
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mari Terkejut Bersama-sama!


Okay..tak berapa nak terkejut sebab tak nampak..heh.. =P

Jadi mari kita scroll lagii...



My purchased was tremendously freaking insane!!!! Never in my life I had 5 pages of receipts in one transaction on an A4 sized paper!!

I just spent RM 18k ++, I REPEAT, RM 18,000 ++ on cosmetics and fragrances!!!!!

Ya, ini adalah untuk kamu pembeli semuaaa! Err...ada la..sedikit sebanyak yang hok saya punya! Mana boleh tengok orang lain je yang dapat best deals...Saya pun nak jugak! =P

I brought all these 5 boxes filled with all these babies with me!! The boxes were full and heavy!!! Rase macam nak pengsan sangat sangat dah bawak semua benda ni.. But despite all the hardships (stress tahap gaban gile nak mati. Never in my life aku stress sampai macam ni..haha pastu penat, then kena buat entry lagi dlm blog, kena read and reply each emails, kena jawab soalan cepumas lagi, etc etc - and yet some people were complaining my service charge. Duhh.. If u don't wanna pay, go buy yourself the counter price la! Haiyoo. Eh, emo plak.haha. Ok tak, tak. Mari sambung...) that I was going through, I'm really really happy! Tak sabar nak distribute to my customers! It was soooo fun la being a personal shopper!! hehe..
But, all the staff here were really really shocked, amazed, astonished with my purchases!!! hehehee.. =P

Anyways...I really really need my sleep cuz for the past three days I only slept for 3 hours per day..cuz of this sales... So I will reply each and everyone of your email later k!!

Thanks again for your support!!

I love you girls!!

p/s: I still couldn't believe and shock with myself that I just spent RM 18 k on fragrances! haha. Can you believe it? heh.



  1. omg !!
    fuh... sangat terkejut...!!

  2. sist, WOWWW!! that's A LOT dear.. camne leh byr byk camtu? all cash??? wahhh... hope ur buyers byr u btol2.. kalo tak shian wanie penat2.. huhuhu.. well, take care! :)

  3. 18k ?????
    fuyooo !!!!
    ramainya yg order...
    staff yg lain tu xckp ape ke?
    of course suma org tkejut la kan sbb 18k tuuuu...

  4. Tak sabar la akak, Wanie. Antaranye tu ada akak punya order. Akak tunggu ye!

    RM18k. Fuyyoh!!

    U r such a nice girl. Many thanks, Sweetie.

  5. *pengsan*

    kalah duit hantaran akak masa kawin dulu adik oiiiiiiiiiiiii

    baper ramai mintak wani jadi personal shopper ni???

    and pada mereka2 yang complain abt the service charge - len kali, SILA PERGI sendiri ok 'dol?

    hish. tak paham aku. dh nyata2 kata dlm post every item kena RM10, fragrances RM15, lagi nak order, lagi nak complain.

    nak kata illiterate boleh je baca. abis tu nak kata aper lagi? hish hish.

    5 kotak, wani?? tak sakit pinggang ke awak tu skang?? hahahahahah

    ampun la, akak takkan buat keroje tu. hahahhah

  6. wah...hebat u..just wonder mcmn u angkat wani..kotak2 tu nmpk berat je...mmg patut pun ade service charge yg kata mahal tu takyah la beli..g beli sendiri je...kan..anyway kalau kak maria jadi cashier tu pun sure terkejut..rm18k..byk selamat mengedarkan brg utk ur customer k..have fun dear..

  7. Dear Wani,
    kak aida calculate all together is RM18,229.20 .. gilerrrr banyaknya shopping utk kami .. huahuahua .. sukaaa nya .. kalau setakat duit service rm15 tu pun nak berkira masalah lah girls .. org nak tlg belikan pun dah ok kan .. iskkk .. tak sabar nya nak jumpa .. appreciate of it wani .. love u too ..

  8. yeayyy! can't wait to get mine! ;)
    tu 18K after dah less tu, kalo blom less?? hhehe..
    harus lah ade service charge kan.. reply email + update blog + pegi beli + angkat kotak + delivery = fuhhh! u're one gigih personal shopper hehe ;)

  9. fuhh.. banyaknya..
    macamana wani dok angkut benda tu bawak balik tu?
    memang patut la ada service charge..

  10. thankz eekk wani..sbb dh tlg kami..
    pasal cvrcharge..i ok jek..sebab kalau g sendirik pun maybe lebih dr 15 hengget tu..luv u wani..

  11. tahniah. hehehe i can imagine u pilih barang macam becky!!!

  12. RM15 pon mahu kecoh ka..huhu. It's still way cheaper than counter price! ;p

  13. cakap kat depa2 yang kecoh pasal service charge RM 10 & RM 15 tuh, lain kali pergi beli sendiri la.

    i'd rather pay the service charge than bergasak2 dgn orang yg ramai macam semut. tu belum include duit minyak, tol and parking.

  14. aiyaa rm15 tu apelah sgt sama dengan satu frapuccino kat starbucks jerr. tu pun ade yg merungut keeee???

    i checked price over the counter mmg sgt2 jauhh gilaa bezaa!!! best dpt discount bykkkkk
