
n for ur black n white heads tu.. try pakai porepack or scrub ur face twice a week..n kalo tak leh gak..beli la blackhead remover tool..dia cam besi pjg tu..u tau tak? heh..kat watson byk jual..
reena: hehe.. sronok2! dah lame tak splurge myself with shopping..huhu ;p
miu: hehe.. i went to pavillion on friday laa! but i was there sekejap jer! and i bought the stila eyeshadows the next day at klcc! lol
miss froggie: erm..nanti la malas la nak amik gamba satu2.. maybe after my final exam kot.. mase tu da bole la ade sesi mengambil gambo byk2..hehe
mrs hafiz: hehe..tu la pasal kan..kalo tak, memang kena bersesak dgn org yg ramai gilos laa..hehe
anonymous3: OOO. Ok, baik mak..hehe