I need your opinion,babes..
Which one of these fabulous clothes look better?
Please..feel free to vote your favourite ones!
1) Bow Cardigan: Topshop Bow Detail Cardigan in Off-white or Black
In Off-White/Cream
In black
2) Bow Blouse: Forever 21 Pussy Bow Blouse in Yellow or Teal
In yellow
In teal
3)Sheer Top:
Warehouse Waterfall Ruffles
Principles Navy Blouse
Forever 21 Sheer Crop Top
4) Ruffles and Frills Top in purple:
Principles and Forever 21
5)Black Satin Corset:
Topshop Satin Ruffle Corset
Forever 21 Satin Corset Top
6) Hot Pink Top: Dorothy Perkins Drape Front Cardy or Principles Hammer Silk Blouse
Dorothy Perkins Drape Front Cardy
Principles Hammer Silk Blouse
7) Drapey Front Top: Dorothy Perkins Knit Wrap in Cocoa or Black
In cocoa
In black
8) Purple Blouse: Miss Selfridge Vee Top or Principles Damson Tunic
Miss Selfridge Vee Top
Principles Damson Tunic
9) Lace Top: Forever 21 Lacey Love Top or Topshop Lace Bolero
by Forever 21
by Topshop
10) Simple & Relax Top (in turqoise): Miss Selfridge Chevron Bib Tunic or Dorothy Perkins Jade Jewel Tie Waist Top or Topshop Tie Cuff Cowl Neck Jumper
Miss Selfrige Chevron Bib
Dorothy Perkins Jade Jewel Tie Waist Top
Topshop Tie Cuff Cowl Neck Jumper
11) White Shirt with Black Details: Warehouse or Principles
Warehouse Lace Insert Button Through Blouse and Principles Shirt with Black Tipping
12) Red-hot Blouse: Principles Satin Twill Jacket or Principles Plait Front Blouse or Principles Scarlet Lattice Front Top
Satin Twill Jacket
Plait Front Blouse
Scarlet Lattice Front Top
Thank You!!!
Which one of these fabulous clothes look better?
Please..feel free to vote your favourite ones!
1) Bow Cardigan: Topshop Bow Detail Cardigan in Off-white or Black

2) Bow Blouse: Forever 21 Pussy Bow Blouse in Yellow or Teal

3)Sheer Top:



4) Ruffles and Frills Top in purple:

5)Black Satin Corset:


6) Hot Pink Top: Dorothy Perkins Drape Front Cardy or Principles Hammer Silk Blouse

7) Drapey Front Top: Dorothy Perkins Knit Wrap in Cocoa or Black

8) Purple Blouse: Miss Selfridge Vee Top or Principles Damson Tunic

9) Lace Top: Forever 21 Lacey Love Top or Topshop Lace Bolero

10) Simple & Relax Top (in turqoise): Miss Selfridge Chevron Bib Tunic or Dorothy Perkins Jade Jewel Tie Waist Top or Topshop Tie Cuff Cowl Neck Jumper

11) White Shirt with Black Details: Warehouse or Principles

12) Red-hot Blouse: Principles Satin Twill Jacket or Principles Plait Front Blouse or Principles Scarlet Lattice Front Top

Thank You!!!
wani..baju2 DP tu u tgk online ke ade kat kedai?sbb cam cantik2 pulak..kat kedai slalu cam blaaahhh je
ReplyDeletethe polka-dot bow for the topshop bow cardy in black is totally a turn-off for me. looks jinjang jer macam!
ReplyDeleten i didn't vote for either one of the lacey tops coz errr err...too much lace!
i love the purple Miss Selfdrige vee top btw! i wish the sleeves are longer tho..at least 3/4.
weh jom shopping sama2 nanti? aku takleh la shopping ngan muaz. he makes me feel guilty spending money. grrrr...
good taste!!
ReplyDeleteni mesti nak shopping raya kan?? hehe bestnyee!!
ReplyDeleteyaya heska: hehe..tu la pasal kan..i tgk kat kedai tak byk yg cantik lar...
ReplyDeleteI tgk online jer..lom pegi lagi kedai dia..jarang nk masuk sbb..rase cam baju2 dia byk x cantik..huhu
along: haha..yup! it doesnt look topshop-like..heh..
the lace top from topshop looks better in real life u know.. for me la.. heh.. dah try dah haritu..huhu
ok! jom shopping sama!! nak beli byk2 baju laa..bosan da baju haku...aku da tadek baju yg lawa...iskk
katak_78: thank u!
meera: err..yeah..heh.
just browsing je dulu..hehe
betul...i tgk kat OU la paling best pun...tp still kene pegi semua DP..sbb lain2 design gak..anyways..semua pun cun..nnt i vote ye? oyaa..kalau selfridge pun not bad jugak..kdg2 nampak cam xsopan je semua..tp ade gak yg cun2 tetibe..
ReplyDeleteyaya: hehe.. cun tibe2? hehehe.. ;)
ReplyDeletetu la pasal.. kadang pegi kedai cam xde yg berkenan jer mcm.. tapi bile online, ade byk la plak choice..haihh..
anyway, thanks for voting! i tgh nak buat compare n contrast nih..hehe.. ;p
lovely tops..
ReplyDeleteme paling suke topshop bow cardigan in offwhite, Principles Satin Twill Jacket and Forever 21 in purple frills top.
me dah vote anyway.. hope it helps.. ;)
ReplyDeletethe red blouses memang cun!
ReplyDeletei like the first pic :)
hey u 3 sisters been hit by Bow/Wrap/Tie/Ribbon trends tsunami!!!
ReplyDeleteim not sure if they do international delivery but try Supre..Aussie brand..die buat int delivery..surf la website derang..cute2 jugak..they only charge like aussie dollar 30 kot..
ReplyDeletewhat a coincidence!! i saw almost all of the tops u are comparing & contrasting at their shops yesterday! hehe
ReplyDeleteanyway, most of the tops nampak lawa online jeee. real life looks kinda cheap!! especially the ruffles bit. tak cantik!
IMHO, the ones yg I vote nampak cantik, when tried on. but then again, I'm small and most of the tops nampak selekeh bila I pakai. esp,the silky types..so droopy. but since u've got fuller figure, mesti nampak lawa on u!! hehe
whatever u do, make sure u try it on, bak kata my hubby, it has to be hands on! hahah whatever that's supposed to mean. :D
have fun shopping!
Wani, want to inform ;) ;) :)
ReplyDeleteluxury clearance sale including chloe n jimmy choo
Luxury Clearance Sale By Valiram Group
When : 19th(Friday) - 21st(Sunday) September 2008
Brands&Products Offered:
Charles & Keith
Shanghai tang
Luxury Watches
Jimmy Choo
Luxury Fashion
Selangor Pewter
plus many other favourite brands
can add more bags!!!