
Monday, December 20, 2010

Bad Hair Days. (More like Years)

Ladies, are you one of those people who suffer from hair loss or thinning hair or any kinds of hair problem? (please say yes, please say yes! So I won't feel like I'm the only one who has it! ;p)

Well, there are many types of hair problem, and they are: 'M' shaped male pattern baldness, 'O' shaped male pattern baldness, premature hair loss, female pattern baldness, post-natal hair loss, Alopecia Areata, thinning hair, drastic hair fall, grey hair, oily scalp, dandruff and the list goes on and on..  Well, different people, different problem.. So do you have any of these problems?

Hmm.. guess which one of those problems that I listed above, I'm suffering right now??

*take a deep breath...I'm about to tell the world, my embarrassing problem...tskk*

Oh well.. I know I'm still young, but...the amount of my hair that I've lost is really quite embarrassing.. *cries like a little girl* T_T
Hmm.. All my life, ever since I was a little girl and until now... wherever I go, when people see my hair, they've been complementing my hair, saying how dark and black it volume my hair is, how healthy, how nice, etc etc..

Until I get tired to hear them because I feel guilty (towards my hair) deep down inside because I knowwww, that is not how I see my hair...and most importantly, that is not how my hair really is! I feel like I've 'fooled' and 'lied' to them..
So I really felt guilty about thiss! Though I did not say anything to them and brag about my hair or's just, I really don't feel like it's okayy to receive such compliments when I actually suffer from a big big big really bigggg ( least to me ;p) hair problem...

Because the truth is.. the hair that they thought which is full, dark, volumed, healthy, shiny and black is actually suffer from a MAJOR hair loss! T_T

Yes, you heard me! My hair is thinning day by day! Probably because I had quite long hair..(Just cut it last 2 weeks, btw! Pheww) But, when I looked and asked around and see my friends and some other girls that have long hair too.. said that their amount of hair loss is still quite normal... And not that much...
Oh why oh whyyyyy the heck they don't have such problems like mine?! What do they do? Or eat? Or wear and use? Ughh. I have never ever dyed my hair. Never ever straightened it, or as the professionals call it as 'hair relaxing treatment' or whateverr, or perm my hair or whatsoever shyte to my hair! The ONLY 'evil' thing that I do to my hair (all my life) was BLOW DRY it, and it ONLY happens in salons, which only happens once in a blue moon! Seee!  So I have never ever treated my hair with no love and care..and let all the machines/hair color/chemicals/etc ruin my hair.. I never let it near those things.. And instead, I treat her with TLC - I did treatment, shampoo every other day, mask it once a week, use serum, etc.. But still, I have this problem! tskk.. How depressing! T_T

You wanna know how bad my hair is?? Well.. I lost MORE THAN 150 strands of hair, for EACH DAY! (Errr... This is actually not the accurate number. I just guessed, based on seeing the major amount of hair that I've lost..tsk) - Every time I wash my hair, I think the amount that the hair falls, is equivalent to the Barbie's total hair! Okayyy..I'm exaggerating.. But yeah, it was almost like I can make a doll's hair! Atas bantal, atas katil, atas lantai, dalam toilet, dekat sikat, etc etc...

You can find hair everywhere in my room! Eeeeeek! So uncool! And sooo messy! Ishh. =(
It's like, the hair is constantly falling for each minute.. Sigh..

Hmm... People who have seen me without the scarf may not believe me when I tell them all these epic stories of mine.. Because, if you see my hair might not tell that I have huge problem and suffer from hair loss..for about a few years already.. (erkk..only noww, I want to take some actions?! Hee)

Because if you see my hair now, it is quite full and volume, still. (Yikes, I hate that word!) But..the truth is, last time, my hair was actually fuller than these days.. - Hair back then, was double the amount now! Cubalah bayangkan, rambut saya yang sekarang orang dah kata tebal pun, still gugur banyak sangat2...So, cuba bayangkan rambut I dulu macam mana? haha. Err... Some say, my hair was like a helmet! And some even say, it's like a lion's hair- the straightened version! LOL.

It was too thick and too full!

Hmm.. but to be honest, I used to hate my thick hair..because I really thought having thin/fine hair is easier to style and would look so much nicer and neat.. but as I grew older, I knew that suffering from hair loss is so really uncool! I feel like an old lady now! =(

I like thick, volume hair. I have it, but now..I'm starting to lose it... Sob sob... - Lesson learned! We should really really thankful and appreciate what God has given us, kan? Tu lah, dulu tak suka sangatttt..sekarang Tuhan dah start tarik balik sikit-sikit.. Oh God.. I want my old hair back! tsk. I promised I'd be good this time!

