Since it was Friday on our second day in Perth, daddie decided to leave the apartment after Friday Prayer (he refused to solat qasar in our place, even though we're a traveller/musafir. Dia cakap, kalau pergi masjid, kot kot boleh jumpa orang Melayu ke.. So boley kawan. Hee. Comel je)
So anyway..that day we went out around 2 something o' clock in the afternoon. And since it was quite late for us to go sightseeing or anything, daddie suggested that we went for shopping! =)
Uncle Abbas took us to Harbour Town, the home of outlet shopping. No, this outlet store is not something like this! They don't have designer goods here (how I wish), but they only have those branded stuff, like Adidas, Nike, Bras N Things, Cue, Jayjays, Portmans, Forever New, Yd. and so on. Well..most of them are Australian brand. And I wasn't very familar with the names tho..but they do have wonderful stuff! But...of course, it comes with a wonderful price tag tooo! =(
Well, to be honest with you kan, I think stuffs in Australia is a weeee bit expensive la. Especially those brands yang memang ada kat all over the world. Those yang Australian brand tu, tahan lagi lah price dia.. (tp for me, still mahal gak lepas dah convert pun. Saya student je. Tadek duhet. Adehh..)
Anyways.. we had nasi and roti for breakfast in the morning. MamAbah suruh isi perut bila travel =)
So..after my dad and the lil' bro have returned to our place after solat, guess whattt... Daddy handed me some monayyy! Wooh. Excited gilaaa weyyy. huhu =P
So..around 2 something we arrived Harbour Town. Yeayyy.
Tapi..lek lu.. Kami jalan jalan area bawah dulu..
So after I made a quick one round around the mall, I went upstairs..and I see that shoe shop! Hati saya makin berdebar debar apabila terlihat "Up to 70% Off!" Wooh! =D
Later when we're done with our shopping and lunching, we went home by bus! Fyi in Perth, there's a free bus service called "Red Cat", "Blue Cat" and "Yellow Cat" buses. Each bus has different route and areas yang dia tuju. Best gila. Hop on hop off around the city, FREE je youu! Malaysia patut ada service macam ni lah. Tapi siaplah nanti, habis bas tu bau ketiak hangat dan hangit sebab semua orang pun nak naik free bus. heee =P
While we were waiting for the Blue Cat bus to arrive, mom stopped by at this one souvenir shop..
So after Maghrib, we went out for a nice dinner with daddie's friends and Uncle Abbas's family. I love what I wore on that night, btw! Except for my black tudung and make up. Cuz they looked weird to me. Somehow something is wrong somewhere (I think).. Hmm..
Anyway, we went to a place called, Fishmonger Restaurant. It was such a divine place to eat, I tell you! And the staff were SO friendly! Layan gila gila punya lah. Serious, baik gileeee
And here comes the food part!! We ordered:
So this is Aunt Maria and her eldest son, Michael. Handsome gila! heee. Oh, and the one in grey shirt is her youngest son, Daniel (yang takde kepala tu. hehe). Both her son are SO nice! Sangat lembut and baik hati, ok! =))
Nowww.. Time for dessert:
Okayy..cerita saya dah habis dah untuk Day Two. Lepas tu, kami pun pulanglah ke apartment dan masa untuk terbungkang tidurrr.. heee
Oh..but before that, lemme show you the shoe that I bought from that Shoe Show store!
Ok..toodles! =)
p/s: I hope I don't make you feel bored with my epic stories! I'm just so excited about shoes and food! haha =P
So anyway..that day we went out around 2 something o' clock in the afternoon. And since it was quite late for us to go sightseeing or anything, daddie suggested that we went for shopping! =)
Uncle Abbas took us to Harbour Town, the home of outlet shopping. No, this outlet store is not something like this! They don't have designer goods here (how I wish), but they only have those branded stuff, like Adidas, Nike, Bras N Things, Cue, Jayjays, Portmans, Forever New, Yd. and so on. Well..most of them are Australian brand. And I wasn't very familar with the names tho..but they do have wonderful stuff! But...of course, it comes with a wonderful price tag tooo! =(
Well, to be honest with you kan, I think stuffs in Australia is a weeee bit expensive la. Especially those brands yang memang ada kat all over the world. Those yang Australian brand tu, tahan lagi lah price dia.. (tp for me, still mahal gak lepas dah convert pun. Saya student je. Tadek duhet. Adehh..)
