Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sekuntum Mawar Merah..

Well..not sekuntum actually.

I received a bouquet of flowers on Mother's day from Mr. Anonymous? haha. I'm not a mother yet la! But nevermind.. I love flowers!

In the bouquet, there were 6 red/pink lilies and 6 red roses and some other flowers that I'm not quite familiar with.

Very nice choice, mister!


*wink wink*

Thank You!

Oh, btw.. what does those 6 roses and 6 lilies represents, ey?? hehe



  1. aawwww, sweetnya dapat bunga. who's the secret admire? or is it not secret anymore :p hehehe :)

  2. I love lilies! They smell great, for a whole week :)

  3. *wink*wink*
    dr siapakah...
    bestnya dpt bunga !!!

  4. nice bouquet dear!wohooo.who's the lucky mister? :)

  5. wah secret admirer nmpknya..jeng2 sape itu??

  6. maybe because u look like mak mak org dah ...that's why dpt bunga for mother's day ... hahahahahah

  7. cool..dpt bungaa!!

  8. aida: hehe.. yup..not a secret anymore actually! hehe ;P

    wirina: yupsy! i already put them in my vase.. n they smell so great! love it to bits! ;)

    hunny: dari mr anonymous. heh

    anis: eheh.. i dunno who!

    kak maria: insan yang bernama lelaki, i guess..heh =P

    anonymous: hehe. really? but well..on the card doesn't state "happy mother's day, wani!" hehe.. it says there:
    "To: wani,
    You look beautiful as always, just like these flowers.
    From mr anonymous. "
    heh =)

    shida: yea..coolies..but so sad it doesn't last long..isk

  9. sapa la anonymous yg b*d*h sgt ckp youuu mcm mak org tu?
    i just dont get it why people say you look like mak2 org.. (seriously, they don't know fashion!!)

    dear miss anonymous, please give me one example of a mak org yang pakai tudung that looks gorgeous just like her! (even her sister-iza yg mak org tu pun does not look like mak org!)
    they are always stylish.

    ntah apa2 la..

    plus, she did not say she got the flowers FOR mother's day. she got it ON mother's day.
    there's a thin line between those FOR and ON. baca la betul2 sebelum nak bagi comment sekalipun.

    ke tak faham bahasa inggeris? hehe

    sorry wani, i pulak yang menyampah.

    ~from a silent reader of yours~

  10. wani cool je,yg lain pulak lebih2.

    btw,i don't agree if people humiliate/insinuate others by telling they know or do not know english or being cynical about it-for any reasons!

  11. actually your face look like a monkey not mommy... your eyes, nose, mouth and obviously your teeth

  12. actually your face look like a monkey not mommy... your eyes, nose, mouth and obviously your teeth

  13. adalah menjengkelkan bila mengata org-very unethical...kak suzie rasa anon yg aritu kot wani.u guess?

  14. Tak paham dengan anon nih...if u rasa muka wanie mcm monkey...why u sibuk baca blog dia lagi?Tak yahler datang cni lagik baca blog dia...gi carik blog "manusia" lain okeh?or should i guess u mmg spesies monkey yg suka buat bising sambil bergayut kat pokok tuh? *sbb ciri-ciri u as anon mmg ada sket* =p

  15. hahaha..

    dah memang betul muka dia macam monyet..nak wat cemane.. aku ckp je apa yang aku rasa betul..kalau dia takleh terima teguran, susah ar..haha

    kakak2 dia pun sama je.. terutama sekali yang kendong anak tuh..hahahahaha.. sebijik macam kangaroo..kangaroo dari indon!! wakakakkaaa!

  16. woyy..enough is enoughhh la wey..

    hape bende nak kutuk org sekalipun smpai nak samakan dgn binatang.

    verry immature of u.

    oh and if u're planning to irritate me. forget it. it doesnt work. go play somewhere else.

  17. i dun understand nape nak kutuk kejadian Allah? Muka kita mcm mongkey ka kangaroo ke? Sape ciptakan jugak Allah kan??

    Anonymous who are u? A female dog perhaps with kurap kat badan. hehee..

  18. si anon ni nampak sgt jeles...sour grapes betul...org yg dengki ni akan di tutup segala pintu rezeki...dan org yg menerima cemuhan ni akan diberi segala kerahmatan dan keberkatan oleh Allah swt..di murahkan rezeki... tu sbb these sisters semakin murah rezeki sbb ramai sgt yg dengki..one more thing if u dont like them jgn baca laa blog dia org ni....nampak sgt berminat nak tau tp sakit hati sbb dengki...ish ish...istighfar laa byk2

    *silent reader*

  19. em..wani..biarkan diorg ek..just be urself..happy and cantik alwiz..org2 yg mengata org lain tu..die yg tak sedar diri..mengata apa yg ALLAH cipta..tak baik tau..smile alwiz ye sis..

  20. siapa anonymous ni? ayat tak bertapis. you're such a moron.

    biarkan je wanie.. lagi dilayan, lagi tah pape

  21. Hamba Allah14/5/09 10:57 AM

    to anonymous

    semoga Allah LAKNAT hidup kau!!!

  22. ishhh aku yg xpenah tgglkan jejak ni bc komen si mulut busuk ni terus naik angin...teruk btol mulut manusia yer!

    klu kau dh xsuka kau blah lah, ni kau terhegeh2 nk baca blog org....kau ni sakit jiwa lah... so wani jgn lyn minah ni sbb kang kita pun sama sakit mcm die....insap lah di hr jumaat ni woiiii.

  23. macam budak sekolah rendah lak main ejek2 org camtu.
    Only low-mentality people do that.

  24. babun kendong anak kat depan gak..


  25. laa wtf?,
    hanya orang yang `sakit' je suke kutuk2 orang.

    aku suke korang 3 beradik
    sgt2 stylish

  26. anon yang amat annoying kan

  27. huhu..

    anon yang amat melawak kan

  28. to anon:

    semoga Allah melaknati hidupnya sepanjang hayat...mengata org..tgk diri sendiri dulu...

    mari ramai2 kita ameen kan...40 org ameenkan...betul2 tuhan laknati hidupnya

    *silent reader*

  29. to anon:

    semoga Allah melaknati hidupnya sepanjang hayat...mengata org..tgk diri sendiri dulu...

    mari ramai2 kita ameen kan...40 org ameenkan...betul2 tuhan laknati hidupnya

    *silent reader*

  30. veri fani story line here

    wani n her siblings look cooll jeh

    i sokong wani
    wt bodo suda
    mlot org len wtpe nk jage kn
    kubo maseng2
    dose pahle sndri tnggung

    to anon
    u yg msok nrake
    so go on wif ur stupid humltation

    if u anon r studying in sumwer or mne2 jehla
    juz stop studying
    onli those whose not wif d brain did stupidious thingy thng lyk u did
    juz put ur smart brain kt kple lutot u

    n i juz wana voice out my opinion

    if u state dat wani n her siblings macham kangroo n wutsoeva tu
    it's superfani lah kaw!
    macham dak2 skola

    men ajok2
    men surat lyng
    n gne title anonimus
    so pentatot

    shame on u anon
    even i yg br nk msok 18 taon nh
    sngt bijaksane dr u



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