Right noww..all I can say is that the trip was so damn awesome! Especially the Gala Dinner! This is the best event I've ever been to! (Oh, of course..including my sisters' wedding events too..but that's a whole different story. hee).
I am soo glad that I went to Singapore!! Yeay! =)
It was really nice you know, to attend events like this where you recognized and know who and who and so on.. I've seen a lot of beautiful familiar faces during that night..and that made the event more special..bcuz when I saw this particular face..I would "Hey..I know you.. You're from blabla blog right?!" or maybe.. "Oh I love you're blog! You're so cute!" and kalau tak dapat nak cakap pun just stare lama2 sebab macam kagum dapat jumpa depan mata instead of jumpa depan laptop je selama ni =P
Tak rasa pun macam ketinggalan or tak selesa ke or rasa-macam-tak-sepatutnya-berada-dekat-tempat-macam-tu-like-I-always-feel-whenever-I'm-at-such-glamourous-events or..awkward or whateverr.. Serious best! Nuffnang besttt! Plus..it's a BLOGGER NIGHT! And I am a blogger too..even though I'm just a tiny little bean..heh. But still..I am from SchazwanyHameed dot Blogspot dot Com. hahaa =P
Anyway, today I am not intend to story-morry about the whole trip just yet (bcuz my 100-year laptop is causing me trouble whenever I want to online and to resize picture. Bummer! I seriously need a new one!!) So today I will just briefly update you about the event, kay.
- Makan best!
- Tempat best!
- Music best!
- And most importantly, I met a lot of pretty faces! huhu =)
Nicole Kiss was so damn hot hot hot!! (I sat next to her table! And I love her hat or something that was on her head..hehe)
I met the ever so tallslimbeautifulcantikmanesmenawankalbupipidiasangatkurussertalicinsangatdanrambutjugasangatsihat, Cik Hanis Zalikha. (Jumpa Mak dia jugak. Wehh..sumpah hot mama!)
Jumpa Kak Red yang mengancam
Jumpa Miu yang memang comel
Jumpa Kakak FoxyFarah yang memang sangat sangat lah sumpahcantik.
Jumpa Kak Ceera yang saya sangat suka tengok dia dengan her husband. They both are so damn super cute couple!
Jumpa kakak saya! (Ceh. Yang ni memang la)
Jumpa Kak Shila yang sangat sangat tinggggiii!!
Jumpa XIAXUE! (tp..dia kecik je orangnya..ingat kan tinggi.. Oh btw, she won 3 awards!! Hebat giler! They were "Most Influential Blog", "Best Blog Design" and best of all.. REGION'S BEST BLOG!! Wooh. Seronok gila.)
Jumpa Kennysia!!! Sumpah mamat ni best!
Jumpa Kak Nani yang cantik
Jumpa Nuffies! =)
Jumpa hotties from Phillipines, Australia and Singapore!!
Jumpa siapa tah lagi..
Banyak gile..
Semua sumpah hot. Sumpah best. =)
(Erk.. banyak nyee aku menyumpah! huhu)
Anyways.. I managed to resize these pictures only, before my laptop started to lag and whine again!! Ugh. =(
Okayy.. So enjoy the pics! (Will update more later!)

I loveee Nuffnang! =)
Will update moree soon!
ReplyDeletekenapa la hubungan i ngan incik nanang slaluuuu je timing tk betolll!
arghhh stress! ;(
hi wani, bestnye dpt g sane!
