'Open House' is everywhere in Malaysia every weekend, during this Raya month..
I think we Malays, should extend this Raya period up until Raya Haji larh.. hehe.. ;p
4 weekends, (which is 2 days x 4, equals to 8 days) to celebrate Raya is not enough,man! So many people wanna conduct and carry out the function, thus there were sooo many open houses around the cosmopolitan areas and this leads to traffic jams also! haihh..
And for today only, out of 5 houses, we managed to go to 4 houses..
We (me, my dad and mom) went to:
1) Uncle Nasir's at USJ 17
2) Auntie Jamilah's at Kota Damansara
3) KLCC (Daddie got function at the Convention Centre, so me and my mom went beraya at KLCC instead! haha)
4) Uncle Ja'apar's at Wangsa Melawati
5) And we were supposed to go to daddy's friend's open house at Saloma Bistro, but it was raining very heavily.. and daddy couldn't stand the traffic jams.. So we didn't go..huhuh..
All this from 12pm till 10pm!! Very tiring! (but I kinda like it..leh kenal2 org gak..sambil2 mendengar cerita org tua! Very interesting, I tell u! haha)
See...so many houses to attend! Tak datang kang, tak elok pulak,orang dah ajak kan..tapi banyak sangatt la pulak!
Every weekend is always like this.. Even yesterday pun sama.. and the next next week also! And the worst part is, my Final Exams will start on this 28th! and I haven't start anything yet!! erkk.. =(
Of course, I am not really supposed and required to attend all of them, but.. I still wanna follow!! (It's the time for me to get to wear baju kurung/kebaya/etc and dress up a bit!) heheh ;p
Today I wore a simple deep purple kebaya with a lil bit of sequins and beads.. Fyi, I prefer a plain baju kurung rather than the corak ones.. For me, it looks uncomplicated I guess..haha
Last week we (me, my dad and mom) went to Batu Kurau,Perak to beraya and attend the wedding over there..
These days I felt like I am the only child they have! hehehe.. Only me who's always available to attend and follow them.. Aizat,my bro is always busy with tuitions and stuff.. And of course, my sisters have their own family and their own stuff..
So..now left only me and Aizat. (that's what I meant by saying my family is shrinking..hehe)
hmm... Now I know how it felt like to be the only child! Not really a good experience, I guess..heheh.. Rasa cam takde kawan nak borak..so terpaksa join geng2 orang tua berborak..haha ;p
Like when I was at one of the houses there(in Batu Kurau), I sat in between my mom and my dad.
On my left side was daddy and all the uncles/grandpa.. and on my right side was my mom and her crews.. I was surrounded by all the people who aged not less than 50++ and above!
So there I was.. Sitting in the middle all by myself, dunno what to say..hehehe.. So I just listened to what they said lar..
It was funny, I tell u! Well..I have always think that men and women are funny in a cute way! (Read the book by Allan Pease: Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps, then you'll understand what I'm saying).
Men and women are so unique! I mean, grown ups people are actually funny and weird in an interesting way.. hehe.. The reason I said this is because I always thought grown-ups have GROWN UP! hehe.. I mean, not to say that they are not matured and I am.. NO, that's not what I'm trying to say here.. (I am sooo NOT yet! isk)
erm.. I just thought their conversations are like err... different..hehe.. I mean of course, they've matured and stuff...but somehow I always thought being older, has made their way of thinking or at least their conversations or subjects would be different a bit than us(the twenty's). haha. =P
But nope.. they are very much the same I guess.. After all, I am considered as a grown up too! ( at the aged of 21, we are considered as adult,rite? haha) =P
Anyhow,anyway.. I like to be around them..They are the coolest. Especially the atuk2 ones.. So comel! ;)
Oh, let's change the subject.. I'm starting to talk craps..and don't make any sense! haha =P
You know.. When I first arrived there, I was like so jakun and went gugu gaga over the environment and surroundings! It was so kampung-like, which I fancied and enjoyed verry much! I was so excited!!! haha
And the only word that came out from my mouth was,"Heee-eeee, bestnyaa!".. huhuh.. ;p
Just so you know, my definition of Kampung is: Must have- Bukit-bukau yang menghijau, Rumah Papan(this is crucial, in order to feel the kampung vibe! haha), Pokok Kelapa, Dalam rumah mesti ramaiii giler orang, The people must be friendly and talkative, and lastly.. Makan duduk bersila atas tikar n lauk hidang dlm dulang besar tu... hehehhee ;p
(and they have all these criterias, at the place that I went,btw) Oh and if the kampung have sawah padi is a bonus!!! Teringin sgt2 nak amik gamba kat sawah padi!
Haaa...macam ni baru la rasa suasana kampung!! Baru best! (My kampung tak best... tak rasa kampung sangat.. huhuhh ;p )
Anyways.. here are some of the photos during my short visit there..