Anyways.. we had nasi and roti for breakfast in the morning. MamAbah suruh isi perut bila travel =)
Nasi lauk Sambal apa tah, Telur dadar and Sayur. Mama masak. Sedddap even tho simple je! heh. =)
So..after my dad and the lil' bro have returned to our place after solat, guess whattt... Daddy handed me some monayyy! Wooh. Excited gilaaa weyyy. huhu =P
How I wish all these are for my SHOPPINGGG! haha. =P
So..around 2 something we arrived Harbour Town. Yeayyy.
The first thing that caught my eyes when I first landed my feet in Harbour Town was this!
Did I ever mention that I'm a shoe fetish? Hmm.. Yea..I think I did, like a zillion times, aite? heh. Terus excited lepas tengok sign ni!! heee =P
Tapi..lek lu.. Kami jalan jalan area bawah dulu..
Pastu masuk this store, called Bras N Things (it's something like La Senza. Me likeyy!) =)
So after I made a quick one round around the mall, I went upstairs..and I see that shoe shop! Hati saya makin berdebar debar apabila terlihat "Up to 70% Off!" Wooh! =D
I like the name of the shop, 'Shoe Show'. Macamgedix bunyinya. hehe. Dalam kedai ni kan, banyak gila kasut designer yang lawa lawaaa! Tapi takut nak ambil gambar la.. Orang tu asik pandang saya je. tsk.
Pastu masuk kedai kasut yang lain (Banyak gila kedai kasut kat Harbour Town ni! heee)
Another shoe store.. Oh, I like the name of that red box shoe brand, "Therapy". SO TRUE! Yup, besides chocs and ice cream, shoe IS my therapy when I'm feeling down and low.. heee =D
Happyy sangatlah dia tuu. Dapat sebijik kasut pun jadilah yerr. Heee
Lepak lepak..
And had our lunch!
Oh..and coffee too! =)
Later when we're done with our shopping and lunching, we went home by bus! Fyi in Perth, there's a free bus service called "Red Cat", "Blue Cat" and "Yellow Cat" buses. Each bus has different route and areas yang dia tuju. Best gila. Hop on hop off around the city, FREE je youu! Malaysia patut ada service macam ni lah. Tapi siaplah nanti, habis bas tu bau ketiak hangat dan hangit sebab semua orang pun nak naik free bus. heee =P
Walking to the bus station..
Si gedix menunggu bus =P
While we were waiting for the Blue Cat bus to arrive, mom stopped by at this one souvenir shop..
(This is where I bought all the Fridge Magnets for you my dear readers, which I've yet to announce the winners, later ya!) =)
These are called Ugg Boots. Originally from Australia. They keep your feet toasted. But it looks too ughhh to me. heh =P
Ini bapak saya.
Daddie was saying.. "Haa ni, beli untuk Hariz"
Aussie flags..
This is my sugar daddy. Love him so much! hehee =)
Meet the parents. Comel kan mak saya? Dah 53, youu.. Maintain comel je. heee
And..we arrived home safely..
So after Maghrib, we went out for a nice dinner with daddie's friends and Uncle Abbas's family. I love what I wore on that night, btw! Except for my black tudung and make up. Cuz they looked weird to me. Somehow something is wrong somewhere (I think).. Hmm..
Wearing my favourite Chanel =)
Anyway, we went to a place called, Fishmonger Restaurant. It was such a divine place to eat, I tell you! And the staff were SO friendly! Layan gila gila punya lah. Serious, baik gileeee

And here comes the food part!! We ordered:
For starters: Chilli Mussels (thisss IS super yummeyy!)
Traditional Seafood Chowder, served with fresh sour dough bread, for each one of us.