ReplyDeleteanyway, macam ade something wrong kat baju, selendang, i don't know. macam tak complete. macam tak siap agi. maybe tak sempat wat persiapan. hehe. m i rite?
tapi kalau pakai tudung macam iza lagi ok. :)
verde: hehee..takpe2..next time ade lagi...pastu sila la free kan diri huhu =)
ReplyDeleteanonymous: yup i know mmg baju tak complete pon.. dah kata pun last minit..hehe.
semua tu benda yg dicarik dlm masa satu hari..haa mcm tu la jd nye..huhu
ur mekap nampak cantik,ala2 doll esp part mata n lips :-)
ReplyDeletemengancam sume org,...sukelah tgk
ReplyDeletewany, u look a lil bit emmm.....berisi mlm itu. tp i can see the hapiness in your eyes...hee :p
cantik..tp mcm x pakai tudung..if pakai tudung proper lg cantik kot
ReplyDeleteu have very pretty eyes! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are pretty but honestly, I think you look prettier and more elegant in hijab:):)
ReplyDeletewow sound so enjoy lah u..
ReplyDeletei did not enjoy it.. my table so sux.. so far.. until now i keep thinking about your lovely table..sob sob...
backbone also pain
and the canon ppl so sombong.. duwan take pics bcoz "event started" no more take pix for free. I kenot lekat on my buku!!! cis cis geram..
luv ur and iza make up! ;)
bersetuju dgn en/cik anonymous
lg chantekkk klu pakai tdung.
sbgai wanita mslimah, tak salah nak bergaya/berfesyen, tp aurat ttp kena jg.
Cantik baju awak & Iza..tapi rasanya kalau tak nak pakai tudung tak perlu pakai selendang tu..nampak tak proper
ReplyDeletekenapa nmpak mcm gemuk?muka pn bulat semacam.
ReplyDeletenape tunjuk sikit je rambut? tunjuk la semua. x akhir zaman lagi kot..
ReplyDeleteu ni bukan ke budak UIA? jd kalau tak tahu nak hormat diri sendiri at least hormat la univ yg ternama tu. Ishh... buat malu masy kampus je. Lentik sana lentik sini, tudung entah ke mana
ReplyDeletewani!! i saw u at klcc surau smlm!
ReplyDeletewow..u lookin cute yesterday n wearing that telekung! haha..i perhati je uu! comel oke!
anyway..u look great in this pictures.
amboi.. bia ler dia nak pakai tudung ke tak. dia nyer hal..
ReplyDeleteyana malek: thank u. ala..baju last minit je. serious sgt2 last minit n masa tu pon ada incident telah berlaku ke atas baju i b4 that...i nangis tak berlagu ari seblum tu..huhuh =P
ReplyDeletesuzie: thank u kak. i did the make up all by myself n sgt2 la dlm keadaan kelam kabut sbb dah lambat sgt2.. so bantai je bubuh eye liner byk2..heee =p
kaezrin: itulah..dah kata pun gala dinner..so biasa lah, semua org pon dress up lawa2! i pon kat sana mcm amazed gila dgn semua org.. =)
megi: yup..i was happy. n yup, i am fat. i wrote in this journal of mine like a zillion of times already. =)
anonymous1: huhu. thanks..itulah pasal. but i dont called it 'tudung' pun. =P
lea shmea: oh, thank u girrrrl! =)
anonymous2: thank u. =)
miu: yeah..my table was empty. only about the 5 of us. kalau nampak u, for sure i'll ask u to sit next to me! hehe
betty A: kan..i love my sister's too. i love her fake eyelashes especially!
jaja: terima kasih. will do. =)
anonymous3: thank u. err..but that's not 'selendang'. and that's not 'tudung' either. hehe. that's a Headdress or chapeau..haha ;P
haifa: err..kenapa? hehee. sebab makan Mc D hari2, itulah hasilnya. hadeii.. Bila laa i nak kurus? sobs..
anonymous4: hehe. u're funny =)
anonymous5: huiyo..rilex2 kak.. (ke abang? huhu). takyah la nak marah2..
Btw, hormat adalah perkataan yang sangat subjektif =)
Am not gonna comment anything else..but just one question to you,
awak dah pergi uia ke belum? heh. =)
shida: hye shida.. yeke? u nmpk eh? alamakk maluuu! heh. ;p
nyway..thanks for the compliments.
p/s: Aik. banyak pulak 'anonymous' kali ni. heee ;p
ReplyDeletejgn lupe update psl food!
haha....That the best part for org kuat makan like me each time g event pape.... :P
hey its her choice to show her hair, perlu ke those hatred comments?