Jalan-jalan di Batu Kurau...
I like this house! It's a papan house and the tingkap jenis bukak macam tu and ade langsir macam tu..(Macam Adabi punya tingkap!) Oh me likey! hehee
I loovee this girl! So damnn cute! Love her eyes and her hair! Wavy, I loike!
Oh, this one.. I was so excited to eat like this(bersila n ade dulang n all), that I took this photo before I eat.. And they all looked at me like I'm a psycho.. haha ;p
Her name is Iffah.. She's 4. N she loved my 4 inch heels and Stila lip gloss that I showed her! Oh, I can't wait to have my own daughter.. Nak bergedik bersama2...haha =P
Okay..that's all for now!
Oh wait... this is my attempt to make a "Selamat-Hari-Raya-Maaf-Zahir-Batin-Thanks-for-inviting-me" face.. haha ;p
I know lame! But what the heck..hehehee ;p
Oh, and thanks for inviting me to your house! ;)
I think we Malays, should extend this Raya period up until Raya Haji larh.. hehe.. ;p
4 weekends, (which is 2 days x 4, equals to 8 days) to celebrate Raya is not enough,man! So many people wanna conduct and carry out the function, thus there were sooo many open houses around the cosmopolitan areas and this leads to traffic jams also! haihh..
And for today only, out of 5 houses, we managed to go to 4 houses..
We (me, my dad and mom) went to:
1) Uncle Nasir's at USJ 17
2) Auntie Jamilah's at Kota Damansara
3) KLCC (Daddie got function at the Convention Centre, so me and my mom went beraya at KLCC instead! haha)
4) Uncle Ja'apar's at Wangsa Melawati
5) And we were supposed to go to daddy's friend's open house at Saloma Bistro, but it was raining very heavily.. and daddy couldn't stand the traffic jams.. So we didn't go..huhuh..
All this from 12pm till 10pm!! Very tiring! (but I kinda like it..leh kenal2 org gak..sambil2 mendengar cerita org tua! Very interesting, I tell u! haha)
See...so many houses to attend! Tak datang kang, tak elok pulak,orang dah ajak kan..tapi banyak sangatt la pulak!
Every weekend is always like this.. Even yesterday pun sama.. and the next next week also! And the worst part is, my Final Exams will start on this 28th! and I haven't start anything yet!! erkk.. =(
Of course, I am not really supposed and required to attend all of them, but.. I still wanna follow!! (It's the time for me to get to wear baju kurung/kebaya/etc and dress up a bit!) heheh ;p

Last week we (me, my dad and mom) went to Batu Kurau,Perak to beraya and attend the wedding over there..
These days I felt like I am the only child they have! hehehe.. Only me who's always available to attend and follow them.. Aizat,my bro is always busy with tuitions and stuff.. And of course, my sisters have their own family and their own stuff..
So..now left only me and Aizat. (that's what I meant by saying my family is shrinking..hehe)
hmm... Now I know how it felt like to be the only child! Not really a good experience, I guess..heheh.. Rasa cam takde kawan nak borak..so terpaksa join geng2 orang tua berborak..haha ;p
Like when I was at one of the houses there(in Batu Kurau), I sat in between my mom and my dad.
On my left side was daddy and all the uncles/grandpa.. and on my right side was my mom and her crews.. I was surrounded by all the people who aged not less than 50++ and above!
So there I was.. Sitting in the middle all by myself, dunno what to say..hehehe.. So I just listened to what they said lar..
It was funny, I tell u! Well..I have always think that men and women are funny in a cute way! (Read the book by Allan Pease: Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps, then you'll understand what I'm saying).
Men and women are so unique! I mean, grown ups people are actually funny and weird in an interesting way.. hehe.. The reason I said this is because I always thought grown-ups have GROWN UP! hehe.. I mean, not to say that they are not matured and I am.. NO, that's not what I'm trying to say here.. (I am sooo NOT yet! isk)
erm.. I just thought their conversations are like err... different..hehe.. I mean of course, they've matured and stuff...but somehow I always thought being older, has made their way of thinking or at least their conversations or subjects would be different a bit than us(the twenty's). haha. =P
But nope.. they are very much the same I guess.. After all, I am considered as a grown up too! ( at the aged of 21, we are considered as adult,rite? haha) =P
Anyhow,anyway.. I like to be around them..They are the coolest. Especially the atuk2 ones.. So comel! ;)
Oh, let's change the subject.. I'm starting to talk craps..and don't make any sense! haha =P
You know.. When I first arrived there, I was like so jakun and went gugu gaga over the environment and surroundings! It was so kampung-like, which I fancied and enjoyed verry much! I was so excited!!! haha
And the only word that came out from my mouth was,"Heee-eeee, bestnyaa!".. huhuh.. ;p
Just so you know, my definition of Kampung is: Must have- Bukit-bukau yang menghijau, Rumah Papan(this is crucial, in order to feel the kampung vibe! haha), Pokok Kelapa, Dalam rumah mesti ramaiii giler orang, The people must be friendly and talkative, and lastly.. Makan duduk bersila atas tikar n lauk hidang dlm dulang besar tu... hehehhee ;p
(and they have all these criterias, at the place that I went,btw) Oh and if the kampung have sawah padi is a bonus!!! Teringin sgt2 nak amik gamba kat sawah padi!
