Hello there.
My name is Shazwani Hamid. I am the author of this blog. This is my personal blog. This is my space to talk when my lips are sealed. Lately I received some new readers!
(Hellloww my new readers..waving at youuu!) Thank you for following this blog and thank you for reading it. And to those who have been reading my blog all along this while, I thanked you too! mwah mwahh
Now..I noticed that after been blogging for about a year, I never really introduced myself to my readers..hehe..
So today, I will answer some random 21 questions that I picked from my readers via comments or emails or Facebook or what not which I never really get the chance to reply before this.. (Sorry!)
Okay..here goes
1. What is your real name?It's
N. Shazwani
A. Hamid. I leave you to wonder what are the N and A letters stand for..heh. So anyways.. I shortened it to Shazwani Hamid because I got this name since I was in primary school. That time, there were so many girls named Shazwani.
(Oh daddie and mommie..why do you named me the common name ones? hehee). So anyway they made it easy to identify which Shazwanis by calling all Shazwanis with their surname or daddy's name I suppose. Because other wise, people will always ask whenever one mentions the name Shazwani or Wani,
"Which Wani?",
"Cop..Shazwani mana ni?"2. So your name is not actually spelled Schazwany Hameed lah?Nope nope nope. I'm not the cousin of Nicole Scherzinger! hahah. Well I got this idea to spell it this way when there was this one time where I got so bored and had nothing to do.. so I went to E-dictionary and type Shazwani Hamid, and asked the thing to pronounce it.. But it sounded "Sheh-we-nai Ha-maid". So I tried to type words that could make the dictionary pronounce it as Shazwani Hamid and it turned out to be Schaz-wany Ha-meed! haha =P
3. So why do you named your blog Schazwany Hameed, and not Shazwani Hamid then?
Oh..good question.. hehe. Well, back then before I started to blog..there was this one guy who always googled about me. So when I was in the middle to set up my blog..I thought about it..so instead of putting my real name, I spelled it like that cuz I do not want him to know anything about me! Anyway, this guy would always try to korek if there's anything about me on the net. Friendster, Facebook, Myspace or whatsoever that he could find, to find out moree about me..more like stalking I guess..haha. And at that time, he wanted to know whether I had a blog or not, by typing every possible words that might appear on the Google result. He typed my sisters name (since they have blogs too), my brother's name, my nephew's name etc etc..just hoping that I mentioned it somewhere in my blog post..so it would appear on the Google site and hoping that he found me! I found out about this from someone, by the way. Andd.. well..well..well.. it didn't work that way because I spelled it as Schazwany Hameed and he couldn't trace me! hehe. So I win! haha. But after about 8 months of blogging..then only he found out! And that's only because people linked me.. So I guess..my plan kinda worked, huh..hehe. (Oh and I don't intend to change the name now bcuz I don't really care anymore if he stalk me or whatever.. but..maybe later in the future I guess! We'll see!)
4. So how do I call you now? Wani, is it?Well..you can call me Shazwani or Wani or Shaz..which ever you like. Or maybe The Girl who Has The Most Fabulous Shoes also can! hahaha =P
Just don't call me Shazwina la. That's my friend's name!
5. What are you like in the real world?Err..what do you mean? What am I like? Hmm...this question is verry subjective.. But well..try to answer it ok.. Hmm..let see.. I am 155 cm (super short, I know!), I weigh about ** kg. haha. I won't tell you my weight bcuz I am hugeee! I have super black straight hair. I have never dyed my hair and never will. I have very pretty fingers and nails (ha. ha). I am tanned. I have very ugly teeth and cheeks. Umm...what else? Oh..and my shoe size is 6. And for the past 20 years of living in this world, I only have one sneakers or trainers or whatever you guys call it and more than a hundred of stilettos and heels. heh. Yup, I am a true high heel girl =)
What am I like in the real world, ey? Hmmmm... *still thinking*
Oh..I am so bad at this question! Maybe you meant like my attitude and stuff is it? Well..can't really say much.. I mean tak kan nak cakap pasal diri sendiri pulak kan? Mesti la puji diri je memanjang! LOL.
Okay..these descriptions about me are based from my fellow friends/family descriptions.
- I am very manja with the ones I love. Maybe bcuz I'm the last girl in the family kot. So I tend to be manja with the people surrounded me. But not mengada. (there's a fine line between manja and mengada, ok)
- I can be so nice to people that sometimes it made me look stupid. (bcuz they took advantage of it)
- I am not a mean person. (only if I have to be! haha)
- I am gedik. Not with people. But with myself. Gedik in the sense that I like girly stuff. I like pretty stuff.
- I am a loser and I suck in making friends with the boys.
- I panic all the time. Yes, all the time.
