
Monday, January 4, 2010

My First Day in Perth

Well hello there!
Okayy.. so for today's post, I'll start bebel with my very first day in Perth kay.. Nothing much tho. Sebab ye la, first day kan.. Tak berjalan sangat pun..

So anyways..

Our flight was on Thursday morning (17th December 2009), 9 am.. So we arrived Perth around 2 or 3 pm, I think. Can't really remember. So then Uncle Abbas (Daddie's friend) took us to our apartment in Mounts Bay Village.

Arrived apartment around 4 pm.

That's our apartment

Every time when we go for a holiday with the family, my parents prefer to stay in an apartment rather than hotels because, my mom wants to cook for the family. Dari dulu lagi memang macam ni. Since 2004, I think. Masa pergi Spain 2004, Paris in 2006 ke, Istanbul 2007 ke, Amsterdam 2008 ke..semua nya duduk service apartment. Simply because senang sebab banyak bilik lagi and sebab ada dapur! Sebab kalau nak makan Middle Eastern restaurants jer ke apa, nanti muak and bosan. Kami mahu nasik. hehe. Rice is essential when you gonna travel a lot! =)

Tiba-tiba je pakai kasut merah! hehee. These are my in flights footie. They are lovely and comfy. Love it to bits! =)

Our bags!

So this is our apartment.

The view from the balcony. And that's Perth City, y'all! =)

The moment I stepped into my room, I straight away changed to my sweatshirts and started to unpack my stuff! While my parents and the lil' brother went out for grocery shopping, I arranged my make up stuff, my accessories, my bags, my clothes and my shoes! heee.. Buat macam duduk rumah betul-betul pulak. heh.
Btw, I brought 5 shoes altogether! haha. I seriously do not know how to pack light!! =P

First deck: Bags, Second deck: Scarfs and Accessories, Third deck: Cosmetic and Fragrances, Drawers: Pads, Pantiliners, Belts, Socks, Undies. hehehee =P

Shoes and clothes for the week!

So after diorang dah balik, we got ourselves ready for dinner.

Uncle Abbas took us around the city centre. And we stopped by at Indonesia Indah Restaurant. Makanan kat sini sangat sedap!

This Mee Hoon is the best!!

I like this drink. I forgot what its called tho. But they mixed it with avocado + santan + susu kot? + kelapa and maybe some other things.. Sangat sedap! =)

After makan, we went for a walk sekejap.. Most of the stores dah nak tutup.. So just jalan jalan je..

Christmas is in the air..

Adik aku ada hati nak masuk sini, tapi tak cukup umur! haha. JK =P

We stopped by at a convenience store to buy an adapter and some ice creams! =)

Magnum's my favourite!

Seriously view from up here sangat sangat sangat cantik! Very romantic. And with the weather yang sangat cool, nak picnic and nak berasmaradana kat sini pun sangat seronok! Haha. =P

I like this tree! Sangat smooth! Pokok apa ni eh? Lupa dah nama apa tah.. Masa blaja geografi dulu kat sekolah ingat la. haha

....and it's time to go home and rest because the next day we're going shoppinggg! hehee =P

Oh hey.. In Aussie, they call it 'Streets' instead of 'Walls'

Before going to bed, makan ice cream dulu! Yumm!

Okay.. gotta stop here. Nothing much to talk about on my first day there. hee.



  1. The ice cream! Nampak macam sedap gila.

  2. i pun sama. kalau travel seminggu, seminggu la baju i bawak, siap pk pagi pakai apa, tgh hari pakai apa, malam pakai apa. kasut pun bawak extra. stock yang kompem baju balik basuh kat mesia. or even ada dobi pun, tak nak pakai the same baju, nanti amik gambar baju sama je. kuikuikuikuikui

  3. Hebat lah you dear, pegi travel dan berjalan sana sini dengan 4-5 inches heels! I setakat sarung kasut scholl saje. Beauty is Pain ek?

  4. adehh..sedapnya ice-cream "Street"..yummey...

  5. hey there..just ur silent reader..nk tnye something..maybe the-most-stupidest-question-thats-y-im-anonymous:p

    how on earth did u manage to walk in those heels....everytime i try to wear them,they kill the joy of walking out of me *gosh..*

    some tips plzzz:D

  6. Cant wait for the next update on ur holiday..

  7. hang kata tak best? looks like a nice place jer!

    the closet looks like urs kat rumah btw. huhu

  8. reena: memang sedap! sangat creammeyyy! me likey! =)

    kak shila: hahaha! SAMAAAA!!!! =P

    miss q: heh. kalau tak saya nampak katik. tak sukeeee. hee

    kancilbiru: yup! tp magnum almond kat mesia pon sedap gak kan? =)

    anonymous: heh. what a comel question my dear! hehee. well, probably cuz i wear heels since i was 14 kot. but at that time i only wear 2 to 3 inches. and as time goes by..i started to increase a lil bit to 3 to 4 inches and now.. 5 inch. most of my heels now are 5 inches.
    i guess..u have to wear from 3 inch first then 4 then 5 kot? that way..your feet wont be 'terkejut' so much, i think! hahah =P

    mursapap: okayyy..nanti ye! nak resize pics!

    along: ntah la. prolly cuz hati aku tak tenteram kot? i dunno. huhu =P

  9. Wani,drink yg you minum @ padang restaurant tu kalau x silap they call it "alpokat geruk"(dunno whether my spelling is correct or not).I like that drink also and avocado (alpokat) also is anti aging for skin!!!

