If I were to choose which era I would want to live in, it will definitely gonna be in the 1500's for the food
(the era where you wouldn't even know the term 'instant food', 'fast food', 'less sugar, less MSG, less this less that' and can still find great food with original recipes bcuz everything was cooked in the most traditional way!) and the 1800's for the classic houses they live in, and 1950's for the fashion, 1960's for the lifestyle, and 2000's for the existence of Twitter, Mc Donalds' Double Cheese Burger, Blackberry, Blogger, Skype, Facebook, Digital Camera, Blair Waldorf, Gmail, MTV, Starbucks Coffee
(okay.. Starbucks existed in 1912. But they only arrived KL in 1990's! =P ) and of course, the Internet!
(okay fine. Internet pun dah lama! Tapi Broadband, Wireless, 3Gs, P1 WiMax etc etc only existed about a few years ago! kan?? heh.). Ha. Ha. I'm starting to merepek actually ;p
But speaking about internet..it has been a while since I last tweet or last update this online journal of mine. Real sorry for the sporadic updates, girls! Life's been realllly really busy. =(
Just like I told you earlier, I love love love the fashion in the 50's and 60's era. The fashion back then was so classy and ladylike. Practically everyone seemed conservative, ladylike, and proper. No super micro short skirts can be seen and found, and they wore gloves for evening and social occasions. Isn't that nicee?
(I always imagine that their lifestyle was so calm and happy and very the sopan santun..LOL). And I also love their makeup and hairdo too! They were all about big eyes and big hair. I love the beehive hairdo with that bright eye shadows and super black eyeliner on the lids! Oh, so gorgeous!
Just like Sophia Loren! She is b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l!!
You know..lately I'm starting to get obsessed with doing the 60's makeup on myself after watching the gorgeous looking girls on The Promise video clip and also seeing VB wears sophisticated-ly all of her dresses these days..
If only I can wear
those straight shirtwaist dresses with those pillbox hats! And get myself ready with the 60's makeup, style, hair and everything! And then imagine I'm in the 60's era! Oh, that'd be so grrreat! =P
(Okayy..I'm crazy, I know! You might find these boring..haha)
Anyways..enough about imagination and day dreaming. I have a real story to tell (or to share)! =)
As mentioned, I love vintage stuff, I love classy things, I love ladylike and girly things. So when I dropped by
Boots on my last day in Bangkok, I was ecstatic and excited
(as usual) to see or rather find some girly vintage looking stuff!! Beauty stuff to be exact!
Did I ever tell u that I'm a beauty junkie?? Well.. I am! Like a
huge fan of any beauty products!
Oh God bless Boots, that has never failed to offer me some great stuff with super great prices! That is the main reason why I love Boots even though it is just a drug store! (My friends and my sisters think I am a weirdo for liking Boots so much! haha!) =P
Well what can I say.. If none of the baju or designer jeans or even the fab
est of a bag that u have in your closet or whatever it is... can't ever make you feel good about yourself..then why not treat your body with some great body scrub and shower gels? Or better yet, go and have a DIY whole body spa and then put on some make up on your nude face! At least you can hide all those imperfections and still look good! (and maybe feel great as well!). These beauty stuff do wonders on your body, you know! =)
So that's why whenever I feel like
buying-something-but-I-don't-know-what-it-is-and-what-I-need attacks..I would always buy beauty products (body stuff to be exact) or shoes. These two are the safest things to buy. You can never go wrong with shower gels and a shoe that will always fit your feet! Plus, body stuff are also great for gifts! There are a lot of stuff ready to treat your body these days.. i.e. Body scrub, bath salt, body butter, body mist, shower gel, bath cream, powder bath, body mask, body spray, fragrances, body lotions, potions..and sooo much more!
If you must know..one of my fave body stuff in Boots would be these two shower gels!

