So my Khatam Quran was held a day before I got married. We decided to have this ceremony quite at a last minute actually! Heck, we always make a decision about everything at a very last minute also! haha - Everyone seems to be very occupied with work for discussions, so....last minute planning is what would happen normally! -__-
Anyways about 3 to 4 weeks before the wedding, mom finally decided to have this ceremony, since there weren't so many things to be prepared and arranged for the event. There were only about six things to plan to be exact; order the food, make the dress, book the photographer & videographer, call the PA system guy, and buy the door gifts for the guests. That's all! Cuz the pelamin/stage, carpets, tents, table settings and etc were already installed for the wedding. Hence it's obviously convenient to manage two things at the same time as the effort that we needed to do for both events was only once! So having this Khatam Quran ceremony was just like killing two birds with one stone! hehe. We set the date to be on the 13th of December 2013, on a Friday morning just a day before the wedding...
Here's the highlights/snippets of the event/majlis. Took by the d&d Studio, a professional videographer who used to work with LH Media. I love his video! (But the date in the video is wrong though! haha. Never mind, he already edited it and will give it to me soon. Thanks guys!)