ReplyDeletebtw i love ur makeup! u look gorgeous. the dress macam pelik sikit la. but i like the colour. nice ;)
ReplyDeleteagree with the comment above because u usually sgtlah nmpak complete and proper from up to toe but that nite was just sumthing missing...last minit punye preparation eh...klu bole nxt time u pilih material bju yg senang nk gosok n x nampak komot cmtu...btw babe ur stlye sungguh okeh....
pandai komen org plak i ni..ngeeeeee tp at least i tk jd anonymous eihikkk)
take care and have a great weekend yea!
burokkssssss nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ReplyDeletedah mcm pompuan mengandung 9 bulan jek..pas tuh pakaian buroks nak mampoih ... yg kat kepala tuh x yah ckp la ... walaupun last minute, carik lah pakaian yg sesuai, byk jek kat butik2 tuh yg nampak elegan dan menutup aurat..nih nak carik dress tapi dah mcm baju mengandung jek .. iskhhh nih la akibat nya kalau nak bergaya tapi over sgt ..
ReplyDeletedear...2nd pikca i nampak sumthing..correct me if am wrong.. is tht 'ketiak basah'?
ReplyDeletebtw..mekap mata sangat cantik.. baju or what ever they call atas kepala tu x kena pd u..xpe.. yg penting org akan nampak mata cantik!
i suke cara u handle anonymous2 tu. bile time nak condemn tanak plak letak nama & url masing2 ye. hihi! i kagum sbb u mmg pandai bergaya tp u mmg lg manis bile pakai tdg! ;)
ReplyDeletewani dear..im one of ex-students of uia..n now i work there =) love uia so much..bnyk yg dh di pelajari di sana n it's such a great experience to be a student there..agreed?
i noticed u ada bertny pada si ananymous, pernah pegi uia ke? yup, mmg skrg terlalu bnyk student uia yg dah langgar etika berpakaian..but i would like to say, it's not uia punya etika berpakaian, it's ISLAM punya etika berpakaian..
jgn ikut bende yg org lain buat kalo kita tau ianya x betul dear..b a good muslimah..i know u can..=) hopefully we can betulkan apa yg dh x betul di uia..=)
nway, love ur blog..
Hi Wany,
ReplyDeleteUr silent reader here. Just nak comment, cantiknyaaaaa ur faceeeeee!! Suka sangat tengok, mcm glowing2. Oh and I have a thing with high cheekbone (like renee zelweger). So cantekkkk! Keep smiling like that ok, it enhances ur cheek.
And to anon, tak kisah la budak UIA ke apa ke..but when comes to hijab (and rules in Islam), it's up to oneself. Not that I'm saying we can amend it. Maksud I, the rules and panduan is there, ikut atau tak ikut, it's oneself punya act.
hehe tang puji2an smua x anon..tak nasihat/komen/kutuk2 pakat pakai anon jer...
ReplyDeleteaku pun nak anon jg..
best la.. nak gi lagi event camni..