These two are from the Boots Original Beauty Formula range. The classic range.
Oh. They're amazing. They are cheap. They smell wonderfully great, and they give me a really good clean. And the bottles are so classy too! =)
Apart from loving the
Boots Original Beauty Formula range, I love the
Botanics range as well as
No. 7 skincare range! These products really give you great results!
(why oh whyyy Malaysia doesn't have Boots store?)
So on that very last day.. as I was browsing through the entire store, looking for my
Bedhead shampoos that were supposed to be my last purchase , my eyes caught on something pinky and girly looking packaging.. They were some new products to my eyes!
Excitedly, I walked quickly towards the rack which were full with those pinky tubes, bottles and jars. I only saw three things at that time; The catchy wordings that they use to name their products, the classic looking girls on their packaging and the color pink for all their products.
Oh. These three factors are my favourite when it comes to packaging. They look girly and cute. They look vintage. And they're pink!

"You shouldn't have to spend an arm and legs just to moisturise one!" =)
Their catchy names, the people and the color they used for their product reminds me of
Benefit's cosmetics combined with
Juicy Couture stuff! Only thing, this brand is so much cheaper than those two brands! Which is so sooo great!
While I was excitedly trying the products and reading all the ingredients, the descriptions, and etc, etc that were plastered all over the boxes and bottles.. My brother came to me and said that I have to leave the store about 10 minutes time before we go back to our hotel..
Oh darn.. I got panicked! At that point I didn't know which and what to purchase! Honestly, their products are so worth it! I wouldn't want to miss a single thing! I want everything that I tried on earlier..but my hands and my basket were so full..and I couldn't add some other things anymore. So I only managed to take about 17 things with me.
(Ughh. I hate shopping in a rush! Ended up making wrong decisions every time! hmm..nvm.)
So these are some of my stuff that I bought from the 60's! hehe
Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Gloss in 6 different colors!
Shhhhhh! Flake Away Body Polish. Now He'll never have to know that all this time you've been flaking it.
Oh it also states here,
"It might be fine if her friends are flaky, but a lady's legs should never be". hehe. Cute!
Clean, Girls. It's a creamy body wash that smells very adorable! =)
The Fab Pore 15 Minute Facial Peel. It's a pore refiner that works wonderfully!!! I am hooked with this pore refiner product. It does just what it says on the box!
Scrub 'Em and Leave 'Em

In blue? Well this is one of the
Soap & Glory Spa range. It's the
Sugar Crush Body Scrub
The Scrub Of Your Life Smoothing Body Buffer.
Hahah. I just realized I bought tooo many body scrubs. This is what happened when u shopped in a rush. U only take what's in front of u at that particular moment..and apparently all body scrubs were standing in front of me while I was panicked on that day! haihh. Nevermind..I will make sure my body would not be flaky and scally anymoreee after this! =P
Clean Mary Cleansing Milk. What a cute make up remover, ey?
Clean On Me Body Wash
Super Eyes, Super Eyes Moisturizing Eye Gel
And some other things from other brands for friends and family! =)
Oh.. and I stumbled upon these sets from Soap & Glory!

I love the box and the shower cap! Sangat gedixcomel okayyy! Suka suka sukaaa! ;)
And these tooo! I want the dustbag!

What a cool case. I could make it as my pencilcase!
Best kan kalau pergi sleepover at your bestie's or maybe slumber party with your friends or sisters at one of your fave hotels and bring this case.. Pastu main2 mask, sambil buat manicure/pedicure, etc..haha. *berangan*

This is a
'Plane Jane' set. It could mean two things:
Plain Jane (Someone who named Jane. Tapi Jane tu tak plain langsung sebab dia pakai semua benda nii..) or.. simply
Plane Jane (it's Jane's hand carry bag whenever she travels aboard). Ok. Aku dah merepek.
But I like this set as well! Sangat gedixcomel kay! With all those creams and lotions and that pink pillow! Boleh bayangkan tak Jane bawak ni dalam flight? heh.

A manicure set! Siap ada gloves lagi youuu! ;)
Oh, I'm in lovee!
p/s: Can someone from abroad buy me one of these sets? I would love to own one! heh ;P