  10. avocado tu, panggil espokat ke? tak pernah try.. takut tak sedap..

  11. wow u brought 5 shoes! dats a lot!

  12. wahaha kalau i travel i normally bawak satu or dua perfume saja...tu dia wani angkut perfume and semua alatan mekap macam nak duduk situ terus..hehe tapi totally understand..sbb kalau tertinggal satu sure tak best kan..

  13. U look yr contact lenses!Those food pictures are making me hungryyy!

  14. kalau i dah siap pack sebegitu banyak kasut,mesti i kena siap2 dengar my dad sindir "nak pindah rumah terus ker??!"

    anyway,i memang ada masalah pack luggage lightly eventho' pergi for 3D2N jer..

  15. This is - indonesian call avocado - alpokat.I pun mula2 takut jugak nak sekali dah rasa nak lagi.isi kelapa dlm minuman tu wangi dan manis.recomended to try!!!

  16. sama dgn anonymous, i cant walk in those killer heels. I once walk pakai sandal that is only 2 inch high, terseliuh jatuh tangga. terus berbungkus. uhuhuhu... so now i just stick to flats. nak pakai heels on special occasions je.. huhuhu

  17. pinkcouture: yup..i think its es alpokat kot.. i ingat dia ade 'po' something je! haha. betul la tu kot =P

    this is...: tak la, sedap la dear.. i pun ingat tak sedap tp sbb my mom ckp dia penah try n i dgr je la ckp dia and ordered the same thing..hehe

    lea shmea: eheh. yup! and i bwk balik m'sia tambah lagi 4 kasut!! haha. altogether 9! crazeyyy woman! =P

    kak shay: hehee.. akak suka buat statement yg buat wani gelak! huhu.. aah..dah mcm nak pindah je..adeh *malumalu* =P
    sbb kalau bwk sikit2 sgt takot nanti rasa 'tak best' sbb mcm rasa ade bende tak cukup..heee

    nana: thanks babe! yup, i like that contacts too! =)

    cikembong: hahaha! sama la! tp my dad dah tatau nak ckp ape dah kat anakgedik dia ni..tiap2 kali travel sameee je! haha. lgpon lain2 nasib baik lah, so i boleh letak brg i sesukati i je! =P

    waneeda: fyi, i prasan kan, bile i pakai flats atau 2 inch heels, i lg byk terpeleot dr pki 5 inch heels! heee.. pelik betul.. i guess sbb i rasa cam kasut tu tak 'bahaya' i mcm main sukati je jln tak tgk ade lubang ke ape kot..huhu

  18. oh dear.
    i am a very light packer.
    pegi london 2 weeks pon bwk 1 jeans je. lgpon sure akan beli kt sana nnt kan so ok lah hehe

    and my in-flight shoes are crocs malindi atau sneakers. hehe walaupun pendek tp xsanggup la pki heels hehe xbiasa maybe.

    perfume cuma akan bwk 1 botol (mmg ada sebotol je pon at once time) so bleh isi byk2 brg baru hehe

    i respek la u wany. tetap bergaya ketika travel. i mmg horror la comot abis hehe

  19. wahh tabik springlah kat u..with the high heels gitu jalan2 ;)

    salam kenal,
    lily lotus

  20. wow best2 tgk gambar2 u...btw nak ty la, wer did u buy that DVB jeans?

  21. Best nye!!!

    My hubby's cousins stay @ Perth..

    Wanna fine some time to visit Perth too

  22. hi wanny =)
    another silent reader here...
    cute je ur mom amik pic by the payphone..
    ur lil bro reminds me of my own lil bro prolly cz of the specs n aww, sian xleh msuk adult
    n omg !! we should have white magnum here cz im a sucker for white chocs =9..
    cant wait for ur next us what u bought pls =)
    ur sis said u bought like 5 pairs of Zu heels...hohoho...

  23. hey wani, hope u had great time in perth. anyway, it is 'alpukat' juice and i think the tree is a eucalyptus, the one and only plant koalas can feed on ;)

  24. memey anuar: heee yeke? best nyee jd light packer. i teringin nak jd mcm tu. but i just cant. tp rasa mcm insecure lah ape lah..huhuh.. So i had to bring everythinggg! =P

    lily lotus: wowww tabik spring ye? hehee.. ;p
    alah, mcm berjalan biasa je..sbb kalau kat kl pun, ada je i berjalan the whole day pakai heels. so..takde beza pun bila travel..sbb kat mesia ke kat mana2 pun, i tetap berjalan jugak kan? bukan berlari. haha. jk =P

    lin: oh i bought it quite long time ago already. i only hv two. one i bought in london. another pair i bought in parkson, pavilion =)

    aishah noordin: heee best nya dia duduk sana? best besttt =)
    perth besar sgt... byk tak explore lg.tskk

    honeys: heheh.. well, only 3 from Zu actually. But altogether I have 5 shoes that i bought in perth! erkkk.

    alfina: oh alpukat eh? hmm..Ok. thanks for informing! =)

  25. i envy the apartment! even my apartment don't look nearly as good as that! lol. anyways, i'm blog-hopping and so that's why im here teeeheee.
    i enjoy reading ur blog :) nice stuff! i used to bring a lot of stuff too when traveling, some i don't even wear. sigh. and when i need to carry it everywhere...rasa nak pengsan. so, now dah opt for backpack jeerrr. bangga kejap lol