ReplyDeletesuraya: ok will do! makanan dia sgt sikit tp sedddappp! tp tak puas..sobs
ReplyDeleteafra yuri: eheh. well..maybe sbb mmg dorg tak knal i betul2 mcm mane..so apa yg dorg nmpk, itu la yg dorg perceive i mcm cane agak nye..huhu. takpe i tak kesah pun..dah tau n dah agak dah pon =)
lgpun, i bukan berblog setiap minit dan saat. i blog pon sgt jarang. seminggu tak tentu dpt 7 kali. kalau ada pon, mcm mana org nak kenal seseorg dgn baca 1 entry for one day which is 24jam punya kisah hidup? huhuhuh. so biasalah tu, people always see what they want to see
n u know what..i senyum je bila tgk n baca komen2 camtu..rasa funny pon ada gak..sbb mcm tetibe nak angin tak tentu psl..ibarat nye jln2 jumpa org tak kenal, n dia pki sexy gila pastu pi sepak muka dia n maki hamun dia..heh. its ppl's right la. i have never say i berlitup all the time. even my parents knw that. and my frens yg kat skolah ke kat matric ke kat U ke..semua tau i bukan jenis mcm tu. mcm kalau org dtg umah ke apa ke..i mana ada terus pi capai tudung ke apa. maybe belum smpai tahap mcm tu lg kot. but insyallah i akan buat la nnt.. i tanak terus jump to a certain level yg drastic, n then tiba2 menyesal mcm ada some of my frens.. Dah mmg dr dulu i mcm ni..so..sikit2 la..kan? huhu =P
kalau tak, dah lama i buang skinny jeans n all of my jeans, buang tudun tie rack kecik tuh, buang all my 3/4 sleeves nye baju, buang all the baju2 ketat yg i ada, etc. tp sbb apa i tak buang? sbb i masih lg belum smpai tahap itu.
n since march 2008 masa i start blogging, ada je entry pki2 tak tutup semua.. so tiba2 je bila da start ada org baca blog i, tiba2 je semua benda i buat kena jaga hati org or berlandaskan apa yg diorg 'approve'. bila nampak tangan ke atau kaki ke..takde pulak nak marah. klaka pulak i rasa. hehe
takpe la..asalkan dia puas hati dpt sampaikan apa yg dia tak puas hati dgn i.. =)
eh..terpanjang pulak i berbicara dgn u, afra! huhu =P
fauzuskamarudin: yea.. thats y if u read my previous entry, i bengang sgt dgn my dress sbb it does not look how i want it to be. but its fine. dah lepas dah pon..
n btw..mmg tak gosok pon! kitorg dpt bilik lmbt gile! bygkan..1 jam je nk siap! nk gosok lg..nak bukak bag n cari brg lg..nk mandi, make up lg, etc..mane la sempat!
anonymous1: kan??! itulah..haih.
anonymous2: have u ever heard of the term flowy empire dress? It's a great option for ppl with a pear-shaped figures!
ReplyDeleteBabe even InStyle pon ckp la! hehe =)
anonymous3: ketiak basah? hahahaha! ya allah..smpai gitu skali ek u zoom kan mata u! i serious tak prasan.. itu masa tu baru smpai..
so baru je siap pas mandi..tak kan la i berpeluh.. i rasa tu perfume kot sbb i suke spray atas baju even tho mmg tak elok! huhu.. =P
annasuejie: thanks. =)
tasha: hmm..maybe. i dunno about the great experience la. maybe sbb time u lain..time i dah lain kot. i selalu question myself..kenapa boleh jd mcm ni la..etc.. tp kalau dah lecturer pon dah tak berapa nk betul..tak payah la nak sibuk2 betulkan org lain.. Betulkan lah diri sendiri dulu. (ini adalah secara general, tak ditujukan kpd sesiapa)
btw, i tanya is bcuz maksud i..mesti dia ingat kan budak2 kat situ semua type mcm budak2 kisas/DQ kot. biasalah tu, semua org yg tak pernah pegi uia ingatkan mcm tu.
padahal sama je mcm U lain. sbb tu i tanya n suruh dia check it out herself..hehe. sbb biasa lah kan..manusia, ada baik, ada jahat. kat dlm dunia ni pun..semua tpt mmg ada mcm tu..ada baik, ada yang jahat..