Atlantic Salmon Fillet comes the most scrumptious meal of the night, our Main Course: Giant seafood platter! We ordered two trays! Gila bapak kenyanggg weh! huhu =P
Our table was full with fooood!!
Nowww.. Time for dessert:
Aizat's dessert, Hazelnut Mousse something something...Can't remember! Tapi memang sedap sangat sangat sangat sangat!
Lemon Tart. Tak dapat nak rasa. Ni orang punya. Tapi diorang cakap sedap!
The three ladies ordered this.. (Aunt Maria, Mommy and Wani) : Panna Cotta with Berries! Ahhh..lembut, creamy gilaaa!
Okayy..cerita saya dah habis dah untuk Day Two. Lepas tu, kami pun pulanglah ke apartment dan masa untuk terbungkang tidurrr.. heee
Oh..but before that, lemme show you the shoe that I bought from that Shoe Show store!
My snakeskin shoes!! I can match this with my Ferragamo python skin clutch! =))
Ok..toodles! =)
p/s: I hope I don't make you feel bored with my epic stories! I'm just so excited about shoes and food! haha =P
i wonder when i'll able to visit aussie. most of my friends who are studying in sydney and melbourne dah balik for good. once a friend said that end of summer is the right time to visit aussie, tak panas sangat tak sejuk sangat and can enjoy the sceneries. :)
ReplyDeletewowww..sedap gila mkn!! ur food makes me hungry! ishh.. mesti mahal kan makan kat tempat mcm tu?
ReplyDeletebtw, u look great as always!
i agree with fida..gosh, im so gonna get sumtin to eat after i comment here babe =)
ReplyDeleten oh my, weather kat aussie camne eh? nmpk best je, redup..i like it =)
wish i can visit aussie too 1 day..
u must show us what u bought kat sane k...hihih...tumpang excited skali...
g'day mate =)
continue pls...hehe..heaven tgk kasut tu...makanan pun heaven jugak..btw, akak suka tgk ur parents. Susah nak jumpa orang pangkat besar yang look so humble..
ReplyDeletehuaaa that;s a lot of aussie dollar. yup brg aussie mmg mahal.
ReplyDeleteanyway melbourne will be the best place for u to shop wani.pokai terus
i dont get bored at all!! :)
ReplyDeletei want more hehehee
takder Wani, in fact akak suka tengok Wani bergaya depan kamera..
ReplyDeletei think i'll be able to go crazy if i was there. shoes are just a good therapy for any downtime (or even tengah happy pun). :) nice hoes tho. love your black n white cardi. izzit chanel?
ReplyDeleteaida narina: yup yup..summer masa i pegi ni tak panas sgt pon.. mcm windy2 gitu..heh. bessst. i suka weather camtu! =D
ReplyDeletefida: heee.. aah. sgt sedap. sgt puas mkn. i dah lama tak mkn mcm ni! so sgt seronok lah.heeee..
honeys: g'day mate! hehe
time kitorang pergi ni summer.. so weather panas cam mesia la kot.. tp cam panas2 pon tak brapa nk peluh sgt pon..
kancilbiru: kan kan..kasut adalah sesuatu yang sangat magical..haha =P
mini_ace: yeke?
Next stop gi melbourne. heeee =P
lyein: really?? woww.. ni yang semangat nak update ni..hehe =)
zailamohamed: eheh. thanks akak =)
swit@kon: Yup!
Kasut is a really good therapy kan..cuz when u feel down, pastu at least bila tgh sedih2 n tgk bwh..u still have the perfect feet! LOL =P
curi2 baca blog wani..puas sbb pic besar...puas sebab banyak pic..mcm ni baru la syok...citela lagi...
ReplyDeleteOoOoO the shoe is Gorgeous!!! Really beautiful! LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteowwh...not the only the shoes...but the box also nice!!hey...hee..bape inci heel u ni wany??macam nak tunggang terbalik ai tgk!!