Oh my god... Tak perasan, I dah type banyak! LOL. I do really talk a lot, eh?! haha... Sorry! Anyways.. So I decided to take action and precautions so that I won't have bald head when I reach 30's and won't scare my husband away..
So, after reading a few reviews, I decided to visit 101 Hair Care Centre, since I heard it's working..and the service/product is superb..

So I went.. and register myself. And signed up for their programme - For a 24 weeks hair treatment

At first, they would analyze your hair, your lifestyle, the products you've been using, etc..

Then, they'll suggest what should you use, how, etc..and explain about the details of our hair and so on and so forth..

Anyways.. Sally, my hair consultant said, my hair is experiencing an early stage female pattern baldness! So I really need to start taking some precautions, otherwise it'll be more worse... Yikes! Sounds so scary! (Thus..I signed up for the package immediately! LOL)

I asked the hair consultant that day, what caused hair loss.. and she said, these are the factors of hair loss (just in case you would like to know):
  1. Unhealthy Lifestyle - smoking, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, sleep late (erkk..that's me! patut la! Gotta sleep at 9 pm now! ;p), stress and pressure
  2. Poor Hair Handling - poor hair care products (low quality comb and shampoo, etc), frequent hair styling
  3. Aging - scalp aging, poor nutrients absorption
  4. Medication Side Effects - contraceptive pills, antibiotic, hypertension drugs, chemotherapy
  5. Meal and Diet - Imbalance diet, excessive weight loss, oily and spicy food
  6. Genetic Factor - high level of Dihydrotestosterone in blood
  7. Demodex Mites - scalp inflamation, shorten hair's life cycle, congested pores, weak and fine hair, excessive hair loss
  8. Hormonal changes
  9. Autoimmune Disease

So anyways, after I have signed up for the programme, my hair therapist brought me to the treatment room..and I did all this treatment (like in the video below) that was almost about 1 hour 30 minutes..

So each week, I have to visit this hair care centre to treat my hair, and show her some love..

Just done washing hair with their herbal shampoo..

This is the hair tonic

Steaming in progress..

Each visit, they'll record how much hair you loss..and you can compare and see the result later on, week after week! (This was the amount of my hair loss, after my second visit)

They'll serve this hot herbal tea (which tastes SO GOOD) every time you visit the centre! (I always ask for 2nd or 3rd cup of this tea! haha. It's sooo nice! Heee ^_^)

Hmm.. Let's hope my hair will get better and better from each visit! I really want healthy beautiful long hair! I don't want it to fall anymore! Hair is so precious to me! tskk.. 

Sekian! =)





As we all know, hair growth treatment require months or even up to years for it to see it result, ever wonder what you do at your current condition to hide your hair loss appearance? Seek no futher as toppik is your answer ! Year after year, more and more individual with hair loss problem found Toppik Hair Building Fibers as their instant solution for baldness. Now, lets take a look at this wonder and find out how it works on you!

Toppik Hair Building Fibers are being custom made by a group of scientists at USA after decades of research. By using state of the art patented nano micro-fibers which is structural similar to human hairs, Toppik Hair Building Fibers is capable of making strong electrostatic bond on human hair upon application, making your thin hair look thick and full in just as little as 30 seconds !

Toppik Mechanism
This bonding is incredibly strong whereby it resist rain, wind and perspiration . You can use it for any occasion, even for extreme activity such as sports. Yet, Toppik Hair Building Fibers is so easy to remove, just by washing it with shampoo is enough to remove it. It leaves no residual on your scalp and never clog your pores, hence, it is the best products for you when you are undergoing hair grow

It is so easy to be used, just sprinkle Toppik Hair Building Fibers on your hair, especially the bald spot and you will get instant result! In order to fulfill different individual need in term of hair colors, there are a few different color choices available for you.

You may refer to different color of Toppik Hair Building Fibers products here .