Haaa...macam ni baru la rasa suasana kampung!! Baru best! (My kampung tak best... tak rasa kampung sangat.. huhuhh ;p )
Anyways.. here are some of the photos during my short visit there..

Okay..that's all for now!
Oh wait... this is my attempt to make a "Selamat-Hari-Raya-Maaf-Zahir-Batin-Thanks-for-inviting-me" face.. haha ;p
Oh, and thanks for inviting me to your house! ;)
ha sila bergedik dgn anak aku yer nanti.
ReplyDeleteeh tapi jgn lebih2..karang dia lawan tokey pening kapla aku plak ;p
p/s: kampung muaz ada sawah padiii... sbb kedah noh! tapi dia tak kampung sgt la suasana dia. tapi best, aku rasa macam gi cuti2 jer instead of balik kampung.
wani!! love ur make up! can u please make an entry about make up pleaseee!
ReplyDeletep/s: verry nice kebaya la! buat kat mana ni?
Wani....suka baca blog u....and love your style
ReplyDeleteBestnye jd 'anak tunggal' sekejap. Hehehehe.... Also have that experience before. Best....sume org kate I anak manja. Huhuhuhu... But I dh xde chance nk jd anak manja dh... Dh ada family & life sdri. Abah pun dh xde...sob...sob... But until now, my sibling still call me 'anak abah'. I don't know why...
ReplyDeleteKampung...mmg best. Bkahwin dgn org kg buat hdup jd lbh bermakna. Everythings are different. Sometimes mmg rs boring. But for certain parts, interesting! Anyway, berselera tgk lauk pauk tu. I miss that situation.
ha'a la wani, can u plz give us (or should i say me?.. erk...) some tips on how to wear make up..the only thing that i put on my face is my compact powder & my lip gloss (with toner, moisturiser, n lip balm), i've never really tried to put make up on my face on my own because i don't know the real technique, everytime i put it on, i feel mcm fake je muka i sbb salah technique...sedih...your make up (n your sisters juge hehe) looks so natural n it really stands out your glowing smile, love it! =)
ReplyDeleteif i'm not asking too much, can u plz make an entry on how to wear make the correct way or should i say, how u put your make up on, wani's style hehe..=)
btw, selamat hari raya miss wani,
maaf zahir batin =)
ha'a la wani, can u plz give us (or should i say me?.. erk...) some tips on how to wear make up..the only thing that i put on my face is my compact powder & my lip gloss (with toner, moisturiser, n lip balm), i've never really tried to put make up on my face on my own because i don't know the real technique, everytime i put it on, i feel mcm fake je muka i sbb salah technique...sedih...your make up (n your sisters juge hehe) looks so natural n it really stands out your glowing smile, love it! =)
ReplyDeleteif i'm not asking too much, can u plz make an entry on how to wear make the correct way or should i say, how u put your make up on, wani's style hehe..=)
btw, selamat hari raya miss wani,
maaf zahir batin =)
along: haa..bahekk la! hehe.. aku dah la mmg tak sabar nk ade adek kicik ke org niece..sbb aku x penah rasa ade adek pompuan caner..hehe
ReplyDeleteanonymous: thanks..that kebaya i mix and match jer.. kain dia, singlet kat dlm, n kebaya tu.. sume lain2..hehe ;p
kain from rizman ruzaini..and singlet kat dlm amin jauhary..
june: ye ke? heheh.
thank u. ;)
adam & family: tu la pasal kan..bile mix dgn org lain2...
Lain rasa dia kan..seronok gak kadang.. tak best laa kalau asik duduk dlm group yg pemikiran yg lebih kurang sama jer..tak berkembang otak..hehe.. ;p
i sejak kenal beberapa org from all different walks of life, it kinda change my perspective towards certain things..in a good way,of course..hehe =)
silent reader: oh! erm..i'm flattered..hehe ;p
thank u for the compliment! well..ok.sure..i will make an entry about that later k! i already had that in mind actually..i love to share things with people..ehehee..
so no worries k babe! ;)
wani..i tau yg tududng purple u tu kan..jenis chiffon yg lembut sgt tu kan..
ReplyDeletecan u tell me how do u wear it just like that without having to wear the anak tudung jenis keras tu?? i tgk mcm senang je u pki..
i nak pki punya laa payah! iskk.. hope u can share! thank youuu!
i pakai yg serkop biase tu je.. yg 5 hengget tu..hehe..
ReplyDeletetp tudung tu sbb dia lembut sgt, so i spray starch byk2 masa tgh gosok.. so that nnt senang nak btk dia.. pastu i pakai je mcm biase..
u can get this starch at all supermarkets like tesco, giant, etc..
hope this helps! ;)
cantiknyaaa baju kebaya..i love the layering feel on the baju..so cute!
ReplyDeletemana baju raya yg kaler merah hatta dolmat...sila catwalkkan ye ;)
jom ke my house..ada sawah padi semua...my hubby who is from KL ckp sib baik kawin ngan org kedah...kalau idak tgk sawah padi dlm TV saja...haha
alaa mau rayeeeeeeee
ReplyDeletekak shay: thanks! i like it too! esp. yg kat tgn tu..sbb dia ade 3 layers.. light purple-dark purple-light purple..hehe.. ;)
ReplyDeleteok, nanti i'll catwalk kan baju merah tu di permaidani merah k! hehee
hanis: raya kat helsinki lagi best kot..haha ;p
wani nmpk dark sket pastu ader pimples. byk makan rendang ekh.. hehehe...
ReplyDeleteOh my god..betul lah i nampak u that day kat klcc sebab i cam ehh kenal je this girl.... i saw u standing infront of cold storage klcc i nak tegur tapi nampak you with the crowd..so cam segan pulak..heheh i confirm nampak you coz of the pic ni you pakai baju kebaya/kurung x sure and that purple tudung..i cakap kat hubby i lagik yang i selalu baca blog you..heheheh
ReplyDeletewani..meh dtg kampung akak, ada sawah padi jugak :D kat sg. besar, atas pada kuala selangor je..hehehe
ReplyDeleteerk..btw akak ni silent reader je
oh ye..aunty jamilah tu akak rasa one of shareholder tmpt co. akak keje nih..
tp tak tau lah klu lain org..
Aii waNie,Salam Syawal :)
ReplyDelete" so i spray starch byk2 masa tgh gosok.. "
emm..klu pakai lilin boleh tak?
i pon try pakai selendang cam wanie, tapi dia melekat2 ikut bentuk muke...sgt-tidak-chumel jadiknyer..huhuhu
boleh tunjukkan spray yg wanie guna tu tak, nak try carik kat tesco/giant..klu tak, bagi nama/brand spray tu tu pon ok gak..
Thanks ya!
sharing is caring kan :)
mia: yeah, i never say i'm fair, and i do have pimples on my skin.. i only mentioned it like 999 times in my blog.. nape ek??
ReplyDeletemel: oh really?? hehe.. i jalan dgn my mum..then mase kat depan cold storage tu jumpe my friends..so tegur jap laa..hehe ;)
jue hairul: ha tu la!! my fren nye kg kat sabak bernam ke mane tah..huhu..pastu haritu dia amik gamba kat sawah padi! lawa gilerr!! jealous i! nakk jugakkk.. hehe ;p
hurm... tah2 auntie jamilah ni org yg same..erm..i think dia keje kat Khazanah if im not mistaken..
ants: hurm...pakai lilin boleh je kot..tapi i tak tahu sgt sebenarnye sbb i tak penah pki lilin..hehe..tp i salu je dgr org kata pki lilin utk keras kan tudung..
ReplyDeleteanyway.. yg I pakai tu Fabric Starch from Kiwi Kleen..
spray je byk2.. dia keraskan tudung dgn mudah sekali..hehe
nak gosok baju ape2 yg degil pon boleh.. esp. baju kemeja..
huk alohh..kecoh gile mia tuh..
ReplyDeletebiase laa org ade jerawat.. nape? ko dtg dari planet mane?? ko bkn manusia biase ke yg perfect sgt tu??
aku tgk ko tak itam pon wani..
biase jer la! comel je aku tgk..
ngok ngek laa minah tu..
haha..aku plak emoo!
oh my god wani!!!
ReplyDeletei pon jumpe u kat klcc mase tu!!
i loovee ur make up mase tu..baru je nk dtg tegur u..mintak tips sket.haha..
tapi segan nk tegur laa.sbb ade ur mummy! hehe :p
ReplyDeletekpg kite pun sabak bernam(abah) & sg besar (mak)...
umah nenek(tiri) sg besar kt bendang , tp kite x pnah turun bendang skali pun...
sbb takut..
kalau nk tgk umah kpg yg penuh ngn sanak saudara,
kpg kite ade 44 org , 3 bilik kecil , so sume tdo merata rata bersepah kt hall...