ReplyDeleteomg... nape aritu i gi aussy x g harbour town eyk? pelik gak... =( i g muray street, hay street. where is it located anyway? (the harbour town)
ReplyDeleteis the harbour town near the fremantle market? i love your cardigan. where did u bought it? nyway, xpenat ke walk in high heels all the way? glr salut u. i wore flats pon cm da letey da =)
ReplyDeletebestnya holiday with family!!!
ReplyDeletewow! u made me salivating by looking at the food, it is indeed look so yummy! i like your blue top btw, do u mind telling me where did u get that from? =) and pls if u got time do the tutorial how to wear the tierack scarf in your style. it is so cantik and kemas! =)
ReplyDeletemamataya: hehe. ok will do =)
ReplyDeletenana: me loving it too!
katak_78: kan kan..the box is cute kan? tp sayang takleh bwk balik sbb tak muat masuk bag..sob
btw, my heels tu 5 inch. heee =)
anonymous1: not sure where is it located la. so sorry..
anonymous2: umm..nope.. harbour town is not situated near jauh je lg kalo nk gi fremantle..i dunno where it is located la dear.. i follow my dad je. hehe..
btw, i dah biasa pki mmg rasa penat yang biasa je.. =)
umi: indeed =)
ayesha: thanks! its from mng dear. dunno if they still have it or not.. mcm dah agak lama dah i beli..
and about the tutorial..insyaallah i'll do it later k when i have the time =)
kakaka..syiok kan gi harbour town walaupun takdelah branded yang mcm kiter sll dengar mostly aussie brand but still mengarut2 jugak membeli kan..i mean like my case dok masuk kedai cotton on tuh merapu2 sume benda angkut esp. kids nyer stuffs...cotton on body beli undies and ntah apa 2 lagi ada brg2 sweet2 aud1 aud 2 waktu akak pegi lah...
ReplyDeleteharbour town in on wellington street. Kmart & Target pun ok ok gak la to shop. But to shop for baju Perth is not really the place. Fashionable lagi in KL. but BABYWEAR is too adorable to not buy here in OZ. I get all my kids bajus here in Perth.
ReplyDeleteSuka baca ur Aussie punya travelogue ni. The foooddddd! Arrggghhh! Esp the dessert. Nakkk! And ohhh love love love ur 'Chanel' cardigan! Classy gitu. The blue top is from MNG kan? I ada try tp tak dak my size hari tu :( Ok, tak sabaq nak baca next day plak :D
ReplyDeleteSuka tgk cara your mom, tetap sediakan makan utk alas perut b4 keluar (walaupun simple aje). I'm sure they can afford to have bfast outside. But utk sediakan makan minum for the family even though during vacation/traveling that's an effort though.
ReplyDeleteHi Wani!! I Loveeee your outfits!!! If you dont mind where did u get the gorgeous blue top and the tweed jacket? Gorgeous gileeerr
ReplyDeletei loveeee love ur outfits! what brand is the blue top n the white jacket/cardy? how much are those, ey if u dont mind telling us? would love to buy one!
ReplyDeletewani, bag chanel tu btul2 beli ek. igtkan post about the Chanel bag b4 is about yg 2.55 look-alike tu. yg entry ade tulis "super thankies,D". sumthg like dat. rupenye bebetul beli.. huhu! cool!
ReplyDeleteu ni buat2 humble pulak... student la, tadek duit la.. tp pakai beg lv chanel sume ngalahkan org yg dah kerje 10 thn. bersyukur la sket beb..
ReplyDeleteeh eh sama la baju biru dan tudung biru itew macam ai punye ;p
ReplyDeletedid u alter the sleeves? ke guna cellotape? huhu
the food semua adalah sangat tempting!
ReplyDeletekaezrin: yup! so true. main beli je benda2 mengarut kan? hehee =P
ReplyDeletehannah: yes!! target has soooo many cute pretty tops! I bought 4 for myself! heee =)
reena: heh. yeah..its classy ey? tp nmpk mcm I da besar/matang pulak..huhu..Hmm.. takpe laa..
anyways..i suka gila that mng blue top! one of my favrets! =)
liyana: yup! dia memang mcm tu! hari2 sediakan bfast! she is super woman!! love her!
kay: thanks dear. the blue top is from mng. bought it few months ago. not sure if they still hv it or not.. and the tweed cardy is from a vintage store
anonymous1: thanks my dear. im not so sure of the prices la. dah terlupa. dah lama beli.. yg blue top prolly abt 159 kot..(or less?) not sure..and the tweed cardy is about 5 to 6 kot.. not sure jugak.. hee..sorry!
phyzurra: heeee. yup ;p
anonymous2: ha? what r u talking bout? hehe. of course i am very grateful with what i have. never complain about not having that particular bag or anything pun? what makes u say that?
oh well..a student IS a student. i dont earn any income, fyi. (cuz i dont work?)
so when i say i dont have money..that means i really dont have money la. it either i over spend my pocket money or.. i 'invested' somewhere else. heee =P
oh..dan..saya tidak pernah membeli bag dengan duit sendiri ya, harap maklum. tak mampu LAGI. semuanya atas belas ihsan papa saya.
sekian terima kasih.
along: manade alter. manede cellotape. huhu. aku kan gemok.. so boleh la 'sekat'kan sleeve tu kat siku aku. heee =P
lily lotus: SANGATT!! =)
kaezrin: yup! so true. main beli je benda2 mengarut kan? hehee =P
ReplyDeletehannah: yes!! target has soooo many cute pretty tops! I bought 4 for myself! heee =)
reena: heh. yeah..its classy ey? tp nmpk mcm I da besar/matang pulak..huhu..Hmm.. takpe laa..
anyways..i suka gila that mng blue top! one of my favrets! =)
liyana: yup! dia memang mcm tu! hari2 sediakan bfast! she is super woman!! love her!
kay: thanks dear. the blue top is from mng. bought it few months ago. not sure if they still hv it or not.. and the tweed cardy is from a vintage store
anonymous1: thanks my dear. im not so sure of the prices la. dah terlupa. dah lama beli.. yg blue top prolly abt 159 kot..(or less?) not sure..and the tweed cardy is about 5 to 6 kot.. not sure jugak.. hee..sorry!
phyzurra: heeee. yup ;p
anonymous2: ha? what r u talking bout? hehe. of course i am very grateful with what i have. never complain about not having that particular bag or anything pun? what makes u say that?
oh well..a student IS a student. i dont earn any income, fyi. (cuz i dont work?)
so when i say i dont have money..that means i really dont have money la. it either i over spend my pocket money or.. i 'invested' somewhere else. heee =P
oh..dan..saya tidak pernah membeli bag dengan duit sendiri ya, harap maklum. tak mampu LAGI. semuanya atas belas ihsan papa saya.
sekian terima kasih.
along: manade alter. manede cellotape. huhu. aku kan gemok.. so boleh la 'sekat'kan sleeve tu kat siku aku. heee =P
lily lotus: SANGATT!! =)
ok i'm sorry.. but when u say takde duit tapi tgk u bergaya ngalahkan org ada duit, that just stressed me out.
ReplyDeleteanyway, i like reading about ur trip. jgn lupe update lagi eh!
hi there.a question, how much are they selling the small classic flap caviar or lambskin in aussie or did you buy that in kuala lumpur instead?i heard the prices have gone up a notch so am just wondering how much are the prices in kuala lumpur.i'm dying to get one!thanks
ReplyDeletedangg! the food looks good ;) scrumptious! anyways, UGG is pretty big deal over here, at least in my university lol
ReplyDeleteand i still trying to figure how u could walk in 5" heels all around ;P that's impressive. i can't even walk properly in 4" heels at some dinner ahaha. good for u!
wani, your mum is a very beautiful lady!!
ReplyDeletewow!!!..bestnyer jd org mcm u ni..boleh g oversea sll. pakai branded item..best2..i ni xtau la bila, xmampu lerrr huhuhu...
ReplyDeletebest2~ suke sgt baca blog wanie.
ReplyDeleteu r so adorable =)))
gonna visit gold coast next year.
hv u eva been there? i need some tour guide..heee~ keep continue writing dear.