- I may look girly, but I am SO like a boy. haha. I sleep at weird hours like boys do. Or sometimes I didn't sleep at all. I drive like a boy. I don't wake up at 6 am in the morning like other girls do. My car and room is a mess. I always get warning letters. And summons from the IIUM's police. I don't like to follow rules. I like to turn on the music sampai nak pecah speaker tu. Sometimes I forgot to take my bath while I'm at home. Ish Ishh. And I like to laugh out loud. Oh..but I don't swear like boys do. And my sweat don't smell like boy's too. Eeuww. =P
- Friends always call me bangang and sengal without me intend to make anything lawak pon.
- I'm not a joker but girlfriends always call me a clown.
- I like to laugh. (Like a lot.)
- I don't like to associate myself with bimbos who think they're hot and bitches who think they're cool.
- I like to sing even though I have very ugly voice. But singing makes me happy. I feel alive whenever I sing (But I always annoy people with my songs! haha. Sorry!!)
- I'm nice. (Okayy, this one came out from my mouth. haha) =P
- I'm a weeper. I cry all the time. Good book. Good movies. Good song. Everything!!
- Oh..and I whine a lot too! haha
- I am not a sombong person like people always thought I am. That's just the way my face is. Once you get to know me, you'll know how comel I can be (Okayyy..this one came out from myself too!) Ishh..enough Wani..enough!
- Saya seorang yang sangat sangat penakot. Penakot dengan cicak. Penakot dengan lipas. Penakot dengan pervert.
- Oh..and I can be a hot tempered woman too, sometimes (only when you trigger something that makes me mad!) Heyy..I'm only human!
6. How old are you actually?Oh. I am very young.
7. What do you like the most about yourself?I like the fact that I'm a girl's girl. Girls always come and ask me about some girly stuff. Be it in the blogging world or the real world or the sms world =)
Even though I know I am not that hebat for people to come and see me!
8. Do you think you are a confident person?Haha. Ask my friends..and they'll answer you:
HELL NO!!!Yupp..I am SO not a confident person. I hate it when people look and stare at me. Seriously. I really hate it. Bcuz I feel so low and rasa macam
tak sesuai untuk di stare. Ish ishh..
My dear, I know I got a fabulous shoe on..but please don't stare..I feel so ashamed and uncomfortable when you do that!9. So what do you do when you don't feel comfortable?I'll have this look on my face:
"Weyy..lu pehal? Mau apaa? Mau cari gado ka?"
Fyi, I always have this look on me.. so that means I am uncomfortable all the time!! haha
10. Are you on a diet?Hehe. That's a question I'll never be able to answer yes. I eat all the time. I like to eat. When I'm happy I'll eat. When I feel sad, I'll definitely gonna find chocolate to stuff my face! I like to eat burgers, mountain rice (is there such term? Nasi menggunung! hahah) , fries and lotsa fries, chocolate, cili padi banyak banyak, masak lemak ikan patin (perghh sedap nyee!), ice cream, umm..coffee all the time!
Hey..anyone..wanna go and grab a coffee with me? I'll definitely say YES! =)
I eat anything!! And that explains why I look like a baloon that about to pop!
11. I like your style.Okay. That's not a question =P
But thank you!
12. Do you wear hijab all the time?Err..my answer would be...Umm..honestly, no. I don't wear it while I sleep and while I'm taking my 2 hour bath! haha =P
13. Can you teach us how do you wear your scarf? It looks good on you.Thanks. I'll a have a tutorial on it when I get the time k darling! =)
14. Are you a happy person?Definitely. I'm a bubbly girl. See..this is the look on my face when I'm with friends and happiee! =P
15. Do you get mad easily?Nope! Like I said..only when a person triggers something that can make me go haywire. I'm usually very cool and relax. (and very nice too!) =P
16. What is your skin type?Ha? Very the bumpy and pimply one! haha =P
17. Are you in love?Yes indeed.
18. When are you going to get married? I can't wait to see your wedding dress!Oh my goodness! Dear..please do not ask me this kinda questions. It's in the God's hands. Jodoh saya pun saya tak tahu siapa. Inikan pulak designer baju kahwin nanti! haha.
19. I've seen your pictures a lot in your FB. You must really love the camera and like to pose huh?Err..is that bad? huhu.
Read here and you'll know why!20. Do you love blogging?Of course I do! Blogging has taken my life over the past few months! I can not sleep, eat, shop or go out just because I'm busy blogging! haha. And I super love it!
21. What is your body stats?Err..let's not talk about each other's boob size or butt size shall we?
Okay..I'm done! If you have any questions at all..just leave a comment and ask ok! Yes you, the one who reads this! Just ask me whatever you need to know and want to know! And I'll try my best to answer 'em ok! =)
XOXO,Shazwani Hamid.