
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Coffee Klatch.

And so I went to the Tea & Cake party held at Anya Hindmarch Boutique in KLCC, today.

Well.. I gotta say, everything was fantastic! =)

The cakes, the chocolates, the macaroons, the beverages, the goodie bag, the setting of the place and stuff, the people, and of course, their bags!!

All fabulous! ;)

Oh, I love the way they play around with lotsa colours for the decoration on the cupcakes and for the macaroons! I was so excited the moment I saw all the colourful maracoons and how they presented them! It feels like Christmas already! hehee.


AH's Handbags and Heels Chocolates!

How cute, isn't it?? hehe.

Anyways.. these are the rest of our photos for the day..

The Cheeky Monkey!! Dia meragam je hari ni.. Mengantuk kot..

Pantang nampak kasut budak ni, mesti nak kepau2 kan!! Hadei..

He likes to help out the RA to rearrange their stuffs!

"Mama..Bag ni after less 50% jadi berapa??"

Our trying on handbags session.. (Hariz pon nak jugakk!)

The goodie bag..which consists of AH's notebook, and some booklets of AH's bags


That's all!

P/s: Ouh.. The Cooper bags already sold out in Malaysia! Tskk.... =(



  1. your skin look tan.
    which is very verryyy nice okey! :D

  2. ouh..really? err..thanks..heh

    but i am.. err..dark actually..
    i mean, erm..tan maybe.. huhu

    i am not fair like my sisters..hehe..

    my sis iza, she's the fairest in the family! lucky for her! hehe.. ;)

  3. tula, kecik2 dulu masa skolah mama kata jgn main tgh panas, degil. hahaha.

    ala tapi aku takde la putih mana pon. dinding bilik aku lagi putih ;p

  4. sedapp laaaaa cakes dia!! rasa nak pegi esok llaggii!! boleh dokk?? :P

  5. U look so beautiful in that suite...nampak slim...itu corset yer?

    can u please buat post how u wear the tudung? sbb sukala tgk the way u pki tudung...

  6. lawanyer ur tudung wani..i likeeee..heheh..

  7. cute la those cuppies n chocs!

  8. wahh..
    this outfit looks nice on you..
    young and funky!

  9. hi wany..

    luvv ur tudung very much..

  10. along: tu la pasal..nyesal gi main panas selaluu mase dulu2..iskk

    hanis: bahekk laa.. haa pi la..pastu curik bwk balik sket..nak jugak!! aku susah nk suka betul2 cake2 mcm ni.. sedap dowh..tak muakk pon cake2 dia.. yummoe!

    ida: erm..thanks..
    a'ah thats a corset.. i dah penah pki dah..dlm entry bday my fren..hehe..

    nyway.. bout the tudung entry tu akan di buat ye.. tp bkn la dlm mase terdekat..byk bende nak buat ni..hehe..

    harap bersabar ye kawan2..hehe ;p

    ano: thank u! ;)

    isz & cutie pie lulabi: thanks! but it's my sister's(iza)..hehe..i pinjam jerr.. heh ;)

  11. hi Wani. ur tudung tu sama lebar/panjang mcm Iza punya ker? berapa ukuran dia? (pjg x lebar)? tq.

  12. ieee.. cantik tudungnya.. tie rack kah?

  13. nampak gaya tak jadi la saya mahu menjual that Pucci-esque scarf. ramai btul kata lawo.. huhu.

    it's not Tie Rack, ladies. it's from Jakel.


    im quite 'tired' to see all these "tudung entry", "cantik-nya-tudung-ajarlah-mcm-mana" , "pakai tudung ala Wani and Iza's style" and stuff in their comment box.. (altho im just a silent reader of these 3 gals' blogs)

    its like u guys have been asking them forever.. (i dunno how these girls could manage not to be fed up! haha) Cuz i myself quite tired to see the same comment! haha ;p

    the thing is..(from what i observed from other people's blogs n stuff).. It is not just about their tudung style that makes them look hot..

    I personally think, u must also have the personality and ur tudung must be the ones that are good quality and ur outfit must complement with ur look and ur tudung!

    Its not just about how they wear n style their tudung, ladies..

    U've got to have 'that' personality n style!!

    So please.. stop trying to imitate these ladies! hihihi ;p

    This is just my 50cent on what I thought! haha..

    World Peace and Peace Out!

  15. Hahaha.Finally!

    Anon, i baru nak tulis THE SAME COMMENT mcm u tulis kat page Iza & Wani.

    I pun 'penat' baca komen camtu.I wonder Iza, Hanis & Wani tak letih ke? Hehe.Walaupun Iza dah reply to the same question byk kali, tp still ada org tanya lg.Aduhhh..

    Agree sgt2.Bkn sume org blh pakai style tudung mcm Iza & Wani.

