
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Normal and Inferior Good

It's coffee time.

And just now I was craving for my usual Iced Toffee Nut Latte from Starbucks. But I only had RM50 in my pocket.

So what are my choices? Still consume it to satisfy my craving though I know I'm on a tight budget? Or just drink lotsa plain water, to beet the sugar cravings of mine?


Or perhaps I just switch to Nescafe. Thank God it has Latte! I looved latte,btw.
I don't like black coffee.. They're verry.. erm.. black.. And bitter!
(but I don't fancy Nescafe in cans that much actually..)

Or maybe I should just 'tipu' my mind a bit.. (cuz I want a Toffee Nut Latte so baddd! But I can't have it! Urgh.) =(


So then just now, I decided to 'tipu' myself.. since I have a budget constraint. heh.. and so I went to 7 Eleven and bought 3 different cans of coffee.

2 from Nescafe (Latte and Original) and another one is from Dutch Lady (Vienna Coffee). These are my inferior goods! haha. Since they are those items I buy when price IS an object. heh.. Oppsy.. Economics pulak..haha ;p
(btw, to those of u who did not learn economics, err.. normal goods are those items you would buy if money were no object.) hehee ;p

So what did I do just now, to make me feel like I drink latte from Starbucks?

I poured 2 cans of latte into the Venti Tumbler and put some ice cubes.. hahaha ;p

I know that is sooo lame! huhuh ;p

But at least I'm more relaxed now.. (My mind thought I am drinking Starbucks latte! And suddenly I felt like this nescafe latte tastes so yummy. haha ;p ) Or was it because I mixed them up?

Hmm.. I think it's all about psychology baybeh.. hehe ;p

Note: Because Starbucks Coffee is a higher quality, more expensive type of coffee beans, it is considered a normal good, while Nescafe, in this instance, would be considered the inferior good.

hehehe ;p Now i'm teaching y'all economics subject eh? LOL. Well actually, I'm worrying like mad about my Economics paper!! haihh.. iskk =(



  1. ish...ok la tu kan?
    minum jer ape2..yg tgh tu pon sodap..

    gud luck dear

  2. hahaha..

    aku pon ade masalah cam ko gak kekadang! teringin tu teringin ni.. tapi bile tak kesampaian, substitute kan la dgn mende lain..huhuh


  3. Wa...boleh tahan gak idea nih...seronok la....nak try gak la...yg penting minda....hehehhe

  4. huhu..sedap tak?
    boley bukak kedai kopi neh...

  5. good idea kan..BTW i hate economy subject tahap gaban..baik Micro atau Macro..haiyaaa...One more thing thanks to u and ur sister sbb inspiring me utk buat blog sendiri..saya dah link cik wany nye blog kat blog saya...singgah2 la ye..keep in touch..i loikee ur blog damn much...;)

  6. alo dear..hev been ur silent reader all this while.. ok per switch to inferior goods. it still satisfy our need. about the economic paper, u dun hev to worry about a thing k.. insyaAllah..all will turn up good. i remember those days when i still in uni, i scored more in micro & macro then the economics paper alone... hehehehhehe

    anyway, going somewhere kan? hev a great time..sekali sekala adventurous apa salah nya.. lagi best klu backpacking.. *hugs*

  7. alo dear..hev been ur silent reader all this while.. ok per switch to inferior goods. it still satisfy our need. about the economic paper, u dun hev to worry about a thing k.. insyaAllah..all will turn up good. i remember those days when i still in uni, i scored more in micro & macro then the economics paper alone... hehehehhehe

    anyway, going somewhere kan? hev a great time..sekali sekala adventurous apa salah nya.. lagi best klu backpacking.. *hugs*

  8. idea hebat!kl ade cream on top.wah! double the pleasure!!when im going home, there's no way ill be able to spend on starbucks coffee..oohh sungguh mahal..

  9. huhuhu..i have d same problem as yours..i lurrvvee coffee damn much esp starbucks but couldn't afford to drink every what i did, i bought Cafe 21 and when i make my coffee every morning, i add full cream i have my own latte..huhu...

  10. prefer dutch lady..

    good luck dear

  11. beli jer coffee yg dah grind mcm kat starbux tu. pakai coffee machine mcm aku buat masa ko dtg dulu.. it taste more or less the same. at least time2 ko craving bolelerrr..
