This year's Raya is not as meriah as past years Raya laa.. least not for these 2 days la.. Why eh? Is it because my family members is shrinking or what? Ke sebab saya sudaa besarr? Kecik2 dulu excited la..hehe ;p
hurm..and we didn't even get to take a one whole family picture pun! Everybody was too busy talking and eating I guess.. huhu..
Anyways.. on the first day of Raya, my family only visited 4 houses: My Mak Long, Mak Ngah, Dad's Uncle and My sister's Father/Mother in Laws..
The theme color for our family and Along's is Purple and Hanis's is Turqoise!
Gambar Hiasan..hehe..This picture was taken on my sister's wedding last February
Getting ready.. and Mr Vain at the back menyibuk..huhu

My sister's family: Encik Muaz, Puan Iza and her baby inside her tummy! hehe
Tres Hermanas (Three sisters)

Another sister's family: Encik Rahzz, Puan Hanis and si budak comel Hariz!
Geram nyee tengok dia pakai baju melayu!!
This year's Raya is not as meriah as past years Raya laa.. least not for these 2 days la.. Why eh? Is it because my family members is shrinking or what? Ke sebab saya sudaa besarr? Kecik2 dulu excited la..hehe ;p
hurm..and we didn't even get to take a one whole family picture pun! Everybody was too busy talking and eating I guess.. huhu..
Anyways.. on the first day of Raya, my family only visited 4 houses: My Mak Long, Mak Ngah, Dad's Uncle and My sister's Father/Mother in Laws..
The theme color for our family and Along's is Purple and Hanis's is Turqoise!