mcm kat uia, ada yg pki tudung labuh. ada pki tudung pendek gila. ada pki tudung separuh pendek.dan mcm2. n ada jugak yg siap pki baju jarang pi lecture. pakai jeans ketat2. pki 3/4 sleeve. pakai tudung nmpk rambut kat dahi tuh. pakai tudung jarang n nmpk completely rambut dia. pakai tudung tp rambut pjg terkeluar kat belakang. pakai tudung, n pki jeans pastu perut nmpk. n mcm2 style 'pelik' yg ada kat situ.
n ada lecturer perempuan pon hisap rokok, pakai baju2 jarang. n lain2 yg tak perlu i nyatakan kat sini.
n i know, all these mmg bukan uia punya dress code n bukan jugak islam punya cara berpakaian. tp itulah..sama ada nk ikut atau tak..
im not saying budak uia teruk. nor am i saying that sapa masuk uia is a saint. i'm just saying, kenapa bila seseorg yg masuk uia, ppl perceive that "oh..dia budak uia..mesti blablabla"..umm..u know what i mean.. where in actual fact..tak ramai pun utk kita nmpk org2 yg diorg perceive 'baik' tuh n bertudung labuh kat sini (unless kalau kulliyah IRK kot).
kalau tak, kenapa byk kes curik lah, kes menipu, kes m*r*g*l, kes minum, kes tdo dgn bf dlm mahallah lah etc..n byk my fren mabuk2 lah. tdo sana sini. so..basically.. it is not UIA itself yg menyebabkan budak tu baik. It is that person himself yg menentukan dia tu baik ke jahat, nak buat ke tak nak buat.
Keimanan seseorg bukan terletak pada universiti mana yg dia masuk. hehe.
btw, kalau ikutkan.. make up, stilettos, tudung pendek, tudung bawal, tudung ekin yg pendek tu, etc tu semua tak boleh dlm islam. bukan setakat bertudung je. sbb tu i ckp, itu semua ikut keimanan dan kemampuan masing2..
but anyways..thanks for ur honest comment dear.. =)
aan andes: thanks. glowing itu adalah disebabkan muka berminyak!! haha. err..what cheekbone? itu pipi tembam bulat laaaa!
anonymous4: hehe. =)
along: aizat baru ajak aku pi event taylors. Hollywood something nye theme. tp aku reject sbb dah nk final! sobs.
give her a break la wei..she's only 20! let her live her life..
ReplyDeletehangpa suma dulu yang dah tua2 ni..cuba ingat balik masa hangpa umo 20 macam mana?
lg satu neh aku nak habaq..yang dok panggil2 dia 'muslimah2' neh.. yg pompuan melayu lain bukan muslimah ke? diorang islam gak..tak pakai tudung pon..tp tetap 'muslimah'. takde pon org balun depa..
muslimah tu bermaksud org perempuan yg beragama islam. bukan bermaksud org perempuan yg bertudung shj. jadi pi la balun depa jugak
apa daaa..
mcm ni ckp buruk?? memang dasar jealous atau sakit hati sangat dengan youu tu wany.
ReplyDeleteawak sememangnya cantik. dah mcm hisdustani dah akak tgk.
ignore je apa diorang nak ckp. suka hati you la kan.
it's your blog. it's your life.
just be happy as always!
Dear Wani..
ReplyDeleteU look great and cute!
And u pandai handle these kinda comments from anons.
Good for you.
Take care!
i really love how you handle anonymous comments tu semua. good job, dik! :-)
ReplyDeleteHai wani...yup you look great...and care you make up to..cantik..hehe
ReplyDeleteyg anon2 sume nih x puas ati sbb x dpt invitation gi dinner ke?? siannye..korg kutuk2 wani pon tp she still get all da benefits..korg dpt ape?? dosa?? hihi...
ReplyDeletehi wany dear...
