Do you ever notice that orange little sign/button on most website these days, that’s written “RSS” on it?
Oh well, that is what we called the RSS Feeds button! What is it for? Do you know?
RSS Feeds is actually stands for “Really Simple Syndication” which means, it enables you to get news feeds and updates on any topics from various channels - such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format, that interest you in a very convenient way, fast and easy! You really don’t have to check or be on the lookout on what’s coming. And that is why they named the thing as "Really Simple Syndication”. Because it really benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place and makes your browsing style simple and convenient! That's the beauty of RSS Feeds!
It delivers the headline, short summary and a link back to the full text every time an RSS news feed is updated. If you have been worried about giving your name and email address to subscribe to any newsletter, the RSS feed in iTalk Whoa! has come to your rescue. Subscribing to RSS feed does not require you to do so. No more e-mails and no spams too. Your privacy is assured.
And you will get updates automatically on your iTalk Whoa’s account.
For those who have got used to bookmaking pages, this is no longer necessary.
If you are a content owner or publisher, you are able to distribute your contents without being sent to the junk folder.
As a reader, you may get RSS Feeds from:
- Any newspaper – The star []
- At PC/Entertainment website – Apple []
- At blogger website
So how to configure RSS feeds on your iTalk Whoa’s account?
Lemme show you!
Select the RSS Feeds under Mail panel and click on New Group to create a new category/group
Pop up box [RSSFeed Category Name] will appear and please input any name for the new group – example News
Then click on button [Add]
Automatically the News Feeds will appear in current Category Panel as below:
To input any info on News category, just search for RSS News that interest you. In the example, the feeds gather from The star newspaper.
Just go to the The Star Url –
Scroll further down till the end of the webpage and you will see image as below:
The RSS icon is placed on the right click on it!
You may input or place any RSS in iTalk Whoa! for any website that have the RSS icon:

You may get RSS Feeds from:
Any newspaper – The star []
At PC/Entertainment website – Apple []
At blogger website
Go back to your iTalk Whoa’s account and highlight the News icon, input ‘Sport’ under ‘Feed Description’ and paste the url copied previously.
The Sport RSS url will appear and click ‘Add New’ button and the Sport RSS will appear in the Feed Name Box as below:
To view all the RSS Feeds for sport, just click on Sport under News at the Mail Panel:
All the Sport highlights will be display in split second and you can just click on any link to read/view the full story of the day!
Simple, and easy ey??
Sometimes, the link create does not appear immediately. Thus user need to wait for a few minutes before the link to appear. Or user may logout and login again into iTalk Whoa! to view the link.
oh, this is sooo useful! i never care about RSS feeds before.. thanks!
ReplyDeleteure welcome! =)