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More real life testimony are available here

For more info, feel free to refer to Toppik social media web:
Facebook / Instagram / Youtube: toppikmalaysia


  1. Hi, wani...

    Just happened to come accross your blog & found this post very interesting. I've been to y_N N_M before for trial, but the charge is too much...more than 10K! 101 also charge the same? kalau semua macam tu, hmm...memang tak mampu la jawabnya

  2. wani! i hv the same exact xberani nak pergi any hair care centre.please update more on ur hair ok.if its good, then i might consider to sign up for the prog! hehe.
    mmg everyday pon gugur banyak glr.mcm pt undergo chemo pulak.hoho

  3. dear, u n ur along due2 tgh ader hair probs too...nice to read the review fm both of u... - silent reader

  4. hi wani.
    takut pula bila baca entry u ni. i pun mengalami masalah yang sama. byk sangat rambut gugur. dah la rambut i nipis.
    tak mau la botak. waaaa... i muda lagi.

    nanti update la from time to time treatment u tu.

  5. omg wani..
    apa yang u rasa memang macam i rasa.

    orang kata rambut i tebal, padahal dulu lagiiii tebal..

    nnt bagitau result ths treatment..i nak pergi jugak nnti =)

  6. Hi Syazwani,

    How much was the 24 weeks treatment? Does it cost a bomb?

  7. I understand your feeling.. I pun ade masalah hair fall ms I duduk uk. Sama la mcm u, penuh rambut dekat bantal, tilam, karpet, toilet. Paling horror sekali ms cuci rambut. Serious kalau kumpul rambut yg gugur tu dlm seminggu boleh bt rambut barbie. Sampai at one time tu I jadi takut nk sikat rambut & cuci rambut sebab takut tgk rambut gugur. Hehe. Now dh blk Msia rambut miraculously dah tak gugur dgn teruk. Tak taw la kenape. Gembira sgt dapat blk Msia kot. Hehe.

  8. wany, i made special entry for u.. :-)

  9. wany... I'm also interested to know the rough amount u spent on the hair treatment. Coz i just signed up with Sv3ns0ns about a month back.. and it did cost a bomb.. and tu baru je cleansing scalp stage coz i didn't have the budget to go all out.. and tetiba dkt ampang bukak plak 101 haircare kan which is nearer to my house.. hope to get some info from you even though i know each person lain treatment given.. ;)

  10. Hey =) I hope you won't mind me asking this, how much did you pay for the treatment? Hope you'll reply, I think I may be suffering from the same problem =( anyways, how's your hair now?

  11. hey babe, just wanted to share my experience here. couple of months ago i went to Yun Nam haircare because my hair was falling off like raindrops, and i can actually see a bit of my scalp on the partition of my hair! i was so worried n horrified! then i went in and signed up for a three-month package. at first nothing happened, and the crazy chinese consultant kept saying that im gonna get bald if i dont add another treatment which would cost me rm3000 extra! they kept saying that my premature hair was falling off so bad and it wont grow again (well, u should know better, these kinda ppl would love to take advantage of us by ADDING extra treatments and what not) then they called my mom to convince her that im getting bald! my mom actually mengamok and said that they have to wait longer in order for the hair to grow (terer kan my mom? dia plk yg jd consultant -.-' hehe ) then luckily for me, after a few weeks, my hair loss decreases so drastically everytime i shampooed, i was ssooooooo hapy! and then i told the consultant "see! i told u i dont need to add more treatments, we just need to wait!!" she was soo shocked. padan muka. i am one satisfied girl, i can actually see my baby hair growing now :D so the conclusion is, IF dorg suruh u add on more ridiculous treatments, u should wait and think first, rationalize. becuz after all, they are after ur MONEY! sorry pjg sgt, i just wanted to share my experience, looking at the pics u uploaded, our treatments are about the same, hehehe. so i hope u'd take my advice! take care wani. xoxo

  12. having the same probs like yours. But you're lucky sebab ada duit untuk buat treatment T_T

  13. wani,me too having hair loss probs too :-(
    wani boleh tau how much its cost tak?

    to anonymous : u buat brape cost dia?nak pegi YNH tu, tapi takut nak dgr cost dia hahaha...boleh byr installment ke?so now ur hair loss problem dah ok ye?

  14. Went to this 101 in USJ.. but the effect is not good and services is really bad... keep asking me to sign another package... shit.

  15. So hows your hair now? thicker? and how much the cost for all and the package? and how many time per week ur visiting the haircare for treatment?

  16. Hai, may I know how much is the price for packages like yours? I know its getting more pricey nowadays but getting rough estimation of the price would help. Thanks!

  17. Hi! May I know how much the price for packages like yours? I know its getting more pricey nowadays, buy getting rough estimation would really help. And hows the result? Thanks in advance!

  18. Hi! May I know how much is the packages like yours? And is the result sayisgying? Thanks in advance!

  19. Hi. May I know how much is the packages like yours? And how's the result so far? Thanks in advance!