ReplyDeletesakit hati betol i bila dngr psal u bdk uia n compare dengan the way u dress...
fyi i ni ex uia br je convo hari tu... mmg bangang bila org kaitkan bdk uia dgn attitude org tu???
yup i agree org yg ckp mcm depa yg x penah dudok d uia .. if dia bdk uia pun dia syok sendiri n perasan best n etc... i cukup anti org mcm ni.. nak berdakwah n tegor tp cara mcm sh**t..
if u bdk KISAS ker MAAHAD ker PONDOK mana ker ... x penting yg penting diri sendiri.. kalau u blajar di ALAZHAR pun tp u nak jd kaki pompuan or kaki mabuk or etc u akan jd jgk... IT DEPENDS ON DIRI SENDIRI YA ANONY SEKALIAN.... dan bkn pd tempat dimana korang blaja...
ish ish wahai anony sekalian u ollzz pg duduk d HS CAFE or ECONS CAFE during lunch or kol 7pm keatas cukup la.. u ollz dah boleh dapat gambaran mcm mana the real uia is...tu la i kata... manusia beb.. fitrah manusia... bab kata TUN MAHATHIR "MELAYU MUDAH LUPA".. tu la dia.. ha korang x setuju???
yupz i agree with u..
even Rasulullah kita x penah berkasar pd org kafir.. itu kafir apalah lg sesama muslim.. lgla beliau tak penah memaksa dan berkasar.. tp kita ni sesama muslim pun boleh jd...
huh bila nmpak ja org tu silap sket.., bam bam bam bam... maki hamun or perli2....
Itu la cuba pikir sapa akan yg di anugerahkan syurga dulu nanti..
1) org yg muslim tutup aurat, smbahyang dan buat suruhan tp ngutuk org..maki org.. x pandai nak berdakwah..hati busuk.. DAN;
2) org muslim yg dulunya jahil tetapi perlahan lahan menerima islam.. dan melakukan perubahan dengan HATI YANG IKHLAS... HATI YANG BERSIH dan menjadi GOOD MUSLIM menurut apa yang disuruh tinggal apa yang di larang..
tu baru betol.. pada zaman rasulullah dulu pun dah ada yang berlaku mcm ini.. jadikanlah rujukan dan pedoman...
eh anony kata hebat sangat pasal ISLAM.. xkan kes ni pun korang x tau..
korang sekalian anony yg byk dok ngomen2 tu cermin diri sendiri dulu ok..pastu kita sama2 saling bantu memperbaiki diri sendiri dan menjadi a GOOD MUSLIM di mata ALLAH bkn di mata ORANG ok... tp gunakanlah dengan cara yang betul dan berhemah ok...
* between.. u sgt cantek.. tp as far i know u through ur blog u r perfectionist tp this time mmg nampak ada kureng sket la... tak byk.. sket jer.. as i mention b4 sbb u r too perferct in ur appearance n look. x penah nmpak u x cantek.. alwaiz cantek... huhuh..
wany dear.. i salute cara u response to those anony...
letak nama mcm ni barula dikatakan anak jantan or anak betina or what so ever.. bkn PENGECUT... oopppsiiii
i personally think u look fab! and ur sis too ;) too bad tak same table and rush here and there, tak sempat nak amik gambar lagi banyak2.next time maybe.i like ur makeup and also the hairgear/do.unique sangat2.u girl make hijab nampak so fabulous.( dah la only 1 hour to get ready kan)
ReplyDeleteDear,i love ur 'tulang pipi'..sgt tinggi..jez let them be la whatever they wanna say to u..i pon mcm u jgk dulu, but at one time, people will change..hopefully bad to good la..ade my fwen dulu sgt 'tutup', skrg, gone..atleast u knw who u r..
ReplyDeletetc dear!
oi dik istifar byk2 coz showing ur jambul is just not right... kesian kat ur parents coz they too dpt bahagian yg u buat tu unless they couldnt care at all
ReplyDeletekorang memang cam kembo siam.hehe
ReplyDeletelicinnya pipi wani..
looks like u both had so much fun!
stress2 study kan...elok la dpt this trip as a getaway..
shopping apa kat spore apart from pegi this event.