However, all these things are not cheap! If we don’t mend our free spending ways.. we sure cannot survive!
Let me just briefly explain an average student’s expenses, so that you’d understand that it’s not cheap being a student these days..haha
1) Food per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and maybe some snack in between meals) = RM 15 to RM 20 (About RM 5 per meal). So, for a month it would be like RM 450 to RM 600!
2) Prepaid Top-Up cards = RM 10 per day, so for a month, it’ll be RM 300!
3) Wi-Fi prepaid card for personal notebook = RM 10 per week. So for a month, it’ll be RM 40
4) Transportation per week. Well, it depends on the person, if he/she travels a lot, then of course, the cost of traveling that he/she incurs would be a lot too! Like for me, I would put aside about RM 450 for my fuel, and not inclusive of the parking/tolls. (haihh)
So grand total for these four vital expenses is roughly about, RM 1200 per month and that is not including the other expenses! And the PTPTN loan that most of the IIUM students received is so much little as compared to that amount!
Oh gosh.. this is ridiculously a lot!! All these while, I never really care about cutting out my expenses because I am pretty much financially stable. However, the other day, when I listed down all of my expenses in a month, I was shocked! I spend like nobody’s business! Especially on prepaid cards and internet! Well, I gotta handphone, my laptop and the internet is my life. I repeat, they are my life! I really cannot live without them! But looking at the amount that I spent on them when I’m in my campus, I really really need to cut my spending right now! Duduk dekat campus memang susah nak save kalau takde plan2 macam ni! Yela, duduk rumah internet 'free', call sorang budak tu je, and makan memang dapat save banyak la.. =P
So when I heard about this DiGi Campus plan and read thoroughly about the plan, I was excited and ecstatic with the offer, so I purchased it right away cuz after reading about it, I know this plan can help me save a lot, you know!
Just so you know..the other day, after I have activated my simcard, I called my buddies for about an hour or so just to try.. andd..I was surprised when I checked back my credit balance. It was deducted for only RM 2!! Woww.. this is the best prepaid plan I’ve ever used! Now, I have already cut down my telephone bill for a 50% off! How fantastic, isn’t it? =)
Ye la, mana tak seronoknya.. This DiGi Campus offers you FREE CALLS after RM 2 usage a day. (The RM 2 you get is from the total charges either from calls, SMS, or the number of your data usage. Tak kira whether you call or SMS orang or guna internet, and bila dah guna sampai RM 2 dalam sehari, you would definitely get FREE CALLS! Free calls only applicable for ALL DiGi number in Malaysia - no matter where you are!), Other than that, you would also get FREE SMS to 11 numbers in your friends and family list. ANDDDD.. RM30 a month for UNLIMITED ACCESS for you to connect to the internet on Digi High Speed Internet Access. Yes, you heard me.. RM 30 A MONTH FOR UNLIMITED ACCESS TO THE INTERNET!!! (WOOOHOOO!!!)
And this is another exciting news..
You can reload any amount to stay with the line and keep it active for 4 whole years! Yesss, that’s true! Even if you reload it for just once a year, your number would still be active for four years!! Best kan?? =D
And that’s not all!! Apart from offering students with the lowest telco service charge ever, DiGi also offers you programs like Rewards & Privileges to honor and appreciate their users and customers.. such as Reload Bonus, Birthday Bonus, DiGi Rewards, Digi Music, and Fresh Grad Plan.
This DiGi Campus Plan has more values and special rates and most importantly, more benefits for their users (students) if you wanna compare with other service providers’ plans. Come, let’s take a look!
To know more details about it, please visit here!

And as far as I know, there are about 150 colleges and universities that have been selected for you to be able to purchase the pack.
So, what are you waiting for? Check out whether your college or university is in the list! You can check it here
DiGi. It’s always the smarter choice.
Time to change!
Time to change!
Wani, ada eh skrg Wifi prepaid? Ke i yg ketinggalan zaman? to get it ya? plz let me know..thanks!
ReplyDeletep/s:Jadi student skrg mmg banyak spend kan..itu belum lagi kalau sewa rumah, kena bayar sewa rumah lagi, utilities semua...nasib zaman tu i dah go through..but once dah kerja lain pulak cite die..neverending la spending ni kan..
DiGi always had been the cheapest tapi kadang2 line ilang lor...
ReplyDeleteI just couldn't argue you everything about Digi..
ReplyDeletethey always have great deals!!!!
Ikaln pon besh2 kn??=p
OMG, Waniiii.. you're so witty and funny!!! I tergelak tgk gmbr u with that caption. ;)
ReplyDeleteya a celcom user, eventho quite expensive,tp coverage dia bgus gila! i prnh plkn dlm hutan kat sarawak, n spe yg gne celcom je dpt make calls..yg lain keep on halakan handphone high above to get coverage..heee..
nway, geram jgk tgk rate digi sgt2..