ur family members makin bertmbh, bestkan. gmbr2 ni diambil dimane? ms balik kg ke?
ReplyDeletehey wany..
ReplyDeletejust wanna ask that the hatta dolmat baju that u've said the other day? thot its gonna be red? still does look nice on u! is it a chiffon material or what? i nak tiru la next time..hehehehe ;p
btw i like the sleeves! with puff! i loike! ;)
anyways..selamat hari raya to u n ur family!!
your brothers face remains unchanged. except for the janggut.
ReplyDeletefamily members shrinking?? bertambah ada la weh.. ;p
ReplyDeletenext Raya tambah lagi satu. huhu
nana: hmm..best2.. gamba tu kat hanis' MIL's hse..
ReplyDeleteanonymous: thanks.
that bj is from baiza jamal.. the red one from hatta blum pki lg..
mia: yeahh..dia ade byk gileeee bulus! haha ;p
along: shrink laa..sobab korank sume suda adaa ituu pamely masing2...tinggal la kami berempat utk pi jln2..huhuh
kehadapan cik wani comel,
ReplyDeletecik wani,
mahal tak baju baiza jamal itu?dlm berapa ar tempah bj kurung kat baiza ngan hatta?
utk pengatahuan cik, saya buat baju di citra ap tu rasa harganya sgt memeningkannnn
selamat hari raya!!
u tomei with the baju...baju aku hilang..the tailor sungguh menaikkan kemarahan aku 3 hari sebelum raya!!!
ReplyDeletebiasala tuu.. haku pun rasa macam tak sebest masa kicik2. isk iskk.. i missed those moments! Balik kampung tido with cousins pastu gossips2 bestkann.
ReplyDeletewish i cud turn back the time.
cantiknye baju raya...
ReplyDeletewhoa hariz dah muat pakai songkok... such a cutie.. sis nyer baby pakai pun masih longgar.. :( pakai songkok baru hensem kan.. hehe
meriahnya dia....
selamat hari raya wani.
ReplyDeletedid u get my comment kat fster?
so if ur curious, ur bro in law is my 2nd cousin :P hehe. take care babe.
mcm meriah je tgk
ReplyDeleterindunyer mak angkat akuh! =D
ReplyDeleteu guys ni boleh jadik kardashians versi muslimah laa.. sme cun2! hehe~
ReplyDeleteanonymous: oh, and the kain is chiffon ape tah name dia..dia jenis kedut2.. n dia quite fragile..
ReplyDeletechombi: hello cik chombi..
honestly, i rase baju baiza tu tak secantik mane pon..biase je, if nak compare kan dgn price dia.. plus, she's not a professional pon yg smpai nk charge mcm tu kat my mom..isk.. seriously, i dont really like her designs and service! dia slalu terbang pi Houston sampai abaikan kami punya baju! and she charged the baju yg TAK INCLUDE HARGA KAIN pun, around 400-500! and the manik is not even jenis 'berat' punya design pon! eee. pastu bagi lambat gile!!! lambat yg sgt2! like berbulan2.. i think almost a year kot!
erk..ok, enuff emo-ness.huhuh.. ;p
anyways.. yg HD tu, my mom made quite a lot of tempahan from him.. so i'm not really sure mine brape..tak tanye my mom pon haritu..tau pakai jer..huhu.. ;p
anyway..u can contact him at his blog:
He's a superb i tell u! hehe.. Dia baik.. service bagus gak..and the quality of ur baju is da bomb! ouh me likey! huhuhuhh ;p
akak azlina: oh my god!! yeke??!
heee..mesti bengang gile kan?? ishh.. mintak ganti rugi 3 kali ganda laa..sbb lg 3 hari nak raya..
hee...kalau saya..taktahuu laa..mesti da bengangg gileee nak matii..huhu
ape laa dorang ni wat bisnes cam tu..ishh
hanis: tula..haritu sempat jumpa dorang kat kg kejap jer..pastu dorang da balik..isk..
mrs hafiz: thanks.
tu la pasal..comel gile dia pakai songkok n baju melayu..geram tgkk..hehe..da besar da dia..kejap jer..rase cam da tua la plak..hehe..
ala..tak lame lagi muat laa tu songkok anak akak..hehe..mesti comel kan! ;)
mrs azlan: err..selamat hari cute girl? hihihh..
yeah..selamat hari kiut sedoniaa..hehe..
n selamat hari raya to u too!! ;)
elle: ha? what comment? nope..didnt get it la...iskk..
anyway..erm..betul ke? he's ur 2nd kazen? dia kenal u tak? hehe..
so kire kita ni kinda 'related' gak laa eh..huhuhh ;p
lulu: erkk..
err..time kasih..
tapi..kardashians tu mmg sgt da bomb kan..cantik yg amat esp kim kardashian..
kami ni ape..kebabooom.. ha. ha =P
hahaha he doesnt know me. and i dont know him either. i kenal adik dia, taqiudin, eh u panggil dia ape haha. kenal pun sbb hes my bf punye kawan. tau2 dia kazen jauh. so kire camtu la. haha. small world.
ReplyDeleteelle: ouh really? hehee.. ye la..u guys kan syed/syarifah mmg related la kot.hehe..
ReplyDeletewhat a small worldd...heh..
panggil sape? adik dia ke or he's bro? dia nye bro i panggel abg muaz.. n adik dia i panggil taqi kot..tah la..i pon x tau i panggil dia ape..huhuh..jumpe dia time my sis kawen jer..sbb dia jadi pengapit gak cam i..huhu..
hehehhee. i seee. was supposed to go to the wedding but i wasnt feeling well masetu. kalau tak dah jumpaa haha.
ReplyDeletenways babe. ur looking so so good. jeles ah. hope to see u bila2 ni okay.
elle: yeker?? ah-laaa... da lah-mer gih-ler kot tak jumpe u! hehee looking so good?? ha ha.. yeah rightttt..
i got loads of stupid jerawat ohk? huhuhh.. i am the who's supposed to be jealous of u!! u dont even have to wear any make up, and yet u look gorjes as always!! i have been admiring ur eyes, ur hair n ur face ever since at school!! hehehe.. oh..and not to forget, ur blondie bulu tgn!!! hehee..
me sooo want that toooo! haihh..nak kena beli hair bleach nye product la.. tp tak cantik pon nnt..kulit ku itammmmmm! huhuhh