A couple of weeks ago, there was an E-FEST (Economics Fiesta) held in CAC Hall, UIA. There were a lot of programs under this E-fest such as book fair, I-tech fair, business exhibition and lots more. So there were a lot of vendors, promoters, sellers who came by to join the exhibition. (And I spent quite a few bucks on books and a couple of scarves on that week). Most of the exhibitors sell things like books, t-shirts, accessories, makeup/skincare products, IT gadgets stuff (camera, phones, laptops, etc), and of course, jubah/baju kurungs and scarves! (It’s UIA! Hehe)..
There was also a DiGi Campus Roadshow during that E-fest!

So I checked out their counter in the CAC hall. Their banners and buntings were everywhere!

This is the main entrance of CAC Hall. Look, there are two DiGi ladies ready to promote DiGi Campus! =)
When I first entered the hall, their booth was the first thing that I saw even though it was situated at the right side corner in the hall. Probably cuz I saw yellow colors practically everywhere and everyone seem to be gathered at their booth! =)

So I went there to check out their counter..

Here, take a look at my video..upon arriving the hall.. =)

The next thing I saw was the stacks of white squared boxes which were piled up behind the DiGi booth. So I asked one of the promoters what were they for and he said the boxes are some freebies for those who signed up for the DiGi Campus. Nicee.
So I asked him nicely, to open up the box (that looks like a file), to see what’s in it..

Because of the cool freebies and the superb plan that DiGi Campus offered, I have asked my friends to join the DiGi Campus plan!! (And they did!) =)

While the DiGi team and the DiGi Yellow Armies were busy promoting their plan inside the hall, some of them were busy handling and organized some games outside the hall!

There were a lot of games to be played! But first, we gotta sign up for it and fill this form before we play!

There was also a DiGi Campus Roadshow during that E-fest!

So I checked out their counter in the CAC hall. Their banners and buntings were everywhere!

When I first entered the hall, their booth was the first thing that I saw even though it was situated at the right side corner in the hall. Probably cuz I saw yellow colors practically everywhere and everyone seem to be gathered at their booth! =)

So I went there to check out their counter..

Here, take a look at my video..upon arriving the hall.. =)

The next thing I saw was the stacks of white squared boxes which were piled up behind the DiGi booth. So I asked one of the promoters what were they for and he said the boxes are some freebies for those who signed up for the DiGi Campus. Nicee.
So I asked him nicely, to open up the box (that looks like a file), to see what’s in it..

Because of the cool freebies and the superb plan that DiGi Campus offered, I have asked my friends to join the DiGi Campus plan!! (And they did!) =)

While the DiGi team and the DiGi Yellow Armies were busy promoting their plan inside the hall, some of them were busy handling and organized some games outside the hall!

There were a lot of games to be played! But first, we gotta sign up for it and fill this form before we play!

Naz were trying to learn to play some beats..
Overall, it was such a fun day for me. I get the chance to know some of the DiGi Team. And be part of the team.heheh =P (Well, they thought I was the DiGi agent or something..haha)
People! Do sign up for this DiGi Campus if you’re below 25 years of age! I can guarantee you for the great deal that DiGi offered. For more info, please visit here.
baju kuning tu baju apa cik wani? nampak macam sangat menarik je. love the kolour!
ReplyDeletebtw, i really think u can be the digi agent or marketing people.
u're good in advertorial/ advertising.
yeap.agreed. love your blouse too. suits the occasion & best of all...it suits you.
ReplyDeleteanonymous: thanks! its from mng.. i got it for 70% off..best kan..hehe
ReplyDeletesuziana: thanks! i loved the colour! n i purposely wear yellow for this digi ad..haha