Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Hey guys! Listen up! I just have to share with you guys about this cool new stuff that I just found out!

The other day, a friend of mine told me all about this new iTalk Whoa portal. At first, I thought it is just another boring website or something, which I don’t really need.. but then after trying it for myself, ohh man..I LOVE it!! Seriously, this has got to be the first thing that I open, whenever I online noww =)
Anyways, this iTalk Whoa is actually a portal that can link to all the different social networks together! That means, it can link Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Google talk, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, AOL chats, Windows Live Messenger, etc and a wholeeee lot more!! How cool, ey?!

What’s more is that you can also use this iTalk Whoa to MAKE CALLS as well as sending Web SMS, whether it is to a local or international phone user (mobile/fixed)!
Yet another cool thing!! (Of course, this company is from TM itself. It would be somewhat weird if they don’t include this VOIP feature in this portal, right? hehe).
So now, you don’t need to use Skype anymore to call your friends/family that is overseas! Use iTalk Whoa, people! =)
That’s the best part of this portal as it offers a low voice-call rates and free calls from PC to PC! And users can enjoy nationwide calls, as well as for international calls with the lowest call rates!
Look below to see the rates for some countries that I have listed here for your easy reference (total countries that they cover is up to 79 countries, fyi).

I really think this stuff is SO great as it lets me to link all the major websites that I usually log in or log on to these four websites like Twitter, Facebook, YM, and Gmail.
So now, I only need to open ONE webpage and can enjoy all these websites without needing to enter four different username/emails with four different passwords on four different pages/windows/tabs! Heee. With this new iTalk Whoa portal, I only need to key in one user name and password, but can enjoy all those features!

F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.O isn’t it?! ;)

It lets users to make calls, chat using instant messaging, create e-mail accounts, and send web-based SMSes; a single platform which lets you organize your social networking.
It is indeed the best platform that will let you stay connected to your family and friends without the hassles of logging in to several websites.

Simple and fast. I like. =)

So why wait? Come let’s explore this iTalk Whoa now, cuz it’s truly fantastic, I tell you!



  1. sis... good entry... Bole keje ngan TM ni... send ur resume to me!!! ;)

  2. cool! i should try! thanks for informing wani!

  3. Rina Ahmad31/5/10 7:29 AM

    Whoaaaaaa! Really? from TM itself who invented this?? This is so awesome!


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