
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gooood Morning!!

Hello everyone! Good morning! =)

Kamu dah breakfast? Saya sudah..
Makan sandwich ayam mama buatkan sebelum berangkat ke sekolah tadi.. Sedap! Coffee mama pun enak. Kenapa bila mama buat semuanya jadi sedap eh? Air tangan seorang ibu, kot.. hehee

hmm..Kan best kalau hari-hari breakfast best2 macam ni.. Rasa macam hidup saya teratur je.. hehe.. Baru la semangat nak pergi kelas! heh ;p

umm..Tetibe je rase macam dah lame tak consume McD. teringin nak pancake dia la pulak.. heh.
Itu hari saya bersarapan pagi McDonald's. Sangat sedap. Tapi macam dah lame je tak makan McD la.. Tak bagus pun makan banyak2 benda macam ni. Rosak badanku nanti. I should consume Herbalife! Sehat lagi kurus. hehe ;p
Tapi..apa2 pun, pancake mama lagi sedap. Puas hati makan.

McDonald's Hotcakes with Sausage, Vanilla ice cream (to be eaten with the pancakes), Orange Juice and Milo.

Pancakes with maple syrup, melting creamy butter and vanilla ice cream! Sedap dowh! ;p

Okay la, time for school! Have a great day girls! Tata. Mmmuah! Love ya loads! ;)



  1. dear.. b4 byk lalat mengutuk u..better delete entry mcd ni babe.. mcd kan kene boycott for giving money to israel..

  2. McD supports Israel Laknatullah!
    with what is revolving around us now, they are unforgivable. death toll is increasing linearly every second! huhu
    makan sandwich mama je la hari2 kan bagus :P

  3. boikot mcd...

  4. aaa ur pics make me feel hungry :( but wany,let's boycott mcD to support our frens in Palestine k.

  5. takde kesedaran ke??.org lain sibuk boycott mcD pasal Palestin, ko sibuk cite pasal McD dalam blog..

  6. hello cik waniiiii...
    saya adalah hendak meniru signature style cikwani hari nih..corsets..kalo cun aje nosa tepek gambar...hehe..
    anyway ur signature style sangatttt kewl... for me i wud say my signature style wud be blouse that you have string that need to tie like a bow...i have few blouses with that kinda style and many people realise it.. mesti ada tali kat belakang depan tepi atas..hehe..

  7. salam,

    wah, i'm green with envy sbb u have the luxury to have ur mom's cooking (saya jauh diperantauan =\.. ). its healthier and plus, confirm bersih.

    nway, i think its not hard for us not to consume mcd. kan diorang sokong israel. that's the least that we can do. i'm sure ur mom's pancake lagi sedap kan.

    so, cmon wani! boikot barangan yg sokong israel. dorang bunuh innocent women and kids. that's the least we can do.

    p/s: i know u also drink starbucks and fyi, the openly sokong and donate money to israel too.

    anda mampu mengubahnya :)

  8. especially to MOI!! hek eleh..klau nk tego org pon biar la behikmah sket!! klau ko boycott mcD sekalipun tp perangai ko camtu pon x gune gak weh!!!

  9. dah salah interpret ni..hehehe..

    kite tak mkn mekdi la skrg ni.. (kan kite mkn sandwich mak kite. apela awak ni..heh.)
    dulu ye la..heh heh heh..

    everybody does..right? ;p

    tu sebab la kite ckp dah lame gile tak mkn mc d..

    baca la betul2 ye kakak2 sekalian..


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. just for ur information..lots of ur stuff is supporting israel..y dont u google what is the stuff??i noe its hard for richess luxury gurl for u to stop buying all these stuff..and also, remind both ur sister as doesnt mean im being rude here, but u can change ur life style and support ur MUSLIM colleague in Palestin..and so far, im still waiting for ur entry on supporting least, u said that u prayed for them..

  12. "and so far, im still waiting for ur entry on supporting least, u said that u prayed for them.."

    salam..shud she states here dat she is PRAYING for israel? doesnt it shows dat we're not sincere in doing something? for example, its like u're stating dat u're praying 5 times per day...will u tell anybody dat u pray 5 times a day? well..i don't.
    cuz it will bring riak n sum'ah sister...

    Fyi, blog is a place for us to post daily entries about our PERSONAL EXPERIENCES & HOBBIES!! (go googled the meaning!)
    so basically it doesnt necessarily have to be about current issues or whatnot coz we already have other media n sources to get those updates..

    so, perlu ke cik wani kite ni menukar bentuk wajah blognye yg girlish ini mnjadi sebuah buletin utama demi utk memenuhi permintaan ramai? klau begitu hendaknye, perlulah cik wani kite ini menjadi seorang reporter & pergi ke gaza utk mndapatkan bahan berita yg terkini beserta pedapatnye khas utk dihadiahkan kpd pembace2 blognye yg SETIA...

  13. ni lah orang melayu..dengki sesama sendiri.mcmana nak maju...haiihhh..apa salahnye think positive..and buat ape yg kita termampu buat.

  14. saya dapat email..
    ada bnyk cara kita nak membantu sedara kita di gaza..

    1) pergi sana and tolong (which is imposible untuk kita kan?)

    2) baca doa/yassin/sembahyang hajat untuk mereka

    3) boikot barangan yang menyokong/membiayai israel

    4) MENYEBARKAN BERITA mengenai mereka sambil mengajak org lain berdoa untuk mereka..

    so fyi cik kiah,
    bukan mintak wani ni jadikan blog die berita utama..just apa salahnya memblog and bagi awareness and mengajak org lain berdoa untuk saudara kita di palestine? kita sepatutnya membantu apa yang terdaya..mengikut apa yang kita we all know mmg blog wani ni mempunyai bnyk pengunjung...if setiap org yang bace blog wani sedekahkan satu doa or yassin untuk saudara kita..berapa ramai dah yang berdoa untuk mereka..?plus insyaAllah bertambah pahala wani kerana mengajak umat lain berdoa..salah ke itu..?? bukan suruh pun si wani tu pergi gaza jadi reporter.. isk..isk...please think before you talk dear! dunia ni tak aman dah..sedar lah wahai saudari...
    bersatu kita teguh..bercerai kita roboh...

    semoga Allah membantu saudara kita di palestine..aminn...

    ps: saya bukan Anonymous di atas..saya hanyalah seorang hamba Allah yang ingin menolong hambaNya yang lain...

  15. sedapnye tgk pancake ituuu!! lama x mkn. gi paddington pancake house jer

  16. salam. wani sandwich mama u wat camner ekk... macam sedapp jer...bagi resipi..hehehe...

  17. cik kiah..cik kiah..salah paham ni..rasanya maksud anon tu, tunjukkan rasa simpati..bukan wani kan ramai pembaca..surely if dia tulis sedikit sebanyak tentang rasa simpati terhadap saudara2 kita di palestin tu, pasti ramai yg baca.. elok lah..boleh setiap org yg baca tu pon teringat dan trus doa untuk mereka..bukan ke baik tu..but then, cik kiah pulak dgn 'sarcastic'nya kata wani kene la pi gaza dptkn berita terkini kalau nak cite pasal perang kat gaza,silakan la wani,pi carik berita kat gaza..LMAO! ladies,i'm juz kidding okay..

  18. wow...impressive..boleh bergaduh sebab israel and palestin..alot of anger..kan bagus kalau OIC boleh jadi as angry as most of us..its kinda have an organisation that fails most of the time..

  19. i know dat most of us are sympathy wif our relatives in Gaza but it depends on us how to show our sympathy...i juz tot dat maybe wani does concern bout them but maybe she shows it on her way..
