Last Saturday I was invited to Jiba's brother's wedding reception at De Palma Hotel. It was an English wedding, I think.(well..the bride and groom wore dress and tux and so were the cute little kids as their flower boy and girl).
The food was marvellous. I enjoyed it very much. We were served the usual nasi briyani and some other lauk pauk.. like shrimps, lamb, chickens, fish, etc, etc.. Yummoe! But the cream caramel as their desserts was too sweet!! I only ate 2 bites. =(
Anyways.. here are some of the pictures.. Didn't get to take the couple's pic tho.. (btw, her bro's hot! But he's married already la.. hahaha ;p )

nice baju kurung!! very black n very glamourous!
ReplyDeleteni wat dgn sape lak? izzit hatta dolmat or wat?
eh wani ur baju kurung exactly same like me...well i just bought it at cheap store..first lady at carrefour wangsa maju..well i like ur make up..but ur eyebrow it a bit dark..may b u line it so much..well overall nice..
ReplyDeleteanonymous1: ouh..thanks.. but i think i looked like a law student.. all black n white..haha
ReplyDeleteanyways..its rizman ruzaini's
anonymous2: yeke? same ek? hehe.. i pon ade baju kat first lady..warna hitam gak..hehe.. baju2 dia not bad kan?? ;)
anyways..yeah, i totally agree.
me too, i didnt like my makeup at all..n esp my tudung.. heee.. mcm org besar sgt2 plak..isk..but nvm.. =(
i was rushing mase tu.. mmg siap sekejap than usual.. so i didnt get to take my time n do things properly.. iskk..
bravo!u r sooooo cool wani!keep on blogging k!i loooove ur blog!
ReplyDeletewany nak tanye..
ReplyDeletebaju adik tu sulam ke manik tampal ke ape tu?? tak nmpk sgt laa dlm pic..amik la gamba close up! esp kat manik.. hehe..
Nampak mcm cantik.. (n im sure its very nice!)
akak nak try wat mcm tu jugak laa.. akak ade dinner nanti bln 12 ni.. taktau nak pki warna ape.. tp tgk adik pki all black..nmpk cantik jugak rupenya..
its simple yet elegante!
p/s: ha'ah laa..akak suke mekap wany la.. ajar la cemane..
i have a wedding to attend next week, i wonder if i can muat that kurung as well.
ReplyDeletetanak pakai purple lagi!
hi wanie...the pics look gediks but nice!!hehe...
ReplyDeleteyes.. u looked nice in black! ;)
ReplyDeletewani.. baju kurung u fesyen ape yep? nak jugak!
ReplyDeletewani u ada koleksi juicy couture tak?? show me leh x.. ske sgt.. tp x mampu nak beli :p
ReplyDeleteanonymous1: thank u!
ReplyDeleteanonymous2: err..alamak..taktau laa sulam or manik tampal tu ape..hehehe.. taktau laa..tu mama punye..main grab jer...hehee ;p
tapi rase nye dia macam manik yg dijahit atas lace2 byk2..pastu lace tu tampal atas baju tu..
anonymous3: erm..baju kurung ni, baju kurung moden..
anonymous4: nope, i takde laa.. taktau ape yg nak beli bile gi sana.. some of the stuffs are very nice, but it doesnt really suit my taste.. heh..
but their sweatpants or sweaters are quite nice too..heh.. but i dont wear sweaters or jumpers or whatever.. huhu..