
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

So Sorry..

It has been awhile since I last logged in to this site. Life has been really really busy these days..I'm juggling and planning a few things at a time..that's why. sobs. As much as I'm loving every second of my busy life these days, I still miss the old Wani who blogs though. Haha. Oh.. I miss my blog very much! :(

I'm so sorry if I keep you guys waiting for a new entry! I rarely tweet or even check my Facebook these days...and what more updating this blog! Heee. I only update my Instagram in the morning before I go to work.......andddd that's all! haha. ;p

And when I get back home, I'd be too tired to open my laptop..thus, can't update this blog. tskk.. Anyways, I'm in the office right now...I didn't bring my Maccie. - Lotsa photos in there, thus no interesting entry today! =(
My office laptop is so boring - not much of interesting stuff in here.. So, you just have to wait a little more.. Heee

I will try to blog tonight. Gotta get my passion back on track. heh. See you soon! Take care!



  1. u take care... i'll be waiting... hehehe...

  2. Planning a few things at a time?wedding salah satunya kah?saje nk gosip.hihi...

  3. Hi Wani,

    Salam Aidil Adha to you and your family.