    Yup, personality + style + outfit etc, tu sume amik kira.I tgk ada a few bloggers pakai tudung style Iza & Wani tapi X JADI.Serius X JADI.Cantik kat Iza, Wani & Hanis tak semestinya akn cantik kat org lain.

    I pun pakai Tie Rack (and non Tie Rack) gak tapi tak dak lah nak tiru cara pemakaian Iza & Wani.I know who i am.Saya mahu menjadi diri saya sendiri.Makanya cara pemakaian saya adalah cara saya sendiri iaitu cara yang saya selesa.

    Ladies, pls be yourself!!!!

    Semua org ada kecantikan & keistimewaan tersendiri.So u dont have to 'tiru' other ppl.Why not tonjolkan kecantikan & keistimewaan tersendiri itu?

    Sorry if sesapa terasa.Just my 55cent (I nk up skit dr u anon, blh? Hahahaha)

  16. good one miss anonymous!

  17. huhuu..

    alaa serious tak susah nak style up ur tudung. the art of wearing tudung is subjective. there's no exact step-by-step of how to wear it. u just need to be creative and experiment with it, just like playing dressing up. plus, it's always best to be a trend setter and have ur own signature style rather than being a trend follower but end up looking like a fashion victim coz just like anonymous and reena mentioned, tak semua style bole kne dgn semua org bcoz each of us are unique - which is why i came up with that style of tudung coz my face tak sesuai pakai tudung cara yg org lain slalu pakai tu. macam pakai mekap jugak, tak semua makeup look bole kena dgn semua jenis n bentuk muka seseorang.. btui dak?

    i penah explain in words caner nak pakai tudung cam i, n some ppl managed to grasp the overall idea of how to wear it, but some pulak tak puas hati sbb tak jadi EXACTLY like mine. susah laa gituu... ponin pale dennn! ;p wani pon pakai cam i tapi takde la sebijik sama coz dia ubah2 sket ikut her own style..

    kesimpulannya, fashion is about being creative.. so be creative, ppl! ;)

  18. agree wt anon+reena,
    too tired reading d same comments..
    they have taught many times how to wear that style of tudung, but u ols keep asking for more..
    its not d tudung style ok, its come in d package, ur whole appearance must b in d rite track to be fabulous!
    from top to toe..
    errkk..tuan rumah xkecoh, aku lak lebih2, hehe..
    maybe u should make a special entry about d DIY tudung style tu sekali lg Wani..
    then pasni saper2 tanya lg, kita hantam sama dia..haha..
    gurau sajok..

    me style, me like..

  19. u are so so so so very cantik la! ur tudung, ur face, ur make up, ur outfit, ur bag!

    oh..very lovely wany!

  20. wani!!!

    i saw u n ur sisters picture at The Loaf, Pavillion!!

    wahh.. u guys are really pretty la!! n i really adore u!!

    so i guess..u guys are famous now, ha?? hehe ;p

  21. yelah muka iza tue bujur sireh..boleh la pkai mcm tue..kene ikut kesesuaian muka jugak..hanis xde pun nak tiru style tudung iza n wani tue sbb dia rasa style mcm tue xsesuai dgn die..bukan semua org leh pkai style mcm tue..kene ikut bentuk muka masing2..sbb tue rmai yg i tgk pkai mcm iza tue end up jadi bulat giler n melekap je hujung tudung tue kat dahi n rmai jugak yg sy tgk pkai baju yg ade corak or bunga2 n pkai tudung pun bercorak n bunga2 iza hanis n wani mmg slalu pkai plain tops sbb tudung mereka bnyk bercorak..n klau mereka pkai baju kurung or baju bercorak..mereka akn pkai yg plain je mcm si pkai ikut kesesuaian masing2 dan penampilan masing2..jgn jadi fashion victim..

  22. agree with reena, i pun try their style but it doesnt suit me. i dont feel comfortable in it. so buat ape nak tiru org lain punye style tapi kita sendri tak selesa...

    just be yourself jer. i prefer this way. bukan tak bole stylo kalau pakai tudung yg style biasa2 nih. ;)

    p/s ; i saw ade few ppl try to wear like my sisters, but it turn out it doesnt look good on them. maybe the way u dress up kot. kene la compliment the tudung jugakk. kalau tudung lawa, tapi baju serabai. tak lawa jugakk akhirnye.

    jangan terasa ok. hehee

  23. me baru nak komen pasai u look nice in that tudung...tapi melambak plak komen pasai tuh...apapun, i agree with all of them...sedap tul kek2 tuh..lapaq plak rasa...

  24. wow nice.... event, u r so lucky to get invited :)

    what's the goodie bag they give? or i missed it in the blog :(

    feel so envious of u...
