Saya sudah sampei di Seterdemmm! hihi =D
And I'm gonna sleep now! Mengantuk n penat sgt2! Lagipun, tak sehat ni..I fainted on the plane.. Sbb letih sgt, I think.. 2 days tak tido!! iskk.. So now, I'm gonna need LOTSA rest to regain my strength.. =(
Talk later kay...
P/s: I misssss you people lah.. (The three people in my life! heh)
Oh ya.. Guess who's the pilot for today's flight? haha

weh bestnyehhh nak ikottttttttttttttttt
ReplyDeleteTakut I kalau naik flight you & bro yg jadik pilot..haha!!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your trip. We are now in the same time zone dear. It's just that I'm on the northern side.
salam.. alhamdulillah dah sampai..wah wanie bestnyer..
ReplyDeleteuit.. best nyer..
ReplyDeletenak dok dlm cockpit jugakkkk :p
caner leh lepas nih hehehehe
waaahhh dekat cockpit lagi..super cool :)
ReplyDeletesmpi pengsan dlm plane??
kene byk rest tu,kalo x cmne nk jenjalan...
take care...
ReplyDeletepnah gak masuk cockpit time skola dulu..
tp time tuh masih kecik & malu2 gedik...
rugi x amik gamba kan...
huuuuuuuuuuu... :(
abah pun kata "napa x duduk situ...dh pilot tu kasi,duduk ja la..."