I love giving my husband this kinda note ;)
If someone asks me, "How's married life?" I would definitely say, "It has been so fun! ....and funny!" hehe.. Well....thanks to my husband who constantly makes his goofy acts and jokes with me! xD
So far my day with him has never involved with NO laugh and jokes yet! There will always be something funny for him to laugh about...or make a joke with! hehe. He is such a happy & funny man...and I'm a lucky & happy wife indeed! Mashaallah! :) Thank you sweetie for always brighten up my day although you really have no idea that you're actually cracking me up when you're not even trying to.. lol - Which leaves me feeling happy, everyday! I guess this is the meaning of happiness ey? Alhamdullilah..I've found my clown and penghibur hatiku! hehe
Anyways, one of the many things that I feel he's funny is because he thinks I'm an alien! To him, discovering things about me is really thatttt interesting. It's like he never really know what a woman is like, until he found me! hahaha. He generally knows what women likes...but never really know the behind the scenes part! lol. Cuz all these while, he never saw me getting ready to go out, or getting ready for bed...or even packing & unpacking stuff.. and et cetera. He likes to imitate me, and thinks that I'm funny for being such a girly girl..

So the first week of being married to him is total hilarious! He questions a lot about my girly side... Like...he finds it weird but amusing somehow, and asks me a lot of cute, silly questions. hehe. My husband would always stare and study me like a hungry kid who sees people eating ice cream on a hot sunny day, while I do my make up or wearing my scarf or even while I'm choosing my outfit-of-the-day! haha. I think he finds it entertaining how women transform their look with colors kot... So many random names he'd give me when he saw me doing weird things in his eyes at my dressing table - Chemist la, artist la...doctor la..or even biomedical engineer. -__-'.
Ada-ada je dia tu. But one thing is for sure; he definitely questions more than a five year old kid would!
"What's this for?"
"How many pins do you use for your scarf?"
"Why do you put the color only at one side of your lids?"
"Is this scissors?" (referring to the metal eye lash curler)
"Do you have like a 5-minute make up, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 1 hour make up?"
"What if you miss one or two steps of your regime? Will anything happen to you?" - I die, I replied. ;p

I asked, why do you like to stare at me? "I'm trying to learn and understand more about my wife..and how to solve her problems in life".
Rightttt. -___-
Anyways.... last weekend was the day we went to the new house to unpack our stuff and start storing and arranging them in the closet. While I store and put my stuff at their appropriate places in the room, he keeps on looking at me and say "So...this is what it's like to live with Shazwani Hamid, huh? hehehehee. This is gonna be fun!" - I'm not sure what he meant though. But whatever..haha
So on that Saturday night, while I was getting ready to go to my friend's wedding reception, I took out my new lip glosses from Vacci Luxe Collection make up that I packed with me. I arranged them according to the shades before choosing which one to wear for the night..

He thinks I'm weird for having so many lip glosses when "they all look just the same to me"

I said no, and I tried one by one to show to him that each shade has its own effect on someone's lips and faces.

See? They're all different kinds of shades, how can that looked the same?

Look how different I look in this two pictures?
Left pix, is a softer look - I wore an orange lip gloss. Right, is more intense look - I wore a red color lip gloss.
But he still thinks I look the same...
"You still look like my wife".
Men, they don't really see what we see, do they?
Ugh. Never mind.

So...this was my final look. After trying all 10 shades on my lips, I chose a softer color for that night since I already have quite a heavy eye make up on.
By the way, if you’re a lipstick and lipgloss fan, this Vacci Luxe Collection lip gloss might just be your dream beauty buy. With a lipstick and gloss in one tube, you can layer up your sexy lips in just one product! It has color + gloss in it. So it's easier to only bring one product instead of two, inside your handbag.
While the lipstick/color offers a richer, deeper hue with 10 shades to choose from, the gloss provides a high-shine, dewy finish with the added advantage of moisturizing, non-sticky, and lasts a good long time, even after drinking and eating. It smells great too! The price is RM 47.90, which is slightly higher than the drug store lip gloss, but you are getting two products in one and it's long-lasting and the shade is addictive!

I love trying colors on my hand first to see what it would look like on my skin before applying on my face.. The codes and names are as above. From left to right; 220, 330, 410, 610, 620, 510, 210, 320, 310, 110.
All of the colors are really pretty depending on your make up look. In general, I've always love orange, brown/nude and pink colors for my look.

My favourite would be the Cute Pink 330 (orangy-pink), Pure Red 220 (orangy red) and Pink Party 320 (sexy pink nude). I find the color “Pink Party” to be a gorgeous pink-nude color that is flattering on everyone! Definitely my best choice for the night..

The gloss comes in a nice portable tube by the way, making mid-day touch-ups is super easy. Now...go kiss your husband's cheek with this! hehe
Get your lippy here: www.hansaegee.com