2 weeks away from my blog. Wowww.. Hello everyone! o___O
Sorry for the lack of updates! I've been sick these past couple of weeks. :( Back and forth to the clinic/hospital, and then when I was a bit better and free, I decided to use my free time to clean up my store room and clear out all my wedding stuff. It has been 5 months in there! - You know like all those extra items you bought for the wedding.. the "just in case they're not enough" kind of items? Like the invitation cards, the organza pouches or ribbons for the deco, or the door gift containers, etc etc? Yeah wedding could be such a waste of money if you don't calculate it precisely, right?! Any ex brides can relate to this? hehe xD
Well..in my case, we had four events, with five door gifts! So how confusing can that be? Haha. First event, was the Khatam Quran, which we gave each of our lovely guests a white fondant lace cupcake from Cake In Cups and a Turkish sejadah as the door gifts. Then the other three events, my parents decided to give the wedding favors from Fidani Chocolates all wrapped in three different boxes. One box is rectangle sized, one is round and another one is oval.. Just like the pictures below!
So imagine how my parents had to think which chocolate (they're different in flavor/size/wrapper) goes to which box, that goes to which event and how many pieces of chocolates and how many guests at each event! haha. Confusing much? Yes, it was a bit complex at that time, so evidently my dad ended up ordering a lot more boxes than we actually need! LOL.
The chocolates from Fidani were so fine, they finished fast! But for the Khatam Quran event, we had a minor surplus of the sejadah though. Some guests didn't turn up, which is normal.. so I already gave them away to the mosque, as part of charity.
However, we have this one particular item that's left in the room still! And they're too many that we could throw another wedding! Not kidding! haha
It's this beautiful jewelry caskets (the silver oval shaped box) that we used during my reception at the Hilton hotel. I really don't know what to do with it, they're a lot! I already gave some of them away to my friends! But there's still a huge box in the store room now that I decided to sell them off! I'm sure many women would like to have these beautiful pieces! ;)
Anyways, this Silver Plated Jewelry Casket Box is now for sale! I need to clear these babies off! We still have a few hundreds of them. My dad over bought the caskets for my wedding. This wedding door gift that my parents bought were from Istanbul, Turkey. They purchased them at 30 Turkish Lira (about RM 45) each. They got it at a wholesale price because we ordered more than a thousand of them. So if you were to purchase them individually at a store, it might cost you about RM 100 over EACH! tskkk - Please view Etsy.com, or any other shops if you don't believe me! (I also saw one at Great Eastern Mall, they're selling it at RM 270 each!!)
They've been in my store room for 5 months now and I really need to get rid of them! So right now I'm only selling it at RM 20 per piece! Yes, stock clearance price! - Price not including shipping though.
The shape is oval, and the thickness in its construction gives a heavy solid feel. The design has this amazing hand embossed and engraved decoration to all four sides and top of scrolling floral and foliate design, exquisite and finely detailed.
The top has a vacant cartouche in the centre which could be engraved with a name or dedication. Perfect for a vintage piece to be an heirloom! ;) The interior is lined with black velvet material giving you that posh feeling! It measures 10.5 cm long x 8 cm wide x 4 cm height. The casket is just so lovely in so many ways! You would love it! :)
Perfect and useful decor item for your vanity or bedroom! If you are interested to possess this beautiful vintage jewelry case for your own personal use or for the VIP wedding gifts, kindly please leave me an email at emailme@shazwanihamid.com.
Thank you and may you have a great day ahead! :)
Sorry for the lack of updates! I've been sick these past couple of weeks. :( Back and forth to the clinic/hospital, and then when I was a bit better and free, I decided to use my free time to clean up my store room and clear out all my wedding stuff. It has been 5 months in there! - You know like all those extra items you bought for the wedding.. the "just in case they're not enough" kind of items? Like the invitation cards, the organza pouches or ribbons for the deco, or the door gift containers, etc etc? Yeah wedding could be such a waste of money if you don't calculate it precisely, right?! Any ex brides can relate to this? hehe xD
Well..in my case, we had four events, with five door gifts! So how confusing can that be? Haha. First event, was the Khatam Quran, which we gave each of our lovely guests a white fondant lace cupcake from Cake In Cups and a Turkish sejadah as the door gifts. Then the other three events, my parents decided to give the wedding favors from Fidani Chocolates all wrapped in three different boxes. One box is rectangle sized, one is round and another one is oval.. Just like the pictures below!

The rectangular box, for the Nikah Reception

The round box, for the Putrajaya Reception

And the oval one! From the Hilton Reception
So imagine how my parents had to think which chocolate (they're different in flavor/size/wrapper) goes to which box, that goes to which event and how many pieces of chocolates and how many guests at each event! haha. Confusing much? Yes, it was a bit complex at that time, so evidently my dad ended up ordering a lot more boxes than we actually need! LOL.
The chocolates from Fidani were so fine, they finished fast! But for the Khatam Quran event, we had a minor surplus of the sejadah though. Some guests didn't turn up, which is normal.. so I already gave them away to the mosque, as part of charity.
However, we have this one particular item that's left in the room still! And they're too many that we could throw another wedding! Not kidding! haha
It's this beautiful jewelry caskets (the silver oval shaped box) that we used during my reception at the Hilton hotel. I really don't know what to do with it, they're a lot! I already gave some of them away to my friends! But there's still a huge box in the store room now that I decided to sell them off! I'm sure many women would like to have these beautiful pieces! ;)

It would look nice on your guests table, no? ;)

Shot by one of the guests at my wedding, which I'm not sure who.
(Please let me know who you are so I can credit your name. Got the picture from my wedding Whatsapp group, btw)
Anyways, this Silver Plated Jewelry Casket Box is now for sale! I need to clear these babies off! We still have a few hundreds of them. My dad over bought the caskets for my wedding. This wedding door gift that my parents bought were from Istanbul, Turkey. They purchased them at 30 Turkish Lira (about RM 45) each. They got it at a wholesale price because we ordered more than a thousand of them. So if you were to purchase them individually at a store, it might cost you about RM 100 over EACH! tskkk - Please view Etsy.com, or any other shops if you don't believe me! (I also saw one at Great Eastern Mall, they're selling it at RM 270 each!!)
They've been in my store room for 5 months now and I really need to get rid of them! So right now I'm only selling it at RM 20 per piece! Yes, stock clearance price! - Price not including shipping though.

The shape is oval, and the thickness in its construction gives a heavy solid feel. The design has this amazing hand embossed and engraved decoration to all four sides and top of scrolling floral and foliate design, exquisite and finely detailed.
The top has a vacant cartouche in the centre which could be engraved with a name or dedication. Perfect for a vintage piece to be an heirloom! ;) The interior is lined with black velvet material giving you that posh feeling! It measures 10.5 cm long x 8 cm wide x 4 cm height. The casket is just so lovely in so many ways! You would love it! :)
Thank you and may you have a great day